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The first one is as expected.

Same with the second one.

The third one isn’t one I necessarily expected but knew might be a possibility.

And the last one is a little surprising.

Which brings my total number of etched skill slots to ten. Which is more than I really need if I’m being honest.

“You do know that most people would strangle you for that casual dismissal of etched skill slots, right?” Tar points out, but I ignore the tanuki that just ate his own tail. And regrew it in moments.

Speaking of etched skill slots, might as well use a couple of them. Since I now have two mythic skills that are actually etchable.

I think of etching both Lycan’s Regeneration and Bloodborne Apocalypse.

[Please confirm that you wish to etch the skill Lycan’s Regeneration into your DNA.]

[Please confirm that you wish to etch the skill Bloodborne Apocalypse into your DNA.]

I quickly say yes to both, following which I feel a stabbing pain all over that doesn’t last long.

[Skill etching is now complete. You now have 9 etched skill slots remaining.]

{Lycan’s Regeneration has now been granted an etched boost and will be passed down to all of the user’s descendants should they have any – Pre-Etching: The most powerful regeneration skill of the species known by many as the Alphas of Pride and the original etched skill of the Demon King. All users with this skill are capable of regenerating from almost any wound as long as they still have mana. The skill also significantly increases their mana regeneration. Post-Etching: The most powerful regeneration skill of the species known by many as the Alphas of Pride. All users with this skill are capable of regenerating from any wound as long as they still have mana. The skill also significantly increases their mana regeneration.}

[Skill etching is now complete. You now have 8 etched skill slots remaining.]

{Bloodborne Apocalypse has now been granted an etched boost and will be passed down to all of the user’s descendants should they have any – Pre-Etching: The user sends a bloodborne apocalypse throughout their surroundings targeting any the user deems as enemies. The apocalypse includes the boiling of the target’s blood, spreading of every plague capable of being spread by the Apex Predator, the draining of the target’s life energy, and upon the popping of any bubbles of blood, the further spread of the apocalypse through projectiles made of their blood. Post-Etching: The user sends a bloodborne apocalypse throughout their surroundings targeting any the user deems as enemies. The apocalypse includes the boiling of the target’s blood, spreading of every plague capable of being spread by the Apex Predator, the draining of the target’s life energy, and upon the popping of any bubbles of blood, the further spread of the apocalypse through projectiles made of their blood hardened into blood metal.}

Oh? That’s nice. It listed the changes so I can compare them.

Looks like the only change in Lycan’s Regeneration is that it removes the word almost from the ‘capable of regeneration from almost any wound’ part. Which means I’m probably capable of regenerating anything now no matter what.

Although whether I get the time to regenerate it or not is a different matter entirely.

As for bloodborne apocalypse, reading through the description of it makes me think it’s exactly what happened to me during my ascension. So it’s dangerous as hell for my targets. Especially if thousands of enemies end up sending those projectiles everywhere just like I did.

I can’t help but suspect that it’ll cost a lot of mana to use though.

Now that the etching is done though, I focus on the last notification. Which is just one more requirement being fulfilled on that Title-Bearing Mythic skill that I’m pretty sure is going to be the Warden of the Red Plague. Just a simple “Reach Class V” achievement.

Easy enough.

Tar snorts at that thought but stays silent.

Well, the knocking is getting louder now. So I should probably finish up my bath.

Despite that thought, I continue lying here for a while before eventually getting out, putting on my clothes, and activating my armor. Then I finally dismiss the bath altogether and move over to the door where I briefly glance myself over, finding my hair still wet, and open the door to reveal a rather worried and somehow also impatient and annoyed looking general standing behind the door while tapping his foot.

“Howdy,” I tell him with a light wave of a single hand, stuffing my other one in my pocket.

He opens his mouth to say something, only to close it again. Then open it. Then close it. Then open it.

Finally he decides to give up on whatever he was gonna say and instead says, “Hello, Your Highness.”

I blink in surprise before lowering my hand and tilting my head as I ask, “Did you hit your head or something?”

Because that’s definitely not something the general I know would say. He would be getting into an argument with me right now.

Also, I think I just saw a vein pulse on his forehead. Or maybe I’m just imagining that?

Does that actually happen outside of tv shows? Where a vein on someone’s forehead pulses out of anger? Or is it just fiction?

Might also be that my senses are strong enough now to really pick up on things like that if it does happen.

“I think…” Tar begins, but I just shrug, deciding it’s not important, making him trail off instead of finishing whatever he was gonna say.

Anyways, my thought tangents aside, the general takes a deep breath and then says, “Congratulations on making it to Class V, Scarlet.”

Ah, he’s calling me my name again.

“Scarlet, is it just me, or are you acting a bit more carefree now? More like how you acted when we first me,” Tar comments, making me frown for a second before shrugging. “Almost like the curse doesn’t have as strong a hold on you now that your Class V.”

It’s possible. But I’m me no matter what, so I don’t care all that much.

As long as I don’t end up losing myself to my Sin or something like that again. Because that would suck.

Putting that aside for the moment though, I do wonder just how strong I am now.

I really want to go test it out.

“Miss Archeron,” the general says, making me briefly wonder if he’s just trying out different things to call me at this point, “please don’t destroy our training facility. If you wouldn’t mind, go find your mother and ask to use hers or something.”

I find my jaw dropping open at that.

Tar just laughs.



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Warning! This is a universal   notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has obtained an etched skill slot   through reaching Class V under the age of thirty years old!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Warning! This is a universal   notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has obtained an etched skill slot   through reaching Class V within five years of being initialized into the   System!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Warning! This is a universal   notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has obtained an etched skill slot   through becoming the youngest being to ever ascend to Class V!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Warning! This is a universal   notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has obtained an etched skill slot   through being the first being in the universe to get a mythic skill from   Class Ascension!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!


Briar Rosier

I just remembered tar bringing up the tournament type thing to decide the new fae monarch a while ago and it was never mentioned since. Is that still a thing/when is that going to happen?

Tanner Hinze

IIRC a few decades at the earliest, probably a century or more. The reason for that is that it’ll happen when ‘all contestants are ready’ (or something to that effect) and with Aria being the youngest and lowest level of the royal contractors she or belle, the newest, will probably be the last one to be ready.

Douglas Hoeflin

Personally for the tournament I hope there will be some sort of balance or method so that everyone is the same general power level otherwise I think it will just be the demon lords, maybe the knights and scarlet would be the only people with a change just due to mythic skills and level advantage.
