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I glance at Diane for a second before focusing on Pestilence again. The man is wearing a lab coat over a suit and tie with designs similar to modern clothing from Earth, and he has no weapons visible on his person. But considering that he’s an assassin, that makes sense.

He nods his head after seeing me and says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, young Wolf, scion of the Reaper, Queen of the Fae, and Primordial Wolf. I am Pestilence, harbinger blessed by the progenitor of poison, Jormungandr.”

I frown at that introduction.

Scion of the Reaper and Queen of the Fae I get, but why did he say scion of the Primordial Wolf?

“What’s this about him being the scion of the Primordial Wolf?” Diane asks, sounding just as confused as I am.

If I had to guess, the Primordial Wolf has to be Fenrir, and he’s using the word scion as a descendant of. But I’m not related to Fenrir at all.


I glance down at my chest where the amulet is, then back up at Pestilence who simply nods his head and says, “Through bestowing you with his blood, the Primordial Wolf has named you part of his pack. And when the time comes, that will be true in both body and spirit.”

When the time comes… does he mean when the pendant activates? Since it’s just been sitting on my chest doing nothing while invisible ever since it appeared.

Will the thing alter my body or something when it activates? The voice before said that it would activate on its own when the time comes. But when will that be? Will it be when I’m in danger? When I’m about to leave the dungeon?

Fenrir has only helped me so far, but am I sure I can really trust him?

I don’t particularly like the idea of someone else changing my body on me without my permission.

Although becoming his blood probably will give me an even stronger hold over the ice element, all things considered.

That said…

“How do you know all of this?” I can’t help but ask with a frown on my face.

Pestilence simply nods his head, calmly stating, “An expected question from one under the blessing of the neutral wolf.” He then glances at Diane before apparently deciding she can hear it too and focusing on me again as he says, “All progenitors are different in how they do things, but one commonality amongst them is that almost all of the progenitors meet with and speak with their blessed harbingers.” My eyes widen in shock. “There are only a few who are an exception to that rule.”

Are you kidding me?

“Then that means…” I start, only for the man to nod his head.

“You’re correct,” he says before I swear I see a snake slither across his pupils, “I have been speaking with my lord Jormungandr and obtained this information directly from him. After he obtained Lord Fenrir’s permission to give it out.”


“Wait, if you got Fenrir’s permission, then why didn’t Fenrir just tell me this himself?” I ask while furrowing my brows and glancing at Diane, only to find the woman looking rather surprised by all of this. Meaning she probably didn’t know about the whole progenitors meeting with their harbingers thing either.

Pestilence sighs at my question, bringing my gaze back to him again as he answers, “According to Lord Jormungandr, Lord Fenrir has a habit of never explaining his plans to others. He tries to manipulate everything himself without relying on anyone else’s help.”


That… does kind of remind me of myself, just a little bit. Considering how much I hate asking for help from others.

At least I explain what I’m doing though. Most of the time.

Putting my similarities with Fenrir aside for the moment, Pestilence seems to really respect the progenitors. Considering the whole ‘lord’ thing he’s doing.

Probably because they are practically gods of their own elements in a way, so there’s not really anyone who can beat them other than other progenitors.

Come to think of it, I focus on Pestilence again as I ask, “What about Arianais? Has he been speaking with the Progenitor of Water all this time?”

Pestilence tilts his head slightly before answering without pause, “Yes, the Harbinger of Water has been speaking with Lord Poseidon. That’s where a large majority of his support for you came from.” My mouth parts slightly in surprise at that only for him to add, “Fenrir and Poseidon are allies of a sort, so it makes sense that Poseidon would take an interest in you.”

Allies… of a sort? What does… does he mean that they’re friendly but not exactly allies? Since Fenrir is neutral?


Everything about this is confusing. And what is it with all of these progenitors having names that were found somewhere on Earth?

Poseidon, the god of the seas on Greek Mythology back on Earth. Fenrir, one of the bringers of Ragnarök in Norse Mythology. The Reaper, otherwise known as Grim, Tiamat, and Jormungandr.

All names found on Earth.

Makes me wonder if Earth was special or something.

I frown at the though before focusing on Pestilence again and asking, “Did the planet I came from before the Initialization have anything to do with the System or progenitors? Because there were a lot of common terms and names in mythology and folklore back on Earth even before the System came.”

Pestilence grins at my question. Then he glances at Diane who I find looking interested in this topic as well before he focuses on me again.

“Every universe has one planet that acts as its core, so to speak,” Pestilence starts, “a planet that is destined by the progenitor of destiny itself to always develop with at least some similarities. To never be fully destroyed. To share some hints of knowledge on the progenitors and notable figures of the universe.” He pauses as I find myself tensing slightly. “And our universe’s core planet is Earth.”

Holy shit.


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Nicole Hicks

Woooow!! Just drop that bomb!! BOOOM!!! It hit harder than I thought, but not as hard as it could. That is a cool explanation for that! I am sure that a lot of readers are going to be very happy with an explanation for that repeated coincidence you've made in this series. I know I am!! Very much so! So exciting!!!

Jalil Hayes

I agree didn't see it coming but made a lot of things make sense