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Hello everyone! If you didn't see the announcement I made yesterday, The Rise of the Winter Wolf will now be getting more chapters on a regular basis again. Furthermore, the audiobook for book 1 of The Rise of the Winter Wolf will be coming out probably in the next few weeks.

And then there's the editing that the audiobook has gone through. Book 1 of The Rise of the Winter Wolf has gone through some light editing and I have a made a few changes to it. These changes include the following:

Wolf specifies how his family were technically hitmen or mercenaries for the government even if they were basically just assassins.
Lexi was changed to no longer try to hug Wolf all the time, making her more realistic and more mature in general.
Wolf no longer walks around all the time with his hands in his pockets, although there are still some scenes he did that in. But only when he was powerful enough that he wasn't tense or anything.

And I have to say, the narrator is doing a great job of putting life into one of my earliest books, making the issues I had with writing back then that I no longer have a lot more obsolete with his narrating.

Overall I'm rather excited to see how this audiobook goes with its release.



That explains so much. It answers all of the questions I had about why there were so many familiar names throughout the universe, and why a lot of the monsters and other creatures were in our folklore.

I remember back to the first time I went to Arcadian Live, where Mikaela was surprised about Earth having folklore about vampires without having any actual vampires. Not to mention how our galaxy apparently adapted better and were all fighting harder in the Administrator Dungeon at first as compared to most other galaxies.

This explains everything.

Although it does make me wonder if Astaroth knew about this as well.

“Enough about the universe and the other harbingers, I’m here to discuss a possible partnership between us,” Pestilence says while motioning towards the sofas in the room. And as I take a seat across a table from him, he continues, “I have heard that you were originally trained to be an assassin when you were young?”

I blink at that before shrugging and saying, “Well, sort of.”

“Sort of?” Pestilence asks with a frown.

“My family worked with the government under the legal designation of hitmen or even mercenaries, but they were basically just assassins,” I explain, not really caring about others knowing considering that it really doesn’t matter. “My sister and I were trained since we were young to take up that family business until my parents dropped it themselves after a dangerously close call.”

It was certainly an odd childhood compared to the normal person. And generally the only people who actually knew what our family did were a couple close family friends like Aidan and Lexi.

I frown as I remember Lexi. As I remember my goal for beating the Beta Dungeon.

Then I shake my head and ask Pestilence, “Why do you want to know?”

His smile grows slightly as he leans forward and says, “Well, as you likely know, I am the Ruler of the Underworld, the largest nation of assassins in the universe. And I would like you to partner up with us.”

That has me frowning even more.

He wants me to be an assassin? What would be the point in that? I’m already strong enough to defeat most everyone my own level without any sort of assassination plans. And by the time I leave the dungeon I’ll likely be one of the strongest people in the universe.

“Now, don’t get me wrong,” Pestilence says while leaning back again and waving his hand, “I’m not asking you to become an assassin yourself.”

“What do you want from my heir then?” Diane finally interjects from her place sitting behind her desk.

Pestilence glances at her and then focuses on me again, answering as if I was the one who asked, “I would like to support you and sponsor you in the dungeon, and having the approval of my nation is a must to do so. It’s as simple as that.”

I blink in surprise.

The approval of his nation?

Wait, so the reason he wanted to know if I was trained to be an assassin was… to know if his people would approve of me? Even if it’s only a superficial detail?

Interesting. Very interesting.

“So what do you say?” Pestilence asks with a smile that honestly sends a chill down my spine. “Will you partner up with me? Nothing will be required of you since I’m doing this to pay back your Lord on the behalf of my own.”

He’s paying back Jormungandr’s favor to Fenrir? If that’s the case…

“Alright,” I eventually agree with a nod. “So long as nothing is expected of me, I’ll agree to this partnership.”

Pestilence’s grin stretches even wider at that for a moment before he grows slightly more serious and says, “Then, as a small tip to my new partner, I should tell you something. About your ancestors.”

I lean forwards slightly, growing more serious myself.

“The Reaper and the Queen of the Fae are both locked in combat between their realms and will not be able to pay any attention to the universe outside of them for decades at the very least,” Pestilence says, no doubt passing along information from Jormungandr.

Now that’s good intel.

Those two have been interfering with things way too much over the past year. They’ve completely screwed everything up and changed how everything is going.

And while Titania has helped me a few times, I know she’s only doing it to curry my favor. That she doesn’t actually care about me.

She only cares about making sure I stay neutral in her war with Grim. Or, probably preferably in her eyes, that I even join her side.

And giving me assistance in surviving against Grim’s little toy box that he calls a Beta Dungeon is definitely one good way to do that.

Grim on the other hand just cares about entertaining himself. I doubt he cares even the slightest bit if I join his side of the war or not.

But with both of them out of commission for the time being… I can focus solely on climbing the floors of the Beta Dungeon.

“One more tidbit of information,” Pestilence adds, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Although this isn’t really something you’ll have to worry about. I thought I’d just mention it.”


“Lords Fenrir and Poseidon have a plan to stamp out the bugs currently targeting your sister in the place of you within the Progenitor Battlefield,” Pestilence says, immediately making me glare in response. “She won’t be in any real danger, so calm down. If things go as they plan, then one of your enemies will be dealt a devastating blow.”

My glare turns back into a frown again at that.

“Their plan?” I ask, tapping my finger against my arm as I cross my arms in front of me.

“Let’s just say The Friar’s military commander won’t be having a good time soon enough,” Pestilence says with a rather frightening grin on his pale face, the snake once again slithering across his eyes.



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James Nagy

And while Tiamat has helped me a few times, I know she’s only doing it to curry my favor. That she doesn’t actually care about me. Would this not be Titania? Or am I remembering the queen of faes name wrong?