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And another glossary! Also, I remembered something. For those of you who don't remember how the skills work, the description of it and the System in general is included in the Glossary.

Which also means I didn't really have to mention an explanation of how achievement-locked and other skills work in the current skills list. It was in the Glossary after all.

Just that I wrote the original glossary a long time ago and forgot.

Anyways, there will be one more chapter tonight to start off book 4.

I haven't decided on a title for book 4 yet though. But here is the cover image unless I decide to change it which probably won't happen:


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YoYo Crow

She looks so EPIC!!!!

Ronny Cook

Will WBM be seeing an eBook release along the same lines as your other novels any time soon?


I'll be publishing WBM on Amazon Kindle Unlimited early next year. The issue is that I have too many other books of other series already finished that I need to publish before I publish WBM. Honestly, by then I'll probably have about 6 or 7 books finished of WBM. Might even be close to finishing WBM entirely.


Will you have images of the other 3 demon lord's and the 2 kitsune we've been introduced to?