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                                                          Amelia’s Tower

Amelia smiles as she watches her daughter testing out her new power on the devices in Amelia’s training room. A training room far more advanced than any she’s sure her daughter has ever seen before. Simply because it combines Earth technology and Blood Runes, with work combining the efforts of the greatest magi-tech engineer on Earth and the greatest enchanter on Tartarus.

And the sight of her daughter’s new power – power that would win out over demons of over fifty levels above her – makes it impossible for Amelia to stop smiling.

She’s grown so much…

Amelia continues watching her daughter for several minutes before her happy and proud smile finally begins to turn into a sad one.

It’s still not enough though. She’s going to have to go through even more if she wants to save the universe.

That thought leaves Amelia feeling dread. But unlike with the start of the prophecy, she can help her daughter this time.

And that’s just what she’s going to do.

I won’t let Scarlet die. No matter what.

Amelia clenches her fists at her sides.

Even if I have to sacrifice my own life to save her.


                                               Throughout the Universe

On the other side of the universe from Earth, a planet named Arese, full of turmoil, stands on the edge. One that is home to humans and various species of demihumans who have mutated over time into strange variations on humans, many of whom include elves, whose magical power is greater than humans, dwarves, whose physical strength is greater than humans, and halflings, whose dexterity is greater than humans. Meanwhile the Grand Council, led by the council of the three demihuman races, leads the war against the human races who vastly outnumber them in sheer population.

But the majority of these beings are no further than Class I in their ascension. Even the leaders of the Grand Council stand only at Class III in power.

And out of nowhere, in the middle of a large battle between the Grand Council and the United Nations of Humanity, a loud sound akin to glass shattering echoes around the entire world, making the conflict stop in an instant.

Above the planet, under the eyes of all of the humans and demihumans living on it, strange cracks begin to appear in reality itself. And within these cracks, nothing but the pitch black void can be seen.

Silence fills the planet for several minutes, only broken when strange creatures start falling out of the cracks in the sky. Creatures that look like eldritch abominations made of nothing but bug parts, carapaces, and tentacles.

First it starts with just a few across the planet-spanning cracks. Then dozens more.

Eventually an entire flood of creatures, all of Class I at minimum begin to flood out of the cracks, causing mass panic throughout the planet.

The strongest beings on the planet quickly rush out to fight the creatures, but they quickly find something strange about them.

None of the creatures have any life force to absorb after killing them.

This quickly decreases the motivation of the planet denizens fighting against them. Until they begin seeing Class II creatures leaving the cracks as well. Much larger creatures over twice the size of the first.

And their newfound motivation turns into panic when the Class III creatures start to swarm over the planet.

Soon enough, the planet becomes completely overrun by the void creatures, with the planet’s last hope being killed by the first Class IV creatures that pass through the cracks.

The planet is then left in silence after just a single week of invasion by the void creatures.

Unbeknownst to the fallen planet’s former denizens, a single pitch black eye radiating an evil light begins to crack open on the other side of the crack, only for it to close again as the creature it belongs to realizes it is impossible for it to cross through the crack just yet.

And thus begins the invasion of the void.

Meanwhile, on a planet known as Tartarus situated halfway across the universe from Arese, the witches all open their eyes as they begin glowing with an eerie light. And without a moment’s hesitation, the Demon King appears in front of them right when each of the witches begin chanting, their words echoing throughout the entire world.

“Prepare yourselves, for the Gaze of the Void has landed on the universe at last. The Void will spread its corruption throughout the universe, tearing apart world after world until its gaze finally lies on the demons within the decade. Prepare yourself for destruction, for the only hope of the demons has yet to grow. Prepare for the end of Tartarus.”

The Demon King grimaces at the news despite knowing that it was coming.

At the same time as the witches, the Purple Knight of Humanity starts her livestream, her own eyes glowing purple as she states, “The next era has begun. The Void is coming. Prepare now or all shall be lost. Prepare now, Wolf of the Blood Moon, for you are the last true hope for the universe.”

