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                                Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 20

“To start off,” Nidhogg says while turning his gaze to me, “Wrath will not participate in any politics or battles between lower Tiered invaders.” Everyone turns to look at me in surprise, but the dragon continues, “You are to focus solely on your own advancement. Do not dally in its completion, and if you need anything from me or the other Sacred Beasts for your Tier Breach Mission, simply ask and we will see if we can deliver.”

My eyes widen in shock for a moment, only for me to grin a second later.

Now that sounds like a plan.

One thing I was not looking forward to when I got back was the politics. Because while I very much missed my family, I didn’t miss any of the responsibilities I left behind. So there was even a time or two that I had considered slowing my progress home just a tad to avoid it.

But now I can just focus on rushing around defeating dungeons and leveling up!

Practically a dream come true.

I glance at the other two royal families to find the Aultan King just lightly nodding his head in agreement. But the Ardene King narrows his eyes, his mouth hidden from view by the veil he’s wearing as he says, “Since when did the Sacred Beasts interfere directly with our interkingdom politics? If you’re going to give her a free pass, then why don’t you just-” He pauses when Nidhogg turns his gaze to him, an indifferent look in the dragon in human form’s eyes.

“King Slycaria de Solar, do I have to repeat myself?” the dragon slowly says, the arrogant King shifting slightly as his nerves show. “The entire universe relies on this girl’s ability to grow strong enough to kill Fafnir. There is no other choice.” He pauses for a second before finally raising a brow and adding, “Although, if you would like to fight her, then go ahead. If you win, I can do as you wish.”

The King’s eyes widen at that, and his gaze turns to me. And as he studies me, I do the same to him, identifying him.


Name: Slycaria de Solar

Species: Human

Level: 24


Surprisingly, the King actually backs down, crossing his arms and looking at the dragon without saying another word. Something that is very much against his usual arrogance.

Then again, hard to fight against the facts. And I’m six levels above him and Wrath. So unless he was an idiot, then he shouldn’t be able to even possibly come to a conclusion that he could win that fight.

Although I kind of feel a tad disappointed, because I’ve always wanted to punch that guy in the face. Almost as much as his sons.

I glance at them to find one of them leering at me, something I’ve gotten used to over the years due to being the only princess amongst the royal families.

And Ardene has a very strong hierarchy, so the princes there feel that a princess is the only one of suitable social status for them.

Makes me want to punch them every time I see them.

“Good,” Nidhogg says before turning his gaze back to me and stating, “Show me your Tier Breach Mission.”

I blink at that, only to tilt my head ever so slightly in confusion.

“Pull it up into your view and think that you want to send it to me, then push at it,” the dragon explains, understanding that I don’t know how.

Huh. Didn’t realize that was possible.


Tier Breach Mission

Title: Control the Wrath

Objective 1: Reach 5% Wrath Transformation.

Objective 2: Raise The Calling of Wrath to level 3.

Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Creation skill to create at least 100 monsters. Completed.

Objective 4: Find and integrate with your Wrath Crystal.

Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 4 monster.


Tier 4 unlocked

Skill: Minor Wrath Manipulation

Optional Objective Reward:

15,000,000 EXP, one Tier 4 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]


After pulling it up, I focus on my intent to send it to him before pushing it away, and I see a copy of my mission flying through the air towards him. He then sits there looking at it for a few seconds in silence.

Eventually he looks up and asks, “Do you know where your Wrath Crystal is?”

I shake my head.

The man frowns, but I also add, “I have a suspicion though. Could you tell me what a Wrath Crystal is first?”

He blinks at that as we both ignore everyone else around us who are listening into the conversation. Then he waves the mission to his side and answers, “It’s your Sin Crystal, and it was born the moment you were turned into an Embodiment of Wrath. The Crystal itself is linked to you on a magical level, and should you come into contact with it at the point you are at now, it will give you the power to directly manipulate your Sin energy without the use of skills.” He frowns. “In fact, I’m surprised you don’t already have it.”

My jaw drops open. Then it closes again.

“There was something that one of the invaders chasing me back on Liathtria had on him that made me immediately desire the crystal, so I think the thing is on Liathtria,” I slowly state, my eyes narrowing as I remember when I was sent out of Liathtria to Aulta. “Assuming they’re still in this plane, that would mean my Crystal is back on Liathtria.”

“Then go and get it,” Nidhogg says with a nod of his head. “That should be your first priority, with your second being to level up your Calling of Wrath skill.”

Right. Good plan.


“Would you mind explaining to me what Wrath Transformation means?” I ask with a frown, making Nidhogg pause for a second. Then he taps his finger on his throne, making the other two sections of the platform suddenly move away from us as a red barrier appears around him and our platform.

Huh? Is it something important?


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