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                                                   The Station Roof

Blake lets out a groan of pain as he wakes up, pushing himself up with his left hand and holding his head with his right.

Shit, that skill never gets easier to use…

His memories from before it flood his head and he jerks his head upwards to look for Scarlet, only for his eyes to widen in shock when he finds her mother sitting on a pure white cube floating in the air with a bored look on her face.

Why the fuck is the White Knight of Humanity watching over me as I was unconscious?!!

And by the looks of it, she isn’t very happy about it either. Not considering the glare she turns towards him after finding him awake.

“Finally awake?” she says, her voice so sharp it could cut through steel. “Good. Now I can leave.”

White stands up from her cube, only to pause, making Blake stiffen slightly. She then glances at him again and asks, “You have feelings for her, don’t you?”

Shit. Shit, shit, shiiit!

Blake quickly stands up and opens his mouth to refute her, only for White’s eyes to narrow as she says, “Do not lie to me,” making his mouth shut again on its own.

A few seconds pass before he can open it again, and he immediately says, “Yes. I do.”

White taps her chin a few times with her index finger without saying a word, letting Blake grow more and more frightened. Then she eventually mutters, seemingly to herself, “First it was that child, Julian, then a couple random Guardians she fought, and now this one?” She pauses at that before shaking her head and muttering, “No, never mind. All of them lost interest eventually. Even the boy she saved.”

Blake blinks at that and frowns.

A kid fell for her? That couldn’t have gone well. Good thing he lost interest. But the others she’s talking about must’ve been those two who propositioned her during the tournaments and were rejected. Idiots who probably thought she would be a nice one time thing before moving on again.

The woman’s eyes narrow on Blake as she takes him in fully and asks, “But you’re not like them, are you? Not if you’re anything like your father.”

Blake feels his blood run cold at her words.

Then the damn bursts and he scowls at her, stating in a cold tone of voice equaling that of her own, “I will never be anything like him!”

White raises a brow at that, lets a few seconds pass in silence, then says, “But you are. I can tell without even entering your mind because you have that very same stubborn look as he has. One that means he will never give up.”

Blakes’ eyes widen in shock at that, but White just continues while glaring at the boy, “You can feel for my daughter however you want, but know this. She has no interest in romance.”

A few seconds pass as Blake calms down before he sighs and says, “I already knew that.”

The Knight raises a brow at his words, only to turn around and begin walking away, fading out of existence after just a few steps.

But right before she does, Blake swears he hears her mutter to herself, “Children… and did she really send me to babysit him? Really?”

Blake’s eye twitches at the thought of being babysat. Especially when he dragged Scarlet with him so that she would still be with him when he woke up. And to get her contact information, which he never managed to get.

A few moments pass in silence before Blake sighs.

Guess I’ll just go home and play some Hunter XI…



I can’t help but grin as I watch Belle lay into Arthur about ‘being careful’ and ‘why his fae is a wolf’ along with various other random things that shouldn’t really be a problem but apparently are to a worried girlfriend.

Overall I’d say today’s been a pretty good day. I climbed all the way up to level one hundred and thirty, met the child of another Knight even if he was a little odd, managed to pull one over on both White and Blake at the same time, and got another inherent skill. Not to mention I’m getting to see Belle tear into Arthur for no reason other than her being worried. And he even got a rare magic too!

All in all a very good day.

On that note though, I bring up the description of my new inherent skill. An uncommon one at that.

{Blood Chains – Allows the user to conjure chains made of blood, whether hardened, metallicized, or liquid blood, which bind and constrict enemies, restricting their movement, draining their blood, and draining their life energy along with it.}

My grin grows wider and wider the further into the description the System gets.

Another useful skill both at ranged and in pure offense! Not to mention it’s a constricting skill, which was something I lacked! Something to keep the target in place!

Man, today was such a good day!

Well, aside from Arthur almost dying, that is.

I continue lying back on my lovely recliner in the middle of my living room, briefly wondering why it is exactly that Arthur and Belle are having their argument here in the first place before deciding that I don’t care. Instead I just close my eyes while significantly lowering the sensitivity of my ears to only be able to hear about a few feet around me. Something I learned I could do and have been doing so ever since to fall asleep.

Certainly one perk of not being human anymore. Or, not being mostly human anymore? Not being half human?


“You sound like you’re enjoying yourself,” Tar’s voice echoes in my head, making me grin despite having my eyes closed.

Yeah. I really am.

And now I’ll just go take a nap while those two are arguing over there.

Then I can get on Hunter XI in the morning.


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Kristeen Livesay

Is it concerning that Scarlet sees becoming a demon as an upgrade? Regardless you go girl. The only thing I want now is to see her properly go all about metalized blood, werewolf form and all.


I appreciate that the story is clear where it stands on a lot of stuff. It's fine for other characters to like Scarlet, but she isn't looking for a relationship so that's not the direction the story is going.


I love that they’re both like “let’s go play Hunter XI”. Especially since Scarlet doesn’t really like Blaze, and Blaze doesn’t know he’s been playing with Scarlet.

Alex R

Other than the fact that when she turns pure demon, the Demon King might be able to control her, I don't think it's a negative. Blood Lycans seem to be better than humans in almost every way from a base standpoint. Also her becoming one shouldn't change her personality as it's already in line with the Blood Lycan one.


I can't help but wonder when she's gong to get struck by Cupid's Arrow though...


I've mentioned before that there is never going to be any romance in the story. Scarlet is just like me. And I'm gray romantic bordering on aromantic.


I don't think she will ever turn full demon. I remember it being mentioned that she would have like 1-5% of her humanity left at rank 5, though I suppose that is probably subject to change and I don't think it was definitively stated. I think you're right about the rest though.