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I try very hard to hold back a yawn as Grandpa continues shouting in front of me, “-and were you really going to fight a level 300 on your own? Without even allowing your guards to help you?! Do you know just how reckless that was?! You’re reminding me so much of your father right now it hurts!”

That surprises me for a moment, enough so that I accidentally let out the yawn I was holding back, making Grandpa’s eyes narrow.


“There are a few things about demon society that you don’t seem to realize, so I think I’ll go through them with you tomorrow night,” Grandpa says, a faint grin stretching across his face as I feel shivers run down my spine. “So tomorrow we’ll be going on a walk through the city down below together.”

I open my mouth to refuse, only for his eyes to narrow, making my mouth shut again.

He’s not gonna accept my refusal.

Can I have the nice Grandpa back please?

“You do remember he’s the Demon King, right?” Tar comments, sounding both amused and exasperated at the same time. “And he’s technically doing this to help you, since you seem to be forgetting some of the demon society’s differences from the human society is like.”

I mean, yes, I probably forgot a few things. Like the whole ‘the demons can see my level just as much as I can see theirs’ thing. Except the blood lycans.

Made me feel a little awkward earlier when I realized that the blood lycans knew my level while we were ‘negotiating’ for my hunt.

Grandpa’s face relaxes ever so slightly as he explains, “The city will help show you some of the differences between the demon and human societies, even if this is a blood lycan city and not all demon cities are the same. Which is the first thing you should understand.” He reaches out to me from his place standing in front of me as I sit on the edge of my overly large bed before putting his hand on my head, making my ears twitch slightly. “The various demon cities and duchies around the world have their own sets of rules on top of my own that are set in place by whatever Nobles rule over those lands. And you know very well how we demons are cursed with the Seven Deadly Sins, so some of those lands may not be very pleasant for the weak.” I try to move my head away from his hand, slightly unnerved by how it doesn’t actually make me feel that uncomfortable. And he lets me with a slight smile. “Some of these cities and lands you may not like. So know that when you are stronger, you can do whatever you want with the lands.”

My eyes widen at that.

“All you need is the power to defeat, kill, or subordinate the Noble ruling the lands in question,” Grandpa says while kneeling down next to me.

Guess this world really is ruled solely by the strong.

Grandpa stands up again a second later before walking over to a table surrounded by comfy chairs in the corner of the room and pulling out a large parchment from what I can only guess is a storage skill. So I push through my drowsiness to get up from the bed and walk over there, only to find the parchment to be a large map as he places it on the table.

“This is a map of Tartarus itself,” he says while waving to it, but my attention is solely focused on the map now. Something no human has ever gotten their hands on.

Four continents and the floating islands of the Bloody Duchy, which is where I’m at right now. Specifically the Castle of Ruin.

Although the center continent is a lot smaller than the others. And the Southeastern continent doesn’t look very hospitable considering the volcanoes.

“I’m assuming you’ve heard from your father about the history of the Bloody Duchy?” he asks, but I just shake my head. Since Leonidas isn’t exactly the talkative type. And he hasn’t mentioned much about the history of this place. “Oh really? Well, let’s rectify that then.”

Part of me wants to go to sleep, and the other part is minorly curious about what he’s about to say.

Mostly I want to go to sleep right now.

“The Bloody Duchy started out as a single large continent until a series of earthquakes began to occur here on a regular basis, damaging the foundation of the continent itself and eventually splitting it up into various smaller continents, or rather, islands,” he starts, making my eyes widen slightly at the sheer power that must’ve been in those earthquakes. Something that doesn’t exactly seem natural. “Of course, we later figured out that the earthquakes weren’t natural and were really just the actions of a single oni who had lost control of his anger, taking it out on the home of the blood lycans.” His face turns dark for a seconds. “That oni is now dead.”

Yeah, that’s no surprise.

“Your father decided against abandoning the blood lycans’ personal continent and began doing massive enchantments on the islands themselves, the remainder of the continent, while having me supply the blood for the enchantments through my blood domain,” he continues explaining, only to pause and glance at me from the map as he asks, “You do know what my blood domain is, right?” And when I nod, he focuses on the map and continues, “He ended up taking an entire month just to finish the enchantments on the islands. But the results were worth it as his enchantments not only protect the islands from further harm, enhancing them with blood metal, but they also allow the islands to drain some of the blood in the ocean below to repair themselves if needed, and, of course, they fly.”

I let out a yawn, briefly covering my mouth as I do so and making Grandpa look up at me. Then his eyes widen, and he stands up straight while putting his hand on my back and directing me to the bed while saying, “I’m sorry! I didn’t consider how tired you’d be from your hunt earlier. You must’ve leveled up a lot from it, and those levels can start showing more effect on your actual body when gained in mass the higher your level gets. So you should rest now.”

He actually guides me into the bed before tucking me in, which would normally have me staring at him in shock, but I feel my eyes drooping close instead, and soon enough, everything goes dark. But not before I hear him say, “Goodnight, young pup.”


It'll be explained later, but since I know I'll be getting questions about this, the reason mass leveling starts to have effects on the body like that the higher level an individual is is because as they level, their body is slowly merging with their reality. 


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TFTC! :3


Thanks for the chapter!

Kristeen Livesay

Doting grandpa demon king is my new favorite non scarlet character. Right above righteous fury grandpa demon king.


Let's not forget he committed genocide. He slaughtered innocents to get his way. There is no justice in that.


Yes but he’s also a loving doting Grandpa. Please just let us have this xD


It is kinda hard to hold the genocide against him to be fair. It's the humans that chucked a deadly curse on his people, one that can be lifted by wiping them out. And yes it is deadly, it already nearly killed Scarlet before. And that's without mentioning the turning his whole country's population into bio-weapon.


Reminds me of when my 93 yr old grandpa wanted to bring his enfield to educate the my teacher on why its a bad idea to beat me (even though it was culturally accepted during that period & location)