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I quickly try to send a wave of voided ice element at it, but the creature just devours the element, soaking it up through its tentacles. Then I try voided flames, and it just eats the icy flames.

Yeah, didn’t expect that to work.

And if it’s like the others, it’ll just devour anything I make out of ice element as well, making magic completely off the table for this fight.

I glance at Sapphire to find her already transforming into her original form, that of an enormous spider covered in shards of ice, before I focus on the tentacle blob as it continues approaching, flinging tentacles at us without a care in the world.

This time I don’t bother telling Sapphire to hide since I know she’s not gonna listen, instead transforming into my hunter form and jumping straight up at the creature, my gauntleted claw raised to strike. And when my claw meets its tentacle, it surprisingly just cuts straight through, severing the tentacle as I continue flying past until I land with my feet on the ground.

I frown while looking up at the creature that’s still approaching and didn’t even so much as make a sound when its tentacle was severed.

Then I see the tentacle regrowing rather quickly.

“Looks like it likes to eat elements and regenerate,” I mutter to Sapphire, finding her on the other side of the tentacle blob already, the creature ignoring her existence. Even after she attacks it with one of her legs, cutting off a tentacle, it still ignores her existence, moving towards me.

Can it tell that I’m the stronger target here? Or is it…

To test a theory, I send out a strong wave of voided eternal ice element out to the side, away from all of us. And a few of the tentacles begin moving towards it, with the majority still going towards me. But when it gets too far away, the few tentacles that moved once again move towards me.

“Looks like the mini boss is simply attracted to the largest quantity of elemental energy nearby,” I state, informing Sapphire before jumping straight at its main body and slashing at the thing. Then it begins regenerating again without delay.

I focus on the thing with my senses, paying extra attention to its life energy with life sense before clawing at it again and immediately noticing a very slight flinch in the life energy. But before I can tell Sapphire about it, I feel a few tentacles wrapping around me, beginning to drain the stamina in my body somehow.

“Shit,” I grunt, grabbing at the tentacles and cutting through them to drop back to the ground. Then I jump backwards and call out, “Looks like we just need to keep hitting it until it can’t regenerate anymore!”

I see Sapphire nodding from the other side of the abomination of a creature before we both rush in and begin cutting it apart while it constantly regenerates, its movements slowing during the process.

This process continues for what feels like hours, maybe even half a day with me repeatedly using stamina potions to keep up my stamina, especially since the thing keeps trying to drain it in the process. And at some point I start to use my new element nullification to nullify all of the ice element in the area outside of me and Sapphire just to take away some of its food source as we fight, leading to a significant increase in the temperature of the area.

Eventually the thing slows down and its life source dies to a much smaller size.

At this point the creature actually begins to back away in a slow and pointless attempt at escaping.

I grin at Sapphire before nodding, following which the both of us rush forwards and attack at once, cutting deep to the center of the creature and striking at its core once again. But this time, it fails to regenerate from the wound and the entire creature explodes without so much as a drop of liquid.

Which I still find odd, but it doesn’t matter.

And it’s dead.

A mini boss chest appears floating in the air where it was before dropping down to the tiny little mini planet the size of a small island that we’ve been fighting on, following which an exit appears near it.

I let out a sigh of relief, finally relaxing a little.

That was a pain.

Out of nowhere, I feel a weight settle on my back, making me turn my head to find Sapphire having turned back to her humanoid form before jumping on my back and almost immediately falling asleep, using her sticky silk to practically glue her hands and knees to me.

“Seriously?” I mutter, only to shake my head and begin walking over to the mini boss chest, the weight on my back barely even noticeable with my current strength. And when I reach the chest, I end up getting a rather useless item in the form of a set of armor. Armor worse than my current gear.

Although in hindsight it’s not actually useless. In fact, it’d probably be worth a lot outside of the dungeon. Just that it’s useless to me.

A pity.

I toss it into my inventory, not really caring about keeping it safe in a storage ring before I slowly walk over to the exit with Sapphire sleeping on my back. All while briefly wondering why exactly she’s sleeping on me and not in my shadow.

Not that it really matters. At my level, something of her weight isn’t exactly something I really notice.

I pause outside of the exit with a frown directed towards the mini boss.

That thing was a pain. Actually, everything on this floor theme is a pain since I can’t use any magic here.

I look back at the exit again.

“Let’s just hope the boss isn’t too hard to fight,” I mutter before reaching out and touching the door, letting it take me to the next floor.

At least the design of the beta dungeon makes it so I can just leave a floor without leveling, since the monsters are all spawned based on my level upon entering the floor. Unlike with the other dungeon.

My thoughts cut off when I find myself spawning in the middle of a horde of floating wings.

Well, shit.


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