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Weeks pass with fewer and fewer Demonic Assaults to the point that they end up only happening once every two weeks after a few weeks, and soon the final month of the semester, April, comes around, along with crunch time for studying. But I can’t help but grimace as I look at my poor status screen.

It’s been almost three and a half months since I reached Class II, and I’ve only leveled up forty-eight times. Although learning that Tar could optimize my status screen to not show the unimportant skills like those utility skills was nice and freed up some space in my status.

I lean back in my desk’s chair located within my suite’s bedroom, pondering over the meaning of life if not to level up. With a tanuki scoffing at the dramatics I’m currently not expressing at all, of course.

“You are already about to hit level 150 after not even being a Guardian for an entire year, not to mention the progress you’ve made in getting almost all of your skills to at least level 10, so I’d say you’re doing pretty freaking well,” Tar comments, already having had his worldview broken by me by now. “My worldview is perfectly fine thank you very much.”

Yep. Keep tellin’ yourself that.

I do have to admit though, while my level hasn’t raised as much as I’d like in these months, the changes to my skills after bringing most of them to level ten have been very nice. Especially blood regeneration, which now heals me even faster and apparently regenerates damage to my reality as well, blood thirst, which now has the stacks resetting the timer each time a new stack is applied, with the timer counting down from three minutes, and blood shadow, which lets my blood shadow use some very basic and weak versions of some of my skills.

Tar mutters something about cheat legendary skills again, just like he always does.

Blood shadow isn’t a legendary skill though.

Tar snorts in response, apparently not deigning to grace me with an answer.

I smirk at that before letting out a sigh and stretching, deciding that I’m not gonna get any studying done if I’m just sitting here complaining about levels.

Then again, it’s not like I need to study right now. The finals aren’t for another few weeks after all.

My thoughts are cut off when the terminal on my arm buzzes, bringing my attention to it to find an email from the vice headmaster of the university. One asking me to come to his office for some reason.

Uh… what?


So after not getting lost at all in the process of finding his office, I arrive there within just three hours of the email.

Tar chuckles in my head, but I ignore him as the wonderful human be- err, blood lycan? Um. The wonderful whatever I am that I am.

He just snorts at that.

Aaanyways, I raise my hand to knock on the door, only for it to suddenly on its own. Or, rather, it opens by a familiar mist that I remember the vice headmaster using both during the first semester and the second semester opening ceremonies and ranking tournaments. A tournament that I made forty-first place in.

Something that didn’t really shock anyone this time.

I follow the mist to its source just to find the man sitting behind a desk with a woman I very much recognize sitting on a comfortable chair across from him. And upon seeing her, I almost immediately get the idea of what’s happening.

Either the Bloody Valkyrie is here to ask me to join the Garden of Blood, she’s here to make me her apprentice, or she’s here to ask me something about White. Basically the same thing most other Association leaders have been doing over the past few months.

Just that she is a much more well known Association leader than the others were. And stronger. A lot stronger.

Just from my time in middle school, much less university or even high school, I already know that she’s supposed to be about tied for the sixth highest leveled human in the world. Even if she’s still a few hundred levels behind the Knights.

“So she’s important?” Tar asks in my head as I walk through the door, feeling a tad bit nervous about the gazes of two Class V Guardians being locked on me.

Very important. In fact, her Association alone has enough power to take on the government, if we excluded the government’s two main backers that is.

Actually, she may be able to survive dealing with them as well. Since Purple isn’t a combat focused Guardian at all, and Black is a stealth and assassination focused Guardian. Something that doesn’t exactly pair well against a woman who can literally turn her body into pure blood to avoid a fatal blow.

“Ah! Scarlet, you’ve arrived!” the vice headmaster says with a smile on his face before getting up from his chair and indicating the woman as he introduces her, “This, as you probably already know, is Ava Carter, otherwise known as the Bloody Valkyrie! And she would like to speak to you about something.”

I try to keep from making any sort of reaction to his words, but I can’t help but stiffen up slightly anyways.

If either of them noticed though, they don’t show it. Instead the vice headmaster gives a nod to the both of us before saying, “And with that, my part here is done. Please do lock up my office when you leave.”

Then he vanishes, leaving me alone with the woman.

I can’t see this ending well.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 149

SP: 3


Physical: 373

Mental: 373

Magical: 372

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 117,001/117,942.6

Free Points/Level: 3

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 9


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 8


Beast Form

Skill Level Static


Metallicized Blood Claws

Skill Level: 15


Blood Pull

Skill Level: 15


Life Drain

Skill Level: 15


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Chains

Skill Level: 6


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 12


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 10


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 7


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 7


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 10


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 10


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 11


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 10


Predator V

Skill Level: Static



Kristeen Livesay

That old man knows when to run that’s for sure.


Well, wonder how many times she has to say no before she goes away. Can't see White letting her force her daughter to do anything.


The guy is one of my favorite characters lol. I'd do the exact same in his situation


Why would she say no tho? Seems like the most powerful human blood user could help her out?


Of course she would say no to showing a random person who she doesn't know her status and therefore that she's more blood lycan than human.


Aah I see. Forgot that was a common requirement for mentees.