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The Eternal Winter's title has been changed to Eternal Winter's Reign due to another story on Amazon already having The Eternal Winter as a title for their book 2!!!!


                                                        Alexander North

I quietly listen to the doctor’s clinical description of each of my teammates’ conditions, my hand slowly clenching tighter and tighter the longer she speaks. And it’s not just their condition that has me upset, but the reminder that the only ones from my team who are still alive are the twins, Michelle and Michael, and the possibly dead but certainly missing Robert.

The twins though… Michael completely lost his left arm to frostbite and received a wound to the head from one of the frozen ones that’s put him in a coma. Meanwhile Michelle is also unconscious in a coma, but hers may be worse even though her physical injuries aren’t as bad, since she had part of her head frozen for a brief period of time. Something that is baffling the doctors in how she’s even still alive.

After the doctor finishes speaking, I quietly ask, “I guess it’s safe to assume they can’t be safely moved?”

“Of course they can’t,” she says with a frown before glancing at the chairperson and asking, “is my business done here?”

I don’t let the chairperson speak as I state, “He has no more authority here,” shocking both her and the chairperson himself. But to my surprise, while the chairperson gets a look of terror on his face, the doctor actually smiles for the first time since entering the room. She then says, “By all means, kick the bastard out of here.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the chairperson alternating his shocked gaze between me and the doctor now. But I ignore him as I move straight to his desk faster than he can see before reaching over and grabbing him by his armored collar, lifting him up and over the desk. Then I turn around with him dangling in the air under my grasp.

“If that’s the situation, then I’ll be heading outside for a bit,” I comment while beginning to walk out of the office with the man reaching to grab my hand in an attempt to pry my grip off him, only for his fingers to begin frosting over the moment they make contact with my skin.

I add without much care, “You should probably stop that if you don’t want to lose your fingers to frostbite.”

He stops trying to move my hand and instead goes for my arm, only to not be able to do anything to it in the slightest as I continue walking through the hall. And to my further surprise, everyone I pass by actually looks happy with what’s going on.

Just how poorly did this guy treat the base for him to end up hated so much?

Because I can clearly tell they all hate him.

Then again, he sent soldiers off as sacrificial pawns. So it makes sense now that I consider that.

Even the soldiers I pass by don’t do shit. They just watch and give me a polite nod.

Meanwhile the chairperson screams his head off as we go, slightly irritating my ears in the process. Until I smack the side of his head and state, “Shut up. I’m not going to kill you.”

That actually gets him to go quiet. And it’s the truth.

I’m not going to kill him.

I continue walking through the base till I reach the front gate where I politely ask the guard manning it, “Could you point me to the stairs to the top of the walls?”

|User Alexander is forgetting that their own strength is more than enough to jump the walls.|

My mouth parts open at that as the guard begins to answer, only for me to say, “Actually, never mind. I just realized something.”

The guard looks confused, especially when I begin to step back a few meters to get a clear view of the wall. But his confusion goes to shock when I bend my knees and then jump, soaring through the air with a screaming chairperson in my grasp until I reach the top of the four or so meter tall wall and land on my feet next to a very surprised guard there. Then I walk over to the edge of the wall, giving the guard a brief nod before I move the chairperson over the edge of the wall, at which point he begins clinging to my wrist.

I pause for a second before looking back over the other side of the wall to find over a hundred people staring at me in anticipation. Although there are looks of fear mixed in, mostly from the children who are being herded inside already.

Deciding that it would probably be better to ask first, I ask, “Would anyone mind if I tossed this guy out of the base?”

No one says anything, but the looks in their eyes answer my question for me. So I turn to the guard next to me and ask, “If everyone in this base already hated him, then why didn’t you all just get rid of him yourselves?”

The guard looks surprised that I spoke to him, but he answers anyways, “It’s because if we didn’t follow his orders, we would all be court martialed when everything returns to normal.”

I raise a brow at that.

Sure we’re technically under martial law, but we’re also completely cut off from contact with the rest of the universe and in the middle of an apocalypse where a chairperson is abusing their power. So I’d say it’s fine to kick him to the curve.

That aside, I move the man over the edge of the wall again before letting go without a care in the world, dropping him down the four or so meters to land with a yelp on the snow down below. And despite the distance, he doesn’t seem to be that injured. Likely due to the snow padding his fall.

“You’re on your own from here on out!” I call out after him, making a look of terror fill his eyes. Then I turn to the guard and state, “Can’t get in trouble if you didn’t do anything to hurt him.”

The guard, seemingly to his own surprise, lets out a chuckle at that.

“Anyways, mind taking me to see the second in charge here?” I ask the guard, ignoring the shouting from the man who is banging on the wall like that would do anything.


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Thanks for the Chapter!

Danielle Warvel

Elegant, perfectly lawyered solution.