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“Soooo…” Sapphire drawls on rather slowly as I continue flying through the air with a large platform of ice floating next to me that she’s sitting on with her hands gripping the platform in between her legs that are dangling off of it. “Are we just gonna ignore it, or what?”

I glance back at the giant blob of flesh, tentacles, and various other body parts that is the size of an entire planet and is moving as slow as a snail towards us. All while it slowly gets smaller and smaller while we get further and further away.

“Why not?” I ask as I glance at Sapphire again, making her snort in amusement before I face forwards again. “We don’t need to kill a boss to move onto the next floor. All we need to do is find the hidden exit like we did on that fire dragon’s floor a while back.”

It shouldn’t be too hard to do that. Especially considering how slow this rift overlord thing is.

“Well if that’s all we’re doing on this floor, I’m gonna take a nap…” Sapphire says, bringing my attention to the twelve or so year old looking girl as she lies flat on her back and closes her eyes with her arms spread out on either side of her.

I shake my head with a light smile and turn to face forwards again.

She seems to be growing older a lot faster than anything I found on the forums says she should. Which is odd. But at least it might mean she’ll pass through her teenage years faster than she would’ve otherwise.

Although it also means she’ll enter them sooner too, if she hasn’t already.

A frightening thought in and of itself.

I shake that thought out of my head as I continue flying through the air.


Overall it takes us, or rather me since Sapphire never woke up the entire search, half a day of searching before I finally find an exit. And I don’t waste any time going through it.

Then I appear in a snowstorm that has me immediately grinning as I spread my arms out on both sides of me.

“Hell yeah!” I can’t help but exclaim with excitement clear in my voice.

I immediately spread my senses throughout the floor around me, filling up the surrounding several kilometers with ease before pulling all of the ice element in the area towards me and taking it into my body to recharge. Then I focus on all of the monsters in the area, most of which are surprisingly undead, and freeze them all simply with the ice element around them.

“I’m gonna enjoy this floor,” I comment more to the viewers watching me than myself. Or the sleeping Sapphire who appears to be starting to stir a little. Probably because of the change in temperature.

Our surroundings this time are covered in snowy mountains with snow falling as far as the eye can see. Although instead of hurting my senses, that just makes my senses that much better because of the ice element everywhere in the floor.

I float up into the air with Sapphire still being pulled along on her little platform of ice next to me until I stop a few hundred meters up. Then I close my eyes and lower the soundproofing on my headphones to listen to my surroundings while also focusing on the ice element all around us to find any monsters.

Several seconds pass in silence as I do this until I open my eyes again, my grin growing even wider.

Mini boss sighted.

I raise a fist while turning in the direction of the mini boss that is located a couple dozen kilometers away from me before clenching it, taking control of all of the ice element around it and turning it all into various weapons of ice that I launch straight at the monster. Which seems to be some sort of large bear-like creature.

Maybe a yeti? Or something like that?

Either way, I end up killing the monster without much trouble thanks to the vast amount of ice element I have on the floor.

Then I fly straight through the air towards the dead monster before reaching it less than half a minute later, proving just how much faster I’ve grown over my time in this dungeon. And the last dungeon.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the dungeon’s structure being far stronger than me, I probably would’ve been breaking things apart on accident throughout this entire time. Not just doing it from time to time in the Expanded System Stores like I did quite a bit during my transition to becoming a lycanthrope.

I glance to the side after stopping above the corpse of a large yeti-like creature that I can’t identify now that it’s dead. All I can do is guess that it’s some sort of variant of a yeti considering that I’ve seen yetis before on past floors, and they weren’t five meters tall.

Then again, they didn’t have weapons of ice sticking out of their body either.

Anyways, Sapphire finally sits up again while rubbing her eyes and yawning. But it doesn’t take long for a look of excitement to show on her face when our location finally registers in her mind and she jumps straight to her feet and pumps her fists into the air like the child she is as she shouts, “Yes!!!”

I chuckle at that only to let out a light grunt when the girl jumps onto my back from the platform of ice she was napping on, grabbing ahold of my wings in the process. Then she points over my shoulder and says, “Let’s go tear up this floor theme!”

That has me raising a brow in amusement, but I fly down to grab the chest first, finding it to be useless just like most other mini boss chests I get nowadays. So I move to the door and touch the exit right after, quickly finding myself on a different mountain on the 222nd floor.

This floor theme shouldn’t take long to finish.


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Jalil Hayes

She's so adorable her reactions are enough to make any bad day better


Since he can kill things so easily here he should use the floor theme to level up since his level in the dungeon not really matters that much but will matter once he leaves


Not necessarily a good idea. Because the higher level the enemies, the more powerful they'll be and more likely some might be intelligent. So even if their levels are still similar, it would make fighting harder. Not to mention that his main goal is getting out of the dungeon as fast as possible. Not to level up as much as possible.


Oh true didn't think about them getting more intelligent, though he also needs to consider his level since he probably will be dragged into the war one way or another once he's out but I guess that's for later floors to worry about