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                                                         Alexander North

We stop in a large office decorated with military awards and various things that clearly don’t belong to the chairperson. Meaning it’s likely the office of whoever ran this base before the universe underwent an icy hell and this guy took it over.

The man walks over to his desk with only five of the symbiont hosts left in the room, showing that he clearly underestimates me if he thinks five will help with anything. Especially considering that Alexia and Cynthia are still here.

“So, young man,” he starts after sitting down behind his desk with a smile, “how do you feel about joining my base and working for me?”

I consider my words for a moment, the consequences of what may happen, and the people in the room with me, before answering, “I won’t work exclusively for you.”

The chairperson’s eyes narrow immediately, and the officers in the room all tense up while putting their hands on their swords.

“Is that so? May I ask why?” the chairperson asks, a dangerous note in his tone that I would care more about if he actually represented a threat to me.

“Because I don’t get involved in politics,” I state bluntly, which is true, but not the main reason for my decision.

If I understand this guy correctly, he’ll probably try to force the matter to make me join him. And when he does, I can just beat him to a bloody pulp before either going to get the others and bringing them with me depending on their condition, or kicking him out of the base if they can’t be moved.

Either way I don’t feel bad, since the guy’s an entitled asshole from what Cynthia’s been saying, not to mention what I’ve seen of him so far.

“You don’t, do you?” he slowly states before shaking his head. “A pity. I really thought you would’ve been more open to discussion.”

Then he taps his fingers on his armrest and says, “Capture him then.”

The five officers draw their swords, and Cynthia does the same. But the moment when they rush forwards, I move a few times faster than them, immediately incapacitating two of them before grabbing the sword of another with my bare hand when it’s about to cut into my shoulder, realizing that the man was holding back.

The three still-conscious officers, including the one who’s sword I’m holding, stare in shock. And the chairperson isn’t excluded from that either as the sword, which had cut through my gloves and stopped at my skin, is starting to freeze over.

Without a hint of hesitation, the officer holding the sword drops it before the frost can reach his hand. Then I raise a brow at the chairperson and ask, “Why exactly should I be more open to discussion with someone who has no leverage over me and has already tried sacrificing my team for his own gain?”

At this point I can practically smell the fear in the man – something that I never thought I’d be able to do – as he begins to shake, barely controlling himself enough to say without any of his fear in his voice, “This was a misunderstanding. We were just trying to teach you how dangerous-”

“Oh, cut the bull,” I say while rolling my eyes. “I don’t give a shit about your politics. And if you know anything about my father, then you should understand that he doesn’t either. It’s why he’s the General of the Military in the first place.”

I glance at the three conscious officers in the room, finding them slowly inching towards the exit before I return my gaze to the chairperson.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” I tell him with a frown. “That would cause too much chaos in this base. What I will do though is take my team from here if they’re capable of travel, along with Cynthia.” The man opens his mouth to speak at that, likely to refuse on the part of the Princess leaving, but I just raise a brow, making him shut his mouth again.

A few seconds pass in tense silence, the officers finally making it out of the room to run away. But I don’t really care about them, since there isn’t much they can do. Plus they don’t have actual loyalty for the chairperson here, so they’re likely not even gonna bother getting other officers to help.

Eventually the chairperson tersely says, “Fine.” Then he opens his mouth while looking at the officers, only to close it again, likely realizing they can’t exactly take his orders while unconscious.

“I made sure not to injure them,” I point out just to make sure he doesn’t misunderstand anything.

And to casually mention that I’m strong enough that I could hold back while fighting them.

He flinches at that before calling out, “Sarah!”

Then a few seconds pass in silence, following which a woman walks into the room completely unfazed by the unconscious officers and the sight of my pitch black eyes or the glowing blue ring of light shining from them.

“Please go get Doctor Ruthers,” he says, and the woman immediately nods before turning and leaving the room again.

Silence fills the office for a little while as Alexia begins randomly walking around, admiring the stuff on the walls.

Guess the girl isn’t really nervous anymore. Although the only person besides us in here now is the chairperson, who is eyeing me like someone would a wild animal. One prone to attack at any moment.

I glance at Cynthia to find her smugly grinning at the chairperson, which almost makes me snort in amusement. But I hold back.

Doubt that would go over well with the guy I’m basically holding hostage in his own office after all.

We continue waiting for several minutes before the woman who I’m assuming is his secretary – a damned good one at that considering her lack of reaction to everything that’s happened here – returns with another woman who is wearing a lab coat.

“You wanted to see me?” the woman asks, briefly glancing around the room before her eyes land on me. “Oh.”

“Please describe the condition of my team,” I state to her, knowing that the chairperson will explain what I mean.

And he does, following which the doctor immediately begins her explanation of their conditions.


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