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After deciding that what Class they are doesn’t matter right now, I start firing Quantum Bolts at the monsters again while occasionally using Waveform Manipulation on the flames around them, finding that every time I do so makes it less likely for it to work again afterwards. An annoying side effect of the skill. As if the wave-particle duality grows more and more resistant to change every time the skill is activated on a certain area.

Resistant or not though, it still manages to take out another two of the six remaining beasts, leaving only four left after a wave of orange fire envelops one of them and the other is frozen completely solid in ice. And that’s a much more manageable number than dealing with all of them.

I try to once again use my polearm, but the weapons still fails to do any real damage, proving that the strength of these beasts’ bones is stronger than I can really damage. A prospect supporting the theory that they may be some sort of Class B monster of sorts.

The monsters don’t just sit there and take my attacks either, the four of them each trying to surround me as I use my polearm and occasionally getting a bite in. Although not a very painful one, considering my physical damage immunity. What hurts more is the frost fire that starts licking at me when they bite me.

And every time that happens, I notice a difference in my soul. As if the pale blue flames are somehow slowing down the speed of my soul. Which seems to be the cause of my skills acting sluggish.

I grit my teeth as I try to teleport out of the encirclement, only to be stopped by another frost fireball. Then I basically give up on teleporting as I send more Quantum Bolts their way, occasionally denting and glitching away some of their bones.

Time passes and I eventually manage to kill the four creatures, albeit not until after spending so much soul in that one fight that I find myself turning around and leaving the temple behind as I head back towards the closest Safe Zone on my map.

As I walk though I let my System Messages play through, only to pause at the sight of the last one.

[Level 220-223 Fallen Beasts Defeated – User’s earned EXP has been increased by a significant portion due to killing a being whose level is thirty or more levels above their own.]

{Congratulations! You have leveled up to level 180! Your Species has awarded you +2 VIT, +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN. Your Class has awarded you +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN.}

{Congratulations! You have leveled up to level 182! Your Species has awarded you +2 VIT, +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN. Your Class has awarded you +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN.}

{Congratulations! You have accomplished the Feat, Chaos Killer, for being the first being in the System to kill a First Tier Chaos Monster! As a reward two of your skills chosen at random amongst your equipped skills will now be leveled up one level each!}

Uh… what’s a Chaos Monster?

I stare at the message for several seconds before taking a glance at my status and wincing again at my lack of soul.

And even that small amount is after leveling up a few times.

I continue running through the wasteland for a while, not teleporting due to my lack of soul at the moment, until I make it to the Safe Zone and collapse in a heap on the icy ground, uncaring of the cold. Then I just lie there and stare up at the sky, unsure about what just happened.

Judging by the power of that monster, I doubt it was a Class A level monster, so am I to take it these Chaos Monsters were added into the Reset to emulate Class B versions of monsters? Or, considering that it said First Tier… does that mean there are more? Like Second Tier monsters as well or something like that?

The thought of finding Class A equivalent monsters in dungeons sends a shiver down my spine even if I’m still a higher Class than them.

Just these fallen beasts were a lot to handle. Although that’s largely because they were about forty levels above me.

Mostly because of that, actually.

If they weren’t so much higher leveled than me, then it probably would’ve been easy to defeat them just like the other undead I’ve fought so far.

But if I struggled against them a little, how would Class B species fare?

I purse my lips slightly at that thought before shaking my head.

Then a thought comes to mind that has me stiffening up with a shiver running down my spine.

What if there are Calamity Class monsters in dungeons somewhere?

The idea of running into something like that not-dragon dragon currently flying through the skies in our Block is not a very pleasant one. Although at least I should be close to their level in the dungeon. I have no idea how strong that not-dragon dragon thing is. Aside from it being strong enough to chomp on islands.

I sigh while opening my status again and simply watching my soul gradually regenerate.

If push came to shove, I could’ve taken some soul from Luna. But that was a last resort.

And taking soul from her now when I’m not even in danger isn’t something I want to get in the habit of doing.

Come to think about it, I wonder how Luna’s doing? Pretty sure she was going to be defending the base while I’m away.

I haven’t really seen Luna battle much since she’s always going off on her own, but her level along should be enough to fight rather well. So I’m not worried.

This is going to be a long and boring wait though.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Alexia   Knight

Species:   Quantum Reaper(T2)

Level: Level: 182

Class: Quantum Reaper

Soul: 961/15,862.5

VIT: 544

DEX: 544

STR: 544

MAG: 725

MEN: 725

Racial Skills

Active Skills

Passive Skills

General Skills



Thanks for the chapter!


How does Astrid has 25k mana and 17k health while Alexia has only 15k soul?


Typo. It's been fixed. Astrid had an extra zero on her mana and health stats that she shouldn't have had. Also you listed the wrong stats even with the typo there as it didn't state 25k mana, it was 35k mana in the typo. Astrid has about 3.5k mana and 1.7k health.


Right yes my bad, also the 1st number is also wrong then (14001 and 12405)

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.