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Hey Tar? Could you make it so that I don’t get a stupid System message every stinking time I see a new demon? It’s getting really annoying to have an identification message play out in my head every last time I turn my eye to find someone new.

“Of course,” Tar says, his voice echoing in my head as he floats next to me, the tanuki having been scolded by the maids when he tried landing on my shoulder due to it ‘not being dignified.’ Maids who I’m pretty sure are plotting to ruin every last bit of dignity I have left by now, considering the whole corset thing which is extremely uncomfortable and is accentuating my chest more than any other outfit I have ever worn. “Actually, most demons don’t bother having the identification turned on by default, instead asking for the System to identify others. Because unlike you humans, they can identify most everyone on their planet as long as they’re not the exact same species.”

Huh, guess that’s right.

I carefully keep my balance as I walk, not used to wearing heels. Something that the maids for some reason insisted upon. The only bright side being that they didn’t put me in high heels.

The dress itself, I have to admit, does look quite nice on me. And it does take into account my dislike of exposing skin, which apparently the Demon Lord was already aware of according to the maids. Since this dress doesn’t actually expose much of anything. It even has the shoulders covered, and long sleeves that end around my wrists.

The dress is mostly black with a small red strap with the texture of a ribbon going across my stomach, with the dress flowing out from there in a mostly straight manner down to about my lower calves. The majority of the dress outside the ribbon is all a sleek black in color, but a small portion of the dress in the front stretching down from the little strap is a blood red and has some very faint ruffles as it goes down to the same length as the rest of it. At the same time, the dress above the strap actually has buttons that go up to the collar, which stops at about halfway up my neck and is made out of the same sleek material as the rest of the dress. Meanwhile my hair is completely straightened and feeling silky smooth from that bath, and it's running down to about my knees in length since the maids trimmed it a little. Most of it’s going straight down my back, but there are two small parts going down over my shoulders and across my chest.

But the breeze I feel from wearing a dress in the first place is unpleasant and making me want to change out of this thing. Although not nearly as much as the corset that would be making me feel like I’m dying inside if it weren’t for pain diffusion which I now see as the best skill in the world. And the fact that they painted my nails red was in my opinion an unnecessary addition, but then again, all of this outfit was an unnecessary addition in my eyes.

I glare at the woman who I’ve since learned to be the head maid of this palace – the vampire lady whose name is apparently Countess Selene Vespara of Bloodfall, a Countess without any land to her name – making her stiffen up ever so slightly in the process. Then I let out a sigh and focus my gaze forwards as I walk through the grandiose palace, ignoring the various demons we pass by who are all bowing to me and clearly greeting me with a short, “Your Highness.”

Something that’s really starting to get annoying.

Not to mention the fact that I’ve seen hundreds of Class V demons so far just from where I’ve passed in the palace going from the bath to wherever this maid is taking me. Because as it turns out, Class V servants in the Royal Family’s house is a lot more common than the human world’s education believes it to be.

Literally every servant serving members of the Royal family are Class V demons. All Nobles. Most of which are of the rank Count or Countess and below.

Actually, the head maid is the only Countess rank amongst the servants. Any who are of the same rank or higher are serving as my biological father’s personal guard or in some group he has called the Blood Fang. Some sort of force of soldiers beneath him. Or rather, force of Nobles beneath him.

Such a confusing term, Noble. Since every last Class V demon is a Noble, even those that have no land are Nobles. In fact, most Noble demons don’t have any land to their name.

I hold in a swear as I trip slightly thanks to my heels only to catch myself before anyone noticed.

Fucking heels.

Tar chuckles in my head, making my eye twitch. But I don’t act out to swat at him or anything because I don’t want to give a bad impression to the staff at the castle. The all Class V demon staff. The staff that if they didn’t revere me as their Princess could kill me simply by swatting me like a fly.

I am a little surprised that not a single one of them seems to care at all about my human genes though.

