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Now. Onto the very last notification.

There we go. And if what Tar said before was true, two of those three should be nullifying the poison of a Class V being while at Class IV and nullifying the disease of a Class V being while at Class IV, and nullifying a certain amount.

Which means I’m gonna have to go find a Class V demon or Guardian to poison me and give me a disease. Then I’ll go to the Arctic to find poisonous and curse filled undead to fight against.

I highly doubt I’ll be getting the Class V Catalysts any time soon after all, so I have time.

On that note, it’s annoying that the shades didn’t give me any SP. But at least I got plenty from the achievements, so it’s fine.

At least I won’t have to continue spending all of my SP on leveling Gradual Corruption Nullification to the max level. Because that would be a pain.

I take in a deep breath before holding it for a second and then, with a grin, opening my Skills Store with it set to only show Legendary and Mythic skills.

Oh. Wow. That’s a lot of legendary skills.

There are about seven of them after I focus on the ellipses.

And at this point Tar just doesn’t say anything anymore. Which I find amusing.

Looking at my status, I currently have a little over two thousand SP to spare. So I go on a spending spree buying up all of the legendary skills along with the mythic one.

And even after doing all that spending, it only costs me 540 SP in the end. Which leaves me 1547 SP left to spend on leveling up those skills. Or at least, the skills that aren’t Achievement-Locked skills that were etched by Gramps of Leonidas. Which do number a few.

After leveling them all up, I bring up each and every one of the new legendary skills’ descriptions, starting with the three achievement-locked skills and moving onto the four purchased skills.

{Blood Control – This skill allows the user to directly control the bodies of other users whose level is at least two hundred beneath their own. However, they may not alter the target’s mind in any way.}

{Healing Reversal – This skill allows the user to reverse any healing the target has undergone within a certain span of time dependent on how much mana is spent.}

{Princess’s Decree – This skill allows the Princess of the Demons to issue commands to any demon. These commands must be obeyed if the demon begin commanded is one hundred or more levels beneath the user.}

{Bloodwell Keep – This skill allows the user to make a special storage within their own blood that they can store anything non-living in.}

{Vampiric Ascendancy – This skill temporarily transforms the user into a vampiric creature who gains power from the blood of others. While under the effects of the transformation, the user will have an intense blood lust, making them struggle to hold back from drinking any blood around them. In return, the user gets power from all of the blood they drink along with an immunity to poisons and the ability to eat anything while transformed. All blood drank increases the regeneration, physical strength and speed, magical power, and maximum mana capacity for the duration of the transformation..}

{Scarlet Aegis – This skill allows the user to create a barrier made of blood that protects the user. The barrier can be set to completely surround the user’s body right outside of their skin or be created in the air as a shield.}

{Eldritch Blood – This skill allows the user to transform any of their blood spilled outside of their body into eldritch monsters made of corrupted blood plagues.}

Of the skills, Blood Control is obviously the legendary version of Leonidas’s Blood Dominion, meanwhile Healing Reversal is the legendary version of Amelia’s Reverse Healing, which I’m not too sure what the difference between the two is, and Princess’s Decree is the legendary version of the Demon King Title-Bearing Mythic skill Gramps has. Although I’m guessing it changes based on the gender of the user, otherwise I would find it rather amusing to see Leonidas’s skills list.

Of the skills, Princesses’ Decree and Bloodwell Keep are both passive while the rest are active. They’re also both static while the others aren’t as well.

Unfortunately the only ones I can level are Vampiric Ascendancy, Scarlet Aegis, and Eldritch Blood though. Since the others are all either Achievement-Locked or Static skills.

Thanks to that I end up raising those three to level 20 each, leaving me with 236 SP remaining

I stare at my status for several seconds before deciding to just go for it and raising Vampiric Ascendancy to level 25 with 235 more points, leaving me down to just a single SP remaining.

Alright. That should be it for all of the changes.

On that note, I pull that requirements System Message back up again to look it over.

{Congrats, you have leveled up to- Level up canceled due to you being at the cap of Class IV. Please ascend to Class V. To do so you must find and absorb five Class IV catalysts, have ten skills at their max level, have at least three legendary skills, have at the minimum Predator III, and have almost died at least once.}

Looking over the list of requirements, I already completed all of them but the five catalysts. Although I find it rather surprising by just how difficult those requirements are. Since if it were anyone else other than me, they’d actually have some difficulty with two of those.

The ten skills at their max level especially. Even I only have eleven skills at their max level right now, if we don’t count static as max level.

“The System doesn’t count static skills in it,” Tar answers, proving my point.

In fact, most people wouldn’t be able to get a purchased skill to its max level right now, since a purchased skill’s max level is 50. And my highest leveled purchased skill is level 30.

My inherent and achievement-locked skills on the other hand are why I pass the requirement with their max level of 30.

“Well you have to remember that lower rarity inherent skills are easier to level up than all of your legendary inherent skills, even though you’ve been blowing straight through leveling them up anyways by almost killing yourself over and over again,” Tar says, sounding more than a little indignant in that last part. But I act like I didn’t notice. “I can hear your thoughts, remember?”

I still act like I didn’t notice.

Tar snorts, but I quickly turn my attention towards the side of the roof where I find someone appearing out of nowhere.


The man waves with a faint smile on his face as he begins walking over to me.

Wonder what he’s doing here?


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System Notice

User has completed four out of seven of the necessary achievements   in order to obtain a Title-Bearing Mythic Skill.

The achievements they have completed include the following:

having reached Class IV before turning 20 years of age.

By nullifying the curse of a Class V being while at Class IV.

having both blood magic and null magic or being descendant from a   user with them that has etched their skills.

By having Gradual Corruption Nullification.

Complete the final three achievements in order to attain the   Title-Bearing Mythic Skill.

Skill   Name:

Achievement   requirements:



SP   price:

Lycan’s Regeneration

See   Notification.

The most powerful regeneration skill of   the species known by many as the Alphas of Pride and the original etched   skill of the Demon King.

All users with this skill are capable   of regenerating from almost any wound as long as they still have mana. The   skill also significantly increases their mana regeneration.

Active   Achievement-Locked



Vampiric Ascendancy

Unlocked by killing a being far more   powerful than yourself through allowing it to mutilate you in return for   taking damage itself without any assistance, unlocked by killing a being with   a skill empowered by a vast amount of that beings own life energy, by being   Class IV or above, by using several legendary or rarer berserk skills that   cause damage to oneself during use, by having used blood magic to kill over   one million beings within two years, by losing yourself to a curse, and by   having blood magic.

This skill temporarily transforms the   user into a vampiric creature who gains power from the blood of others.

While under the effects of the   transformation, the user will have an intense blood lust, making them struggle   to hold back from drinking any blood around them.

In return, the user gets power from all   of the blood they drink along with an immunity to poisons and the ability to   eat anything while transformed.

All blood drank increases the   regeneration, physical strength and speed, magical power, and maximum mana   capacity for the duration of the transformation.




Scarlet Aegis

Unlocked by killing a being far more   powerful than yourself through allowing it to mutilate you in return for   taking damage itself without any assistance, by taking enough damage to both   your reality and body to kill a normal being at your level over a hundred   times over, by coming closer than most could survive to death at least ten   times within a single year, by being known by many as a protector of an   entire race, and by having blood magic

This skill allows the user to create a   marrier made of blood that protects the user. The barrier can be set to   completely surround the user’s body right outside of their skin or be created   in the air as a shield.






Thanks for the chapter!

Joker Nijima

Thanks for the chapter!