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The sun begins to come up outside, bringing my attention to the window, which is leaking sunlight through the closed curtains, marking the beginning of the day as I hear quite the number of people going to sleep. Something I’m going to find very difficult to get used to, since Tartarus is overall a nocturnal world. The days here are just as long as the nights are on Earth. Actually, they’re probably shorter in general. Just about six or seven hours each day.

A lot of the demons don’t bother going to sleep though, since most high leveled individuals don’t really need much sleep. They need rest every day, but not all that much. And it doesn’t have to be sleep. Could just be lying down and closing your eyes for a little bit.

Too bad I’m not at that point in power just yet. I believe it only happens after you reach Class III, and your mind begins to undergo the reality warp for it.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Tar confirms my thoughts as I return my gaze to the canopy above me. “Class I reality warp is to change your body to fit your magic, Class IIs is to perfect your body both in appearance and physical form, and Class III is to improve upon your mind, enhancing your magical senses and making it easier and faster to think. Then Class IV begins to infuse your reality deeper into your body, giving you a natural protection against any form of mental or reality attacks. And Class V finishes that process while also granting a powerful increase in all your multipliers and warping your body one more time to be more in tune with your element.”

Right. So I just need to make it to Class III to no longer have to waste my time sleeping.

Actually, come to think of it, you don’t have to eat at Class V, right?

Tar glances at me before landing on my chest and curling into a ball as he answers, “You don’t.”

Right. Now I really want to reach Class V.

Tar snorts.

I smirk before deciding that I might as well go ahead and start getting used to this new nocturnal sleeping.


“Really?!” I exclaim, my face practically radiating excitement as I barely keep myself still while standing in front of my bed the next night. Or rather, the next dusk? The next dusk. “It’s finished?!”

Leonidas nods his head with a faint smile before snapping his fingers, making an amulet appear in the air next to him. And the amulet is absolutely beautiful. It has some sort of blood red gem inserted into the center of a triangular shaped pyramid pointing downwards with two wolves howling engraved on the silvery black design, both wolves facing away from the jewel. Meanwhile the chain itself attached to the work of art is a sleek silver with some flecks of red running through it that you can only see at an angle. As if it were magical. Which it kind of is.

I reach forwards before grabbing it and putting it around my neck. Then I put some of my mana into it and it immediately makes a large vortex of blood move around me as my clothes are swapped out for the armor, following which the vortex of blood vanishes again, leaving me in a rather comfortable set of armor. Much more comfortable than my old set which was too tight around the chest.

After testing my movement a little in it, I nod my head, satisfied with it before going over to the full body mirror that a Noble servant had brought in at some point. And my reflection in it both has me happy and a little frustrated. Because the armor looks really nice on me, but it also emphasizes my form too much. And I’m used to wearing stuff that doesn’t do that. Hence my jacket.

The armor is form fitting around the torso with some give-way in the arms and legs, which seem to be made out of some sort of silk with a gauntlet on both hands going down to my elbow along with pauldrons on both my shoulders. The silk part is completely black while the pauldrons and gauntlets are a deep blood red and are clearly made out of blood metal, just like the entire torso which is mostly black and red except the chest plate which is a very dark bordering on black silver with a red symbol in the center of it and a red outline around the chest plate. Meanwhile the rest of the torso is mostly black but with some lines of blood red going down across my stomach to my naval. The armor flares upwards a little bit on my collar and has some extra plating on the sides of my hips, with high greaves going up all the way from my feet to my knees and the same material as on my arms covering the rest of my legs.

Overall, I love it. I just really wish that it didn’t emphasize my figure so much. But I guess most armor does that since they’re almost always fitted just right so make sure it doesn’t move around on you or try to fall off somehow. To make it fit perfectly.

I turn around to look at Leonidas to find him wiping a tear, which has me raising a brow.

“Don’t mind me,” he says, making me raise my other brow. “Just glad I finally got to make you armor.”

Huh. Sentimental much?

“The armor your wearing can be repaired using blood of any type, including the blood you have in your blood bank skill, and it can also be enhanced with that blood as well to grow more durable,” he immediately gets into describing the benefits of the armor. Then he points to the armor plating over my hips, bringing my attention there as he says, “There are two storage spaces in the armor that you can use, and they’re both there. Simply speak the command word and it will open the pockets for you. You can also change the command word by using the current command word and saying ‘Change.’”

I pat down on my hips, but I don’t find anything, only for him to add, “The current command word is just ‘open’ so change it to whatever you feel comfortable with later.”

“Open,” I state, and two small slits open up in the side of the hips leading into some sort of red vortex. “Cool.”

“Last but not least, at least for me, the silk underneath the armor plating is enchanted to simply pass on any damage done to the silk to you so that the silk can’t actually be destroyed,” he says, making my eyebrows rise as he scratches the back of his neck. “Mostly to make sure your armor isn’t completely destroyed, leaving you exposed.”

I almost chuckle at that, instead thanking him. Because that is a rather nice enchantment.

Not like I was expecting silk to be able to handle an attack anyways. And this’ll maintain my dignity in case the rest of the armor is broken.

“I have to admit, it really is better than my old armor,” I state while glancing at the mirror again.

“Of course it is,” Leonidas scoffs, making the corners of my mouth quirk up.

Prideful old man.


This is not from this current scene, but it is the only image I have of Scarlet wearing her new armor.

So here it is.


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TYFTC and the picture. She looks awesome! Just enough of the look that says, “get in my way and I will obliterate you”