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A few days later on the 230th floor

“Okay, so…” I hear Sapphire mutter as we both sit back, simply watching the giant six-meter-tall ice-armored bear getting brutally torn apart by my army of arctic lycanthropes while I hold it in place with all of the ice in the area. Despite the fact that this boss monster, the boss of the icy mountains floor theme, is two hundred levels above me on the dot, sitting at level 2781, it’s not actually much trouble for me. I glance at Sapphire when she finishes, “…this is a boss, right? Like the bone dragon?”

I focus on the monster that is struggling rather hard to not die while overwhelmed by thousands of arctic lycanthropes, most of whom are in the forms of smaller bears or primal wendigos – things I was rather surprised to find as regular monsters. And at the same time, I just continue twirling my finger around, directly controlling the massive amounts of ice element in the area to keep the boss locked in place.

“Yeah, it is,” I answer Sapphire with a smile on my face. One of clear satisfaction.

It’s nice to overwhelm a boss monster in this Beta Dungeon for a change.

Very nice.

“Guess we really are unbeatable in a place like this…” Sapphire mutters before the girl smiles as well, making me reach over and pat her head to her surprise. She doesn’t do anything in response though, instead just turning to face the ongoing battle again.

Overall I’d say this floor theme was a very nice break from it all. From doing nothing all day every day but going around and killing monsters, fighting to survive, and exploring dungeons. Especially when there’s a limit on how much of each type of item you can have equipped at once, and I hit that long ago for most of my equipment. And most of the new items I get nowadays aren’t as good as the ones I have equipped.

A major pain.

Then again, most of the items I have equipped are all incredibly powerful anyways. Far stronger than items people outside of the dungeons would have on average. And the same goes for the knowledge crystals I’m getting. Most aren’t very interesting, with a few incredibly good ones once in a blue moon.

I cross my arms while continuing to control the ice element all around us and watching the army of arctic lycanthropes devour the boss until the thing is no more and I get a notification about a level-up.

Or rather, a bunch of level-ups. Considering how it shot straight up from level 2581 to 2613.

Guess that’s what happens when you kill a monster two hundred levels above you.

To both my and Sapphire’s surprise, the army of arctic lycanthropes immediately go to town on devouring the boss’s corpse. But after briefly watching them for a second, I turn my attention entirely on the boss chest that appeared in front of me and Sapphire. Because they can do what they want.

I walk up to the chest before reaching out and touching it, making a bright bluish white light shine from the chest that blinds me for a moment. And when I open my eyes again, I find some sort of incredibly fancy placemat floating above the chest.

Or, rather, it looks like it could be some sort of teleporter from a medieval times, but a placemat fits its description better. It’s about a meter in diameter, is only about a centimeter thick, and has random shards of ice sticking out of the edge of the placemat. Meanwhile the thing itself has fancy looking magical patterns all over it that make me think of some sort of teleporter, while also looking kinda comfy.

Cross-Dimensional Chrono Displacement Pad | Item | Tier 9
This item can do one of two things once every day.
It can teleport a soulbound being or item of the user to any place the user has been in their life within the bounds of the System.
Or it can send a projection of the user to any place the user has been in their life within the bounds of the System. This projection cannot directly interact with anything and will only last for three hours at the longest each time it is sent.

My jaw drops open at the sight of what the placemat, err, teleport pad does. Because that is just fucking broken.

Not that I’m complaining.

“Um, dad?” Sapphire says, bringing my gaze to find her staring at the pad with a look of impatience on her face, her fingers twitching with excitement. “Since I’m soulbound to you…” she turns to look at me, her blue and gold eyes wide with both anticipation and excitement, “…does that mean I can teleport using this thing to get out of the dungeon?”

I stare at Sapphire for several seconds before glancing at the pad, then back at her again, then at the pad. Then I walk up and grab the thing, feeling it immediately forming a soulbound bond with me the moment I touch it, just like Sapphire has.

This thing…

I turn to look at Sapphire with my lips pursed in thought.

She holds both her fists in front of her, clenched with what looks to be worry that I’ll tell her no as she hurriedly says, “You know I can always teleport back to you whenever I want to, so I won’t be in any danger and can return whenever I want to. And it’ll be a great way for us to get a presence outside of the dungeon!”

Sapphire continues going on and on, just listing one reason after another for why I should let her go. And if I’m being honest, they each sound reasonable.

A little while passes before she finally finishes justifying her going with one last reason, “And even if I end up being targeted, I’m still just as strong as you, and I can teleport away whenever I need to. And if I died, then you can revive me again!”

I bop her on the head as I say, “No dying.”

She rubs her head with a pout, but I just sigh and turn to the pad, finally answering, “You can go. We can figure out the where tomorrow, since I’ve only been to one place in the System, but since that’s Aegis, it should be fine. It’s also the base where Dad’s people are.”

Sapphire immediately jumps up into the air and shouts, “Yes!!!” Then she jumps onto me with a hug while squealing, “Thank you!”

I roll my eyes while putting the new item in my inventory, ignoring the extra weight hanging off of me.

That projection part of the item will be nice too. Should let me see the others even if I can’t interact with anything there.

Wouldn’t be too much better than just meeting them in a viewing room, but it’s better than nothing. And I can send them items too. Some of the items I have stockpiled up but don’t have a use for.

I find myself smiling at the thought of helping my family out some more.

Something I haven’t been able to do much if at all since the start of this whole System Initialization thing.

This’ll be nice.


Alrighty, so on the poll it looks like giving him the ability won, but most people seemed to want him to be unable to interact with anything with some people wanting him to have the full ability.

So I went with a middleground.

He can't interact with anything but Sapphire can.

Look forward to some scenes from Sapphire's perspective in the future.


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System Notification


You are now level 2613!


Jalil Hayes

She about to have a blast not being stuck in the dungeon all the time


Reminder the location she'll appear on Aegis is home territory. She'll be able to absolutely massacre anything and everything just like they just did with the boss.