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A few days later

I let out a yawn as I walk through the 236th floor of the dungeon while looking at the System Forums and a screen hosting the betting poll over Sapphire, both of which are opened in front of me. Meanwhile I simply let the ice element released by my body freeze any undead monsters that try to approach me.

It’s amusing to see how much attention Sapphire is getting, but it makes sense. After all, no one has ever left an Administrator, or in our case Beta, Dungeon before it finishes before. So she’s like a celebrity. Even if she’s not the actual Beta Tester competing in the dungeon but the soul-bound companion of one.

Then again, the System and pretty much everyone else always treat soul-bound companions as their own people. Since they really are. Just with a close bond to their bond holder that is most of the time like that of a child to their parent.

Even after three days though it doesn’t look like anyone’s found Sapphire on Aegis, so now they’re just making bets using the System about how long she can remain undiscovered or who will find her. They even made a little bounty thing for whoever finds her first.

Obviously without actually doing anything to her after finding her. They just need to send in a picture of her through the System Forums and they’ll be paid quite a large sum.

‘Daaaaad!!’ Sapphire complains using our bond, making me smirk slightly in amusement. ‘Can you make them stop!!?’

‘Now why would I do that, Sapphire?’ I ask, my smirk turning into a full-blown grin. ‘You’ve always been quite happy with my little cult, so how about you enjoy your little bounty hunters?’

She whines in my head.

‘Besides,’ I add with a shrug that she can’t see as I continue freezing undead simply by walking by. ‘It’s not like they’d stop because I said so anyways.’

Sapphire grumbles at that but in the end agrees and closes the bond again.

Guess she was almost caught by the bounty hunters again?

Despite her whining, I can tell she’s having fun on Aegis. So I’m happy for her.

It must suck to be born in a dungeon and spend your entire life there, so this lets her get out and do what she wants.

As for me? It gives me alone time again. Something I’ve had precious little of since she got her humanoid form.

Not that I’m complaining. She’s great and all. But going around everywhere with a daughter who is quickly approaching her teenage years is not always the most pleasant thing.

I grin at the thought that maybe some of that teenage rebellion that she may very well go through – I can hope that she won’t because she’s not a human – will happen on Aegis where others will have to deal with it instead.

After spending several more minutes just walking along, freezing undead as I look over the System Forums and the various different bets going on over Sapphire, I finally close out of all of the screens in front of me due to the sound of some rather large and loud footsteps. So I look up and narrow my eyes, trying to spot what I hear. But I can’t find it.

I transform into my hunter form before letting out a faint snarl, flapping my wings once, and rising up into the air before flying straight towards the sound. And after several seconds of flying, breaking the sound barrier in the process, I finally find the source of the noise.

A giant skeleton wearing armor. One spanning a couple dozen meters in height.

_-| Unnamed – Undead Titan – Level 2705 |-_

It’s only a dozen levels above me.

I think I like undead. They’re not very hard to kill.

Except bone dragons. I don’t want to see another bone dragon ever again.

Unless it’s a lower level than me. Then it’s fine.

This floor theme seems to be different from others in that it’s a hazardous floor theme, but in the sense that it spams low leveled monsters at me instead of bothering me with the environment. Lots, and lots, of lower leveled undead. Monsters all a dozen or so levels below me.

Which kind of makes them easy to deal with.

Even the mini bosses, which are still higher leveled than me, aren’t a problem.

I grin as a rush of adrenaline from the fight floods through me and I pull my fist back right as I arrive in front of the creature and punch straight through its chest, shattering it without much trouble and continuing on a bit past the titan until I stop and turn back around. And right after turning around, I find a flood of skeletons down beneath us all flowing into the undead titan to refill the bones I had just blasted through, leaving it without any injuries within seconds.

Well that’s annoying. Reminds me a bit of the bone dragon.

So I repeat what I just did, and it repeats itself as well. Then we just go on a loop without the titan really being able to do anything until I get tired of this byplay, spread my arms out on both sides of me, and send a massive wave of ice throughout the area, freezing everything in an instant.

I lower my hands again, only to frown slightly when a red light begins to shine from the undead titan.

An undead using fire? I’ve seen them before, but they aren’t common.

I back away a little, following which a large blast of flames shoots out of the undead titan, melting the ice from everything around us. Although it also melts the skeletons that are frozen.

But instead of feeling happy about that, I grimace at the sight of the melted bone – which I didn’t think was even possible for bone to melt instead of turn to ash – all beginning to merge with the titan.

The titan quickly starts shooting up in size, clearing three dozen meters in height, then four, and then five dozen. And it doesn’t stop until it reaches somewhere around a hundred meters in height, leaving me smaller than its finger.

Well, this is annoying.


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Thanks for the chapter 🐺

Jalil Hayes

Another amazing one keep it up