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                                     Deep in the depths of the Ocean World of Arc

Norvant Blanc, the Leviathan Underlord of the Ocean World, sticks the massive serpentine head of his leviathan form into an even larger bubble of air created by him where the Sovereign of the Devil Clans, Dafid Vanelli, and the Pope of the anti-Reaper religion and Ruler of the Holy Empire, The Friar, stand. And the moment he does so, his deep voice resonates through the bubble, “Here begins our first meeting since the loss of the Abyssal Ruler. Whatever is said here shall remain here until the end of time.”

“Till the end of time,” both nation leaders repeat with light nods of their heads in respect.

The group lets several seconds pass in silence before Dafid asks, “What are you planning to do, Leviathan?”

“With the Abyssal Ruler out of play, and The Reaper being banned from interfering with the mortals for the time being, I think now is a perfectly good time to strike,” Norvant answers, making the devil sovereign frown. Meanwhile The Friar just watches on with mild interest, not saying anything in the process.

“You realize that ban or no ban, if we break into the void realm, The Reaper will slaughter us without any hesitation,” Dafid immediately points out, rejecting the plan without any hesitation. “He won’t need permission from the Progenitor Council just to defend his own realm.”

Norvant’s massive serpentine eyes turn towards the devil sovereign as he says, “Oh, but we won’t be going after the Reaper of the Blue Moon.” Dafid’s eyes widen slightly at that, but the leviathan doesn’t stop, “We’ll be going after the Bringer of Eternal Night.”

“The boy’s sister…” Dafid mutters before a frown crests his face.

“With The Reaper banned from interfering with mortal affairs, my benefactor has notified me that it is safe to blackmail Dungeon Competitors now,” Norvant says, assuaging Dafid’s fears without even needing him to speak them.

The devil sovereign grins at that, his goatlike face appearing disgusting to The Friar in the process. But the man doesn’t pay him any mind despite it, instead focusing on the leviathan as he asks, “Your plan?”

“As you know, the Bringer of Eternal Night has been fighting on the front lines of the war assisting the fae’s side for a while, and has been known to avoid any areas where her people or family from the universe are,” Norvant says before raising his head slightly. “But one thing remains constant. Every time her family gets in trouble, she moves to assist them, no matter which side of the war they’re fighting on.”

Dafid narrows his eyes slightly as he asks, “So your plan is to attack her family to bait her out before capturing her? Do you know if that will work? How sure are you the Progenitor of Radiance won’t assist her, or have any other fae guarding her?”

“My benefactor has informed me that he will be handling Titania himself, so all we will need to do is handle any potential fae guarding the girl,” Norvant explains with a sinister note in his voice. “And that shouldn’t be too much for some of our subordinates to handle, right?”

The devil sovereign watches him for a few seconds before nodding his head. And The Friar does the same right afterwards.

“In that case, I will send my third-born son,” Norvant declares, feeling ever so slightly regretful that he can’t go himself due to the laws of the battlefield making that impossible.

“I will send my commander,” Dafid says with a light nod of his head before both he and the leviathan turn to look at The Friar, who just says, “You may have use of the holy army for this.”

“Then that’ll be all for this meeting,” Norvant declares, following which his head leaves the bubble of air that quickly pops right as the human and devil sovereign teleport away.


                                           Within the Aquatic Realm of Atlantis

“It has been done,” Poseidon says as he closes out the portal made up of water that was showing the events transpiring on Arc. He then turns to look at the massive white wolf near him with a frown on his face. “Are you sure about this?”

Fenrir just continues looking through his own viewpoint for a few seconds, a mirror made out of ice showing the leviathan as he swims through the ocean towards his palace, before eventually answering, “Yes. I do not wish for the boy to have to worry about anything besides staying alive, and these pests will serve as an example for others not to mess with his family.”

The Progenitor of Water purses his lips slightly as he stares at his longtime friend before sighing and leaning back in his grand throne, crossing his arms with his trident held in one hand.

“Then there’s nothing more to say about the matter,” Poseidon says, but despite saying that he raises a single brow at Fenrir and adds, “although I’m surprised you seem to have taken such a shine to the boy.”

Fenrir meets his friend’s gaze for a few seconds before turning around and beginning to walk away, freezing all of the water that he passes through in his path.

“I’ll just patiently wait to see the results of your little experiment, then,” Poseidon says while uncrossing his arms and placing them on the armrests of the throne, hitting his trident’s rear end on the ground and making the ice following Fenrir’s path turn back into water once it leaves his vicinity.

Yes, it’ll be interesting to see what sort of element is born from that boy’s rather interesting combination of concepts and elements.

Fenrir leaves in a flurry of ice and snow that freezes all the water in the throne room for a brief instant as Poseidon thinks about the boy. But all Poseidon does in response is unfreeze the water again, letting it fill the entire throne room to the brim.

The ice element. The water element. The moonlight conceptual element. And the eternal ice variant.

“Oh what might come about from this odd mixture?” Poseidon says with a smirk on his face. “I can’t wait to find out.”


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Jalil Hayes

Why does everyone try to mess with wolf and his family they messing with the wrong one and they need to learn the lesson

Jalil Hayes

But you would think after everything that has happened to the ones threatening him would realize like "hey let's not keep messing with someone that has the backing of beings who can literally wipe us out" you know

Jalil Hayes

I mean I get that I do but they're clearly underestimating things if they think one is actually going to be enough since wolf has the back of both Grim and Titania publicly not to mention Fenrir in the background who now we see has some big friends of his own


Actually, Wolf doesn't have the full backing of either of them. The Reaper is known to only care about his own entertainment and is only protecting him for that purpose, and now he is basically imprisoned and can't do anything. And Titania was never protecting him. All she did was gift him something and take in his sister for her own purposes. And the benefactor they believe they have is on the same level as Titania. So in their eyes, it's their benefactor against Titania who is already locked in conflict with The Reaper.

Jalil Hayes

Hmm ok I can see where you're coming from but I honestly don't believe they'll let anything to serious happen to him because of outside forces lime how the Abyss Ruler was trying to do but then I can also see how you can leave it so he has to try and get himself out of the jam without anyone interfering


Titania won't help Wolf at all. And The Ruler broke the rules of the System, so even if The Reaper didn't step in, the System would've itself.

Jalil Hayes

But she will look after his sister since she's from her court though


Yes. But now we're back to what I've already said. They believe they have a Progenitor helping them that will hold her off. So they don't have a Progenitor to worry about when attacking her in their eyes. Since they don't know about Fenrir.

Jalil Hayes

Well then someone's feelings are going to be so hurt and I'm here for all the emotional damage


... And don't forget that people who've been at the pinnacle of strength (compared to those around them) often forget that there are others who are at least as strong, much less stronger. So they fall into the habit of presuming that their strength will always be more than sufficient to do whatever they want.

Jalil Hayes

That's true they haven't had anyone who could test them or compare to them so they get complacent