“Well, they know that as you ascend, your human genes will slowly be devoured by your demon genes,” Tar admits, making me raise a brow. “It’s common knowledge amongst the Nobles, actually. The Demon King himself actually admitted recently that he knew from the first time he saw you that you’d only have a single percentage of your human genes left by the time you reach Class V.”

That has me quickly turning to look at the tanuki.

I will still have a percentage left of my human genes?!

“Yeah, turns out all our worrying was for nothing,” Tar says, sounding slightly annoyed by that. “Then again, I didn’t really take into consideration that the human genes belonged to the White Knight of Humanity and not just some regular human. So the genes are stronger than most humans and will at least let a single percent survive.”

That’s good. That’s very good.

The tanuki glances at me as he says, “I doubt I have to say this, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to-”

I know. I won’t just stop fighting and growing stronger just because I’m not at risk of that anymore.

Not sure if I could even if I chose to. Not with my pride getting in the way.

“Right. Consider that you just said, ‘chose to’ and not ‘wanted to,’ you could just say you don’t want to stop,” Tar mutters, making my lips quirk up slightly. Which, I notice, has the head maid walking next to me suddenly smiling and walking a tiny bit straighter as well.

That’s going to take some getting used to.


This image is from a later scene, however, it is the dress she is wearing right now.


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Bunny Waffles

I fully expect her to destroy the dress later the second she gets her hands on 'normal' clothes, especially her jacket, and never wear an outfit without pants ever again. Also, where that Tail Cult at?


The dress image is from a later scene. That means she puts the dress back on at a later date. Whether willingly or not… I’d say no.


The Tail Cult probably vanished when she got a tail (beast form) and then promptly removed said tail.


Still, she doesn’t immediately destroy it at first available opportunity.


Is there going to be another chapter out tonight? Or am I going to keep hitting refresh intill I fall asleep? I can’t wait for her to meet her grandfather


There's no proof that says she doesn't. Not that I'm saying she does or doesn't. Just that there's no proof. She literally has no other clothes to change into, and the main reason she's being made to wear the dress is the ball that the image is from.


Last for the night... it's 8 AM here so I have a nice surprice every morning.

Braden Moody

I'm technically late and not part of the tail cult, but I seriously wanna see her with a tail lol

Tanner Hinze

Thx for the chapters.


Okay now i hope that when she Returns to Earth she will be Class V. That would really be a shock for them than.


Dress like that could benefit from drawers or such to stop any feelings of breeziness.


also, if it's uncomfortable then her corset is ill-fit


We do not know how long her Trainingsphase can last until the Void Beast/race or what ever attacks.....


Maybe. Or maybe it's because it's a corset lmao. She's just not used to being cinched.

Kristeen Livesay

We kinda disbanded after that, each secretly waiting for the day she finally uses it in battle but we have been mollified for the time being.

Peter Smith

A proper corset does not restrict airflow or movement. It supports the dress to allow the individual to keep a clean appearance and helps an individual with standing straight for long periods of time. Essentially imagine walking around with a fusion of suspenders and a comfortable pillow backbrace. The only way they become uncomfortable is if they are improperly sized, or it is the first couple times wearing one. Not because its truly uncomfortable but because the individual is not used to it. Ironically wearing armour is far less comfortable than corsets, or even suit jackets. It should also be notes that a corset was also a very good place for a lady to hide a small knife attachment to hang from, and if properly built is on par with leather armour.

Peter Smith

Any self respecting seamster or seamstress knows how to properly measure a corset and set it perfectly. As well as where to remove, in case of changed measurements. In fact modern dresses are far less comfortable than most older dresses. Its also why the nobility always went for tailoring before a ball, just to make sure it fit properly

YoYo Crow

TFTC!! Oh!!! It's just Soo good I'm so glad I got lost in other things and there this epic back log of chaps to go through. Also the art for this story is AMAZING!! Love it!


I am laying low in order to gather sacrifices for the godtail