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After spending a few minutes making another instance for my dungeon, using up quite a bit of mana in the process, I take a moment to watch the mortals currently intruding upon my dungeon. Or at least, one random party of them. Because the rest that are currently in my dungeon are boring to watch.

This particular group actually has a Goblin in it for some reason. One I recognize from way back when I first entered Midgard.

I’m kind of surprised the city lord let him stay considering how the mortals seem to treat Goblins in general, but it’s not my business. And there’s a decent chance the Goblin will die in my dungeon anyways.

The Goblin is in a group with a Vampire, an Elf, and a bunch of Orcs, which is overall a rather odd bunch. But the group is rather amusing to watch. Almost like humorous relief.

My thoughts pause when I find the group who is currently treading through the maze on my second floor pausing in the middle of the luck-based room where they each pick a random door. And after several seconds, the group eventually decides on which doors to enter, with the Vampire pointing one out for the Goblin who immediately nods his head in a polite manner that doesn’t mesh with the image of Goblins I have in mind. Then he rushes into the door.

And like clockwork, the Goblin comes out with some wounds, having entered the bad door of the bunch.

Actually, on second thought, I think I know why they have a Goblin in their group.

In exchange for helping the Goblin level, I think they’re using him to clear out traps. And the Goblin is perfectly fine with that.

Or at least he looks fine with that.

Well fine or not, he goes along with it politely and is growing stronger at the same time.

I continue watching the party trudge through the floor for a bit before eventually turning my attention back to my core room where I find Dawn working on an enchantment while possessing the body of a female lycan. Something she started doing in the recent months after realizing she could do it.

And through it we also learned that the two of us could share mana to the other, which is what she uses for the enchantments.

A rather convenient ability that we never knew about. Probably because we never needed her to use mana before now.

“What are you trying to make?” I ask her, curiosity filling my voice. But she doesn’t answer right away, instead continuing to work on the enchantment with clear focus on her face for several minutes. Then, after putting one last touch on the enchantment, she stands up straight again and then moves her hand towards the enchantment as she says, “Just watch.”

So I do just that.

Our mana flows straight into the enchantment that quickly begins to glow with a black light before the glow starts to dim, leaving nothing more than a faint black light shining from the enchantment.

I stare at it for several seconds before asking, “So what’s it supposed to do?”

Dawn shoots me a look, only to focus on the enchantment again and point at it, ordering a nearby wolf to walk up to and then on top of it. Then, to my surprise, Dawn suddenly is pulled out of the lycan body and into the wolf. So I immediately focus on the enchantment to look at what she did to make it.

“An enchantment that pulls me into whatever monster of your creation that steps into the ‘trap’ regardless of where I am as long as I’m within a kilometer of your dungeon!” Dawn exclaims, finally declaring the full purpose of the enchantment as I examine the thing.

“Interesting…” I mutter while examining it, and to my surprise, I immediately notice some enchantment techniques that I don’t recognize. So I focus on Dawn and ask, “Where did you learn these enchantment techniques?”

She looks at me, then at the enchantment, then at my core again as she answers, “Well I was watching your enchantment work and came up with a couple of ideas to change it. So I decided to try them out, and they worked.”

I stare at her for several seconds before forming my avatar next to my core and walking over to the enchantment as I ask, “Do you think you could possess my avatar?”

Dawn shakes the head of the wolf she is in as she says, “No, it probably won’t work. But you can try it if you want. I don’t think there will be any repercussions.”

So I do just that, walking into the circle. And just like she said, nothing happens. I’m just left standing there as the enchantment flashes.

“Yeah, didn’t think it would work,” Dawn says with a shake of her head. “My enchantment activates when a being with sufficient mana capacity whose mana signature is linked to yours walks onto the enchantment. The being also has to be beneath a certain level of intelligence and has to have an affinity with the void worse than the creator of the enchantment.” She looks at the enchantment again. “But most importantly, they can’t already be possessed by something, and you being in your avatar seems to count as you possessing it.”

Really… interesting. I would’ve expected it to just consider my avatar another body instead of being possessed, but I guess it makes some sense. After all, my core is my life. If my core is shattered, I die. On the other hand, if my avatar dies then I’m fine.

I focus on Dawn as I tilt my head slightly and ask, “Are you going to focus on making enchantments of your own now? You seem to be pretty good at enchantments. Maybe even better than me.”

She looks down at the enchantment for a second before seemingly shrugging her front shoulders and answering, “Sure, why not. It’s fun and I needed something new to pass the time.”


Maybe I can get some nice new enchantments now that she’s working on them as well.


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