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The meeting proceeds over the course of the next few hours with the leaders discussing each critical topic first and then moving onto topics that are extremely minor. And throughout the process I only speak up a few times, mentioning my support for one thing or another. And amusingly enough, everyone immediately goes to vote for whatever I supported when I do.

In the end, all outsiders will only be allowed into the Block at certain areas and must be marked when they enter. They will then have a tax of thirty percent of anything they buy and sell within the Block during their time, and will also have to pay a fee in order to enter any dungeon to the owners of the dungeons.

Dungeons on the other hand were distributed based on whoever owns the islands they are on. And they also decided that the Champion – me – should have access to all dungeons regardless since I’m their shield against invaders. Just like how Champions were before the Reset, since if a Champion loses in a duel against another Block then the other Block can take us over.

And they care more about not losing to another Block than they do any fear or rivalry they may have towards me.

Ethan also bullied his way into getting the same access, which was amusing to see.

Just a straight up “I’m going to enter any dungeon I find regardless of who claims it” and then silence after that, not giving anyone a chance to speak.

I smirk at the memory as I continue sitting down, waiting for the timer to finish counting down to zero on the corner of my view.

At this point everyone is waiting in their booths doing some last minute deals, so there really isn’t anything to do. Even Ethan went quiet, seemingly running out of things to talk about.

Overall the different nations – which is what everyone is starting at this point – are all mostly independent of each other aside from various alliances, and territory is claimed by military might. Meaning wars between factions is perfectly fine and actually suggested to grow stronger.

This, of course, being a suggestion from the strongest and most influential people in the room that knew they weren’t going to be attacked.

I don’t really care about that though. In fact, I welcome a simple system like that. Makes things a lot easier for me to get something I want.

Although ruling is not something I want, so I’ll probably just ignore the borders and do what I want anyways.

It’s nice being the Dimensional Champion.

A couple people actually tried fighting at one point and found it to be rather pointless thanks to the System’s protection. Which was amusing to watch but only slightly.

I sigh at the thought before my focus returns to thinking about the dungeon I left. When I get back I’ll be going into the dungeon again right away, so it might take me a bit to get out again. Especially with those annoying puzzles and Chaos Monsters.

And that was just one of the many, seemingly infinite temples that I was trying to enter.

So it’s gonna be a pain.

Although if the monsters from the trap are already Chaos Monsters equivalent to a Class B species, what would that make the boss of the dungeon? A Chaos Monster on par with a Class A species?

That doesn’t sound very pleasant to deal with.

Also means that the others should avoid Tier 2 dungeons for a while and level up outside of the dungeons for now. Or at least only stay at the start of the dungeons.

Yeah, that sounds like a better idea. There weren’t any Chaos Monsters at the start of them.

I glance at Ethan, briefly regretting that it isn’t possible for him to train my adaptation right now.

Stupid System Protection.

If I could have him attacking me during this then it wouldn’t be a waste of time.

I turn my attention towards Varsac and frown.

He wanted me to visit his nation soon, but do I really want to do that? It would be annoying and a waste of time.

Then again, guess I can drop by when searching for a Tier 3 dungeon later on. That shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Could also ask him to help point me in the direction of one.

On that note, I focus on the icon in the corner of my screen that had appeared after the Dimensional Leader and Champion were named. And immediately after doing that, a notification appears in front of me.

Yeah, I like the authority of a Level 5 Authority holder. It’s rather nice.

I should save that one veto though. In case I need to use it in the future.

It’s not likely that I’ll have my Authority Level increased again anytime soon, after all.

Well, unless I figure out how Varsac raised his Authority Level, but he just smiled and didn’t say anything when asked by anyone who tried earlier, so it’s not likely I’ll get that intel from him. Which leaves me figuring it out on my own.

I remove my head from my hand and cross my arms while looking up at the ceiling.

Please let the timer finish faster.


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The perks granted to the Levels of Authority the user has and   below are as follows:

Level 1 Authority Holders get a single vote on the Dimensional Council of their   Block and are granted the right to pass through the Dimensional Walls with   three other users.

Level 2 Authority Holders get three votes on the Dimensional Council of their Block   and are granted the right to pass through the Dimensional Walls with ten   other users.

Level 3 Authority Holders get five votes on the Dimensional Council of their Block   and are granted the right to pass through the Dimensional Walls with   twenty-five other users. They also are granted the ability to temporarily ban   one user from passing through a Dimensional Wall every month for one week.   This ability may only be used on those with a lower Level of Authority than   the user, and it targets Authority Holders and non-Authority Holders alike.

Level 4 Authority Holders get ten votes on the Dimensional Council of their Block   and are granted the right to pass through the Dimensional Walls with fifty   other users. They also are granted the ability to temporarily ban three users   from passing through a Dimensional Wall every month for one week. This   ability may only be used on those with a lower Level of Authority than the   user, and it targets Authority Holders and non-Authority Holders alike.

Level 5 Authority Holders get fifteen votes on the Dimensional Council of their   Block and are granted the right to pass through the Dimensional Walls with one   hundred other users. They also are granted the ability to temporarily ban five   users from passing through a Dimensional Wall every month for two weeks. This   ability may only be used on those with a lower Level of Authority than the   user, and it targets Authority Holders and non-Authority Holders alike.   Lastly they are granted the right to veto one decision made by the   Dimensional Council in their lifetime.



Once in a lifetime seems rather useless considering they are immortals, hope the next level give a more reasonable time frame



Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.