And all across the universe, various prophecies are told to every last planet with sapient life powerful enough to reach Class III for their seers. Some with the same level of detail as Purple and the witches’ prophecies, most with far fewer details.

But all with enough to cause panic across the worlds.

Meanwhile on Tartarus, the Demon Lords grow tense as they consider the ramifications of this on themselves and their own Clans.

On Earth, the Knights of Humanity all show various different reactions, each considering the effects of the prophecy on the war, and on who the Wolf of the Blood Moon is without a single one not being able to guess their identity. And Scarlet simply narrows her eyes as she pauses in her testing of her new powers, faintly surprised by the timing but not by the events currently happening.

Chaos reigns on both planets, but far moreso on Tartarus than on Earth due to the shorter time frame for them than the humans.

And finally, the Demon King turns his gaze to space around the planet, his eyes narrowing.

Then the chaos grows more when the planet suddenly shudders, the Demon King raising both of his hands, expanding his blood domain around the entire planet and beginning to move the planet itself away from the direction he senses the void creatures.

But all across the universe, everyone recognizes one thing.

The old era has come to a close, and a new one has begun.

An era of the end.


Here we go :)

Book 5 starts tomorrow as normal.


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Lol, he's moving a fucking planet! The casual disregard he is able to display for power dynamics is simply hilarious. Love it 🤣


Lets gooooo! Void War is beginning!

Joker Nijima

Thanks for the chapter!

John O'Connor

So do all these other worlds get the universal announcements? How terrifying if your most powerful is a Tier 3.


The System only exists on Tartarus and Earth. It hasn't spread to the other worlds because the only ones who can introduce people to the System are fae. And the other worlds don't have fae. They have other spirits that can give the people of those worlds their own ways to advance through the Classes, but they don't have a System. That's a fae thing only.


Hum how can moving the planet be useful, like he is powerful yes, but can he outrun the void invasion? While moving a planet and keeping it alive? (free miniature sun anybody?)


He has trust in Scarlet so he's just buying time. Basically moving away so that the void invasion will be focusing on the other planets they move past instead of them for a while.

Douglas Hoeflin

Will the other worlds be involved eventually or is it just going to be just earth and Tartarus or do you not want to spoil anything


Earth and Tartarus are the only worlds that can actually put up a fight. Until the Class VI Voided Overlord crosses over that is. So the other worlds are mostly just gonna end up destroyed until the void creatures reach Tartarus and Earth.


If I understood correctly, Lijwent had doubts about the basic survival of Tartarus's surface world. In addition to that I had doubts about what Arkaz did exactly with this move of his. If Tartarus is part of a solar system, then moving it away would require wrestling it free from that star's gravity well, which would require tremendous amounts of energy. Also, since it's been established that Tartarus has a day/night cycle, I presume that the planet is orbiting it's home star. Leaving the star behind would mean endless night in the future. I can't recall if Tartarus has any plantlife dependant on daylight, but if so, then the plantlife would just cease to exist in the future. The situation becomes different if Tartarus is a rogue planet traveling in the interstellar space in the first place, since in this case Arkaz could just adjust it's trajectory comparatively easily compared to the solar system case. But in this case the day/night cycle existing at all is contradictory without a star's light source. These issues can be perfectly avoided by moving the entire local solar system away, in which case Arkaz's abilities would honestly be at god-level already. I recall our Sun has the volume of around 1 million planet Earths, but I don't remember the mass comparison. The star will have most of a solar system's mass anyway.


Yeah survival on one side, also the speed necessary compared to the size of the universe and the distance the void can travel in a given time I mean our universe has a 15 billion light year radius, so assuming that distance between the void and earth (Tartarus is closer) and the few decades before the void arrive to the Earth, that means the void can travel really really fast (assuming they can go faster that light through the void or something and go "straight"), so Gramps needs to go at least a percent of that speed for his effort to have any effect, otherwise he'd better save his strength We are talking million of light year per year at this point, I mean his power are great, but to the point of going that fast... if he can go through another dimension sure(blood dimension? Fae realm?) (it would be fun for Tartarus to appear between earth and Mars or something 😂)