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I gape up at the man who is standing about five inches taller than myself before hearing the Noble demon land on the ground below. Black then tilts his head and asks, “No thank you? Well that’s disappointing.” That snaps me out of it, but he doesn’t give me the chance to say anything as he just moves up to me and scoops me up into a princess carry that has me blushing and says, “Well, we should run.”

Then I learn in a rather unpleasant way how it feels to break the sound barrier, even if his shadows are protecting me from damage.

I try to speak, but he just looks down and shushes me while saying, “It’s not safe for you to try to talk at this speed. I think.”

Not safe… he thinks? Seriously? He doesn’t even know, but he’s still gonna shush me?!

And can he please put me down?! This is really uncomfortable!

My thoughts come to a grinding halt when I hear a loud crashing sound from the building we were just at before another sonic boom echoes out, indicating something else breaking the sound barrier. Then I see the Noble demon chasing after us through the air.

“Seeing as I’m here in a clone, and she is a pure combat focused demon, the chances of me winning against her in this form is not as high as I’d hope,” Black eventually says, now acting a little serious but still in his jokester personality. “So if you don’t mind me…” I look up at him at those words, getting a very bad feeling from them. “I’ll just be sending you away now.”

What does he mean by that?

The shadows around us suddenly grow a significant amount, hiding us from view and covering the Noble demon chasing us as well before I feel him shifting me around. Then I’m airborne, as if the bastard had just tossed me through the fucking air. But just seconds later, I feel myself slow down before reaching solid ground somehow.

Despite being on the ground, the shadows remain for a bit. But they’ve become a lot less thick now, so I can see through them with my blood lycan vision. Enough to know that I’m several blocks away from the tower now and on the ground.

Oh, right.

I transform back into my regular form out of my beast form, and immediately afterwards, the shadows vanish.

Guess he was waiting for me to do that first. Which makes sense considering someone could’ve seen if he didn’t.

I look around my general location at the park I now find myself in before looking up at where Black and Fredricka are clashing in the air. And I can’t help but frown when I see the man holding what looks like a shadow-covered version of me in his arms as if I were still there.

Guess he’s using his clone as bait to keep her away.

A warm feeling enters my chest at the thought that one of the Knights is sincerely trying to help me. That he’s not just doing it as a favor or because he’s my family.

My frown turns into a smile, and I look down at the park around me, only for the smile to turn back into a frown when I hear something prowling around through the forest. Something very much not human considering the noises corresponding to eight different legs stabbing into the ground.

Well, shit.

I look around before closing my eyes and focusing on my ears, only to find that there aren’t any humans nearby. So I transform back into my beast form while coating my claws in metallicized blood for the very first time, the blood gaining a slightly silvery sheen to it despite the still deep red color. And just from the testing that I did once in my room, I can tell it’s the sharpest thing I’ve ever seen.

Because blood metal is far superior than any metal on Earth. And it’s one of the best metals if not the best on Tartarus as well. So good that the blood lycans more often than not create their own magi-tech armor out of it. Although their magi-tech is simply just regular armor imbued with skills. No technology added like the artificial fibers in my magi-tech armor. Armor that I’m pretty sure would blow up in my face if I tried wearing it on Tartarus.

The footsteps continue getting closer and closer until they breach the clearing I’m in, revealing themselves to belong to a large spider demon. One at the start of Class III. But this one isn’t a taracht.

|Demon Vanguard – Subspecies: Arachne – Level 251|

An arachne. An inferior breed of the clan demon arachnae.

Unlike both the taracht and the arachnae, which are one hundred percent spiders in form, the arachne have humanoid bodies attached where the spider’s head would otherwise be. And while they’re still superior to the taracht, they’re far weaker than an arachnae. They also don’t have the arachnae’s unique constitution of being able to absorb, recreate, mix, and experiment with any type of corruption using their own body, nor their immunity to corruption.

I grit my teeth before narrowing my eyes on the creature and spreading my claws out slightly while entering a combat ready stance.

“Youuuu dessssirre battllleee?” the arachne speaks, stopping on the other side of the clearing. “Orderrrs aarrre bring home.”

My eyes narrow at that, and I immediately answer, “Tartarus is not my home.”

The arachne seems surprised by that, the woman – because this arachne is clearly female with the only layer of clothing she has on being a silken wrap around her chest – flinching slightly, only to state, “It isss home.”

I frown before shaking my head.

Also unlike arachnae, arachne aren’t all that intelligent. Sure they’re smarter than most Class III Vanguard demons their own level, but they’re still just a vanguard demon.

“Then we fight,” I state, quickly sprinting straight towards the arachne while leaving a small crater where I was just standing.


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Thanks for the chapter!


Yup crazy uncle just yeets her sounds about right :D


Seems she's glad she can actually do something against a demon that's in her ballpark I think unlike the rank 4-5 demons

Kristeen Livesay

I’m curious if the security cameras in the city are magitech or if they aren’t and got disabled by the power outage. If they didn’t then all hell will break lose when people find out her identity/species and the reason the fracture happened. Although now that I think about it White probably had that covered far in advance.


Reread the earlier chapters where this was explained. All security cameras were turned off in the entire city along with anything else that used electricity. Why the heck would they waste billions and even trillions of credits just to use mana instead of electricity for cameras? That's plain stupid. And don't say it's for this exact circumstance as no one knew this could happen before.

Kristeen Livesay

Makes sense, and I won’t. I still don’t really have a proper grasp on the rarity or expense of magitech, she is currently in a very high leveled area for lack of a better term due to a bunch of powerful individuals being based there and as such interacts with magitech on a regular basis so and the only time that I can remember of the top of my head for how expensive something is is when Allen gets her armor made, even then we only learn that it’s incredibly expensive but that’s it. Also I’m still not fully sure how far the process of shifting from a non magical science based tech to a magitech society we have gotten.


As far as I can tell, the main issue with Magitech stuff isn't the production cost, but keeping it charged. Magitech armors always use their Guardian's mana, and I'm not sure if all the other Magitech doesn't need to deliberately be charged. Using multiple class IV or a class V to try and keep the System charged at all times would be a huge waste of manpower for very little gain, so electricity it is.

Peter Smith

True, which means that the guardian phones if they are mana powered, still would be down because the cwll towers are down. The thing that makes this entertaining is im pretty sure that if fredricka is no longer in the council because of black, the likelyhood of setting up some minor extremely important infrastructure with mana power would likely get pushed through. Especially if the power going down means that the safe rooms cant close.


You do realize the terminals don't use or have anything to do with cell towers, right? They're terminals. Not phones. Not once have they ever been called phones. And it's been mentioned multiple times they don't use electricity and are able to connect through barriers, which phones can't do. And for the most part, Lenara is correct. It's been stated who knows how many times that the price of magi-tech is sky high because of how much it costs to keep it charged. Not to make it.


Hm, one thought: Black takes her away at supersonic speed. Which means she moves away from the changeling literally faster than sound. And still she can hear the followup sonic boom of the pursuer (the sound of which would travel slower than the speed at which they move)? Kind of weird. I'm assuming Blood Lycan hearing in consequence is not actually depending on physical vibration reaching them the slow way and instead an effect that using magic is able to reach out for a lot faster transmission.


Can she speak in beast form now? Nvm, got to the next chapter