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I spend the rest of the council meeting watching in boredom as Luna casually flies all over the room, simply enjoying herself. Although I have to admit, seeing the way everyone is keeping their eye on her with more than a little wariness in their gazes is amusing.

Then again, despite being a tiny and adorable little bat, she is one of the three highest leveled beings in this room.

Speaking of, I turn to Astrid and ask, “So how’s Luna been doing as a protector?”

Astrid actually chuckles at the question and answers, “Pretty well, in fact.”

Oh? That’s an interesting reaction.

It doesn’t take much to get Astrid to tell me about what happened. And I’m not the only one who finds it amusing, considering the smirk I find on Ethan’s face.

Luna’s power and actions are pretty much contradictory to her appearance. It’s hilarious.

Just a tiny, adorable little bat sleeping one moment and then tearing the throat out of a Tier 2 enemy the next.


Luna’s antics aside, the rest of the council meeting comes to a close without anything of note happening. Leading me and the others to reappear back at the Retreat.

I immediately stretch my arms a little before waving at Alara and Astrid and walking out of the building. Then I teleport out of the base and towards my clearing.

It’s been days since I’ve had a good night’s rest, so I’ll take a short nap and head to the dungeon again after that.


                                                        Within Varsac’s Office

Varsac crushes the glass in his hand as his anger gets the better of him, shocking the other people in the office – each being subordinates of Varsac. But he quickly regains his composure with a deep breath.

The Reaper is in our Block. What the hell are the chances of that happening?

The king of the newly established Varal Kingdom was absolutely certain in his chances to become both the Dimensional Leader and Champion, giving him a significant boost in authority within the Dimensional Block. Both in Authority Level and influence.

But with the Reaper being in the same Block as him, he automatically loses any chance he ever had at getting the Dimensional Champion position. And in addition to that, he also has to deal with a power that can become a significant threat to his nation. One that will be able to negotiate on even terms even if she isn’t ruling a nation herself.

Considering her current level and that pet of hers that was flying around everywhere, she may end up in the advantage in negotiation…

And that’s not even considering the presence of that hellfrost dragon who seems to be strangely interested in the Reaper.

Varsac clenches his fists again and slams them on the table, sending a large crack running down the middle of it and once again shocking his subordinates who have stayed silent as he gathers his thoughts. But they all immediately grow tense when he raises his head and declares, “Do not antagonize The Reaper in any way, and the same goes for the son of the Ancestral Dragon. We cannot risk getting on their bad sides, no matter how many forces we may have. And send more delegates their way to build a good relationship with them.”

Most of the subordinates in the room immediately nod their heads or voice their agreement, but one of them looks confused.

Varsac narrows his eyes on that subordinate, one of his newest subordinates, and asks, “Do you have something to add, Jasmine?”

The woman gives him a salute and says, “Yes, Your Majesty. I would like to ask why we are placing so much importance on her. Even if she is a Class S species and a higher level, what can one person do?”

The new Dimensional Leader frowns and looks to his prime minister, prompting the man clad in black to answer, “The answer to why we place importance on the Reaper is simple, Marquess Jasmine. She is a quantum being. You know what that means, right?”

“She will grow to be immune to most physical damage, to status effects, and to anything that directly affects the spirit including scrying, divination, and various soul related magics,” Marquess Jasmine states, using the common facts about quantum beings from before the Reset. Facts that some don’t believe simply because the only known quantum being aside from a few who only popped in and out of the universe was the System’s Creator. A man who few trusted. “But doesn’t that mean we should be dealing with her now instead of waiting for the future when we may cross her and she’ll be too strong for us to deal with?”

“Marquess Jasmine, people do not cross quantum beings if they want to remain alive,” the prime minister states. “They are able to directly manipulate energy on a fundamental level. Which means they should theoretically be able to use every elemental affinity as long as they learn to recognize and control it.” His eyes narrow. “Now does that sound like someone we would want to piss off?”

She opens her mouth, only to close it again and answer, “No, it doesn’t.”

Varsac sighs after that’s been dealt with before he decides to add, just to sink the point in, “Besides. She’s the number one highest level user within the System right now and a Class S species. There’s a significant chance she would be able to escape if we tried attacking, at which point she’d just grow stronger. And more importantly…” he turns his gaze towards the woman, making a shiver run down her spine. “There are bound to be brainless humans amongst the throne of people within the Block who will attack her, and we’ll find out just how powerful she is then.”

“Understood, Your Majesty,” Marquess Jasmine replies while kneeling down on one knee and bowing her head.

Glad I didn’t have to deal with her.

Varsac glances towards the window of the massive room he and the others are in. One built for giants. And after a few seconds turns back to his subordinates and gets back to the discussion at hand.

“On to the topic of the Calamity Class monster.”


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Thanks for the chapter!


Wasn't the Immunity to Scrying and the other stuff part of a Skill that she doesn't have active?


No, it's not. That is just a random skill. What they're talking about are racial skills. She also doesn't have immunity to scrying or divination yet. Even with that skill it would only be a weak resistance.


Potential plothole, she and the former system admin are the only recognized quantum beings in the world. Yet a king has access to knowledge on their racial bonuses as if it's common knowledge.


You do remember that it directly specified how some people believe the Creator of the System himself went around spreading that information, right?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.