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                                             Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 27

The Ancestor and I talk a little bit more, mostly just with him giving me some advice for our trip to Liathtria, before I head over to a secluded location and open my status.

Name: Cassandra de Luna
Species: Embodiment of Wrath + (Level-up is locked)
Level: 30
Class: Bringer of Wrath
EXP: 10,007,340
Talent/s: True Body, Attuned
PHYS: STR – 54.675, DEX – 33.75, RES – 32.85
MENTAL: INT – 21.825, WIS – 29.925, MP – 288

Just barely enough EXP.

I open my Skills list and quickly assign ten million total EXP to leveling up The Calling of Wrath, following which a notice appears in my vision.

Congratulations! Your skill ‘The Calling of Wrath’ has reached level 3!
The amount of Wrath energy generated on the use of the skill has now been increased!
The skill’s cooldown has been shortened from seven days to three days.
Thanks to this increase, the following effects have been applied to the three possible uses of the skill:
When you transform into a beast, you may remain transformed for three      hours each transformation and will be more likely to transform into a      species with an inherent use of Wrath energy due to the higher amount of      Wrath infused in your body.
When you bring out the Wrath in others, it will now also infuse a greater      amount of Wrath energy into their soul, making the effect last for half a day.
You may now pour all of your Wrath energy into more than one skill when      using The Calling of Wrath.

My eyes widen in pleasant surprise at the sight of the cooldown reduction – something that alone makes this entire level-up worth it even without the other benefits of the level-up. Benefits that are also rather nice, such as the extension in the transformation time from one hour to three hours, and the extension in how long I can bring out Wrath in others. Not to mention the pouring my Wrath into more than one skill being a possibility now.

Overall I’d say it was worth the EXP it took. The cooldown decrease alone is extremely good, since it was always annoying having to wait an entire week between each usage of the skill. And that’s not considering the fact that now I should be able to progress that Wrath Transformation a lot faster since I can use the skill over twice as often.

Although considering that it’s taken about four months just to reach 1% since the System arrived, going at twice the speed, it’ll probably take around eight or so more months to reach 5%.

Unless the length of time that I’m transformed affects how much progress is made, that is.

I really hope that’s the case, because not being able to advance to Tier 4 for another four months isn’t very pleasant to think about.

And there’s still the crystal to think about too…

I shake my head at that thought before opening my Tier Breach Mission.

Tier Breach Mission
Title: Control the Wrath
Objective 1: Reach 5% Wrath Transformation.
Objective 2: Raise The Calling of Wrath to level 3. Completed.
Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Creation skill to create at least 100 monsters. Completed.
Objective 4: Find and integrate with your Wrath Crystal.
Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 4 monster.
Tier 4 unlocked
Skill: Minor Wrath Manipulation
Optional Objective Reward:
15,000,000 EXP, one Tier 4 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]

And right away I find the updated objective 2. Nice.

Something I find interesting is that, according to Nidhogg, invaders are considered monsters for Tier Breach Missions simply due to them not being a born inhabitant of our plane. Which makes me wonder… will I be completing the Optional Objective by taking my Wrath Crystal back from the man working for that New Earth Alliance thing?

Because if so… then I’ll be getting a Random Skill Level-Up Card. Something I really want.

Nidhogg also recommended I save those level-up cards for when I actually have all of my current skills at the max level with the exception of The Calling of Wrath. So I can make absolutely certain that the card chooses to level up The Calling of Wrath, which will save me a lot of EXP. Although according to Nidhogg it won’t be worth it until after The Calling of Wrath is already level four, because a five level skill’s fourth level costs about as much as a thirty level skill’s thirtieth level. So it would cost more to do that than just level it up to level four with EXP instead.

My thoughts pause as I close out of my Tier Breach Mission and instead open my skills list again to see the prices of leveling The Calling of Wrath to level 4.

And right away, I find myself staring with more than a little horror at the amount of EXP required to level the skill.

Ten billion EXP to bring it from level 3 to level 4. It went from 10 million EXP to bring it from level 2 to level 3, to ten billion.

I knew it would be a hell of a lot, but that amount… is more than I expected.

Wait… I just realized this, but if this pattern continues for the last level, each level is costing about a thousand times as much EXP as the level before it for The Calling of Wrath. Which would make the last level cost… about ten trillion EXP.

That number has me staring numbly at my skills list for a few seconds before I close out of it and begin walking back to the main area, deciding that I need to get that Random Skill Level-Up Card.

Because it’ll be rather hard to level up that skill without it…

I just hope an invader whose level is restricted to Tier 4 will count as a Tier 4 for my optional objective.


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