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                                                Alexander North

“Let’s just all go,” Cynthia says, making me turn to her in surprise. But she doesn’t let me say anything as she adds, “Alexia has gotten a lot stronger since. At this point she’s probably around the strength of a Tier 2 Symbiont Host, so she won’t be in much danger. Not much more than I am at least.”

I blink at that before the fact of the matter finally hits me.

Right. She’s as strong as a Tier 2 now.

Not just a kid. Even if she still is one.

I glance at the girl who is still clinging onto me before sighing, “Alright. You can come.”

She immediately looks up with clear hope in her eyes before quite literally jumping up in joy. Then she goes to the popcorn back she tossed and pouts at it.

I hold myself back from snorting in amusement at that.

Should’ve thought about the popcorn before tossing it.

The smile on my face vanishes when I realize something’s missing. Or rather someone.

“Where’s Snow?” I ask, glancing between Alexia and Cynthia.

“Oh, she’s out hunting right now,” Alexia says without taking her gaze off her popcorn, making me let out a sigh of relief. “She does that a lot. Just randomly leaves and comes back weeks later stronger than when she left.”

I raise a brow at that before looking at Cynthia and finding her grumbling something that I only catch thanks to my heightened senses, “Stupid mutt is stronger than me now…”

Now that has me smirking in amusement. But my smirk grows into a smile when I hear quadrupedal footsteps approaching along with the smell that I easily recognize as Snow.

“Speak of the devil,” I comment while walking over to the door and opening it to find Snow walking down the hall. But the moment the frozen wolf notices me, she immediately gets excited and rushes in to tackle me before licking me all over.

Fortunately the only thing she manages to lick is my armor as I have my hands protecting my head.

“Alright, down girl,” I tell her with a smile on my face. And I can hear Alexia giggling from inside the bunker.

My smile fades when I notice a tiny flash of movement in the corner of my eye, bringing my attention to an open doorway. But I don’t see anything there. There’s no cold energy nor is there any heat that would mark a human being.


Snow gets off of me after a surprising lick to my face that she managed to get past my hands thanks to my distraction, which just sets Alexia off even more.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” I mutter while climbing to my feet and scratching Snow on the head in between her ears as she pants in front of me like a dog despite being a wolf.

Then again, she used to be a dog.

Anyways, I turn around and begin heading back inside of the bunker with Snow following behind me before I close the bunker door.

“Now then,” I start while still scratching Snow with the frozen wolf leaning her head into my hand. “Let’s talk about this councilman.”


                                              Outside the Building

Julian runs as fast as he can through the frozen streets feeling very thankful to have his cold suit armor equipped and activated right now. Because if he wasn’t mistaken, the man he’d just seen was one of those suspected frost infused. The people who are like the mutants but just better.

Something that the chairman didn’t even think existed purely because no one could find one on the planet.

Even Julian didn’t believe they existed. After all, there wasn’t any proof that they did beyond the emergency announcement. And to test it out someone had to get an artificial heart and risk themselves by getting infected afterwards.

But getting a permanent artificial heart, one that won’t run down or need to be replaced and works just as well or even better than a regular heart, isn’t possible in most corners of the universe. And that’s not even mentioning how the current problem with technology would complicate the issue even more.

He didn’t have any visible mutations though. All he had was pitch black eyes, a sign of a frozen one. And he still acted perfectly normal for a human despite that. No signs of his instincts warring with him like that woman clearly shows.

The man continues running through the streets while being careful to avoid any frozen ones that might see him. Fortunately, the cold suit armor – one created by replacing the power sources in military cybernetic gear with cold energy instead – hides the wearer’s heat signature. And, according to the mutants, it isn’t visible to their cold energy senses either.

The councilman will want to hear about this. If we can just get this frost infused to join our base, then his position as the leader would be cemented.

Julian can’t help but grin, the thought of his brother climbing higher in power and therefore bringing himself with him a tantalizing one.

I wasn’t able to hear what he was talking about with the princess, but whatever it is, they seemed to be close to each other. Maybe they’re exes? Or just good friends?

After a few seconds of pondering over it, the man shakes his head, not stopping in his run through the street even when he sees a frozen one entering a building on the other side of it.

It doesn’t matter right now what his relationship is. That’s for the councilman to figure out.

He suddenly picks up the pace, running even faster than before thanks to his Tier 1 Symbiont. And all the while, a wide grin refuses to leave his face.

I knew it was a good idea to keep watch over the girl this time! She seemed to be growing more and more restless lately, not even being willing to talk to the councilman much less consider working with him.


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