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I very smugly activate the beast form skill again, turning me back into my human form with far less pain than it initially took to transform me into that beast form in the first place. And then I remember my clothes.

Right. Should go change.

I quickly go to my closet before deactivating my magi-tech armor and changing clothes. Then I go back to my bedroom and sit down on the bed.

So far the benefits I’ve gotten have been pretty good.

“What about the tail?” Tar asks, sounding more amused than he should be.

We forget the tail. It doesn’t exist.

The tanuki snorts as he lies down on my bed next to me.

Now then. The next thing on the table is to check out the changes to the partial shift skill.

{Partial Shift – Allows the user to transform two extremities into that of a beast for a large and one time price of mana each use.}

Not bad. Not bad at all.

It looks like I can now transform both of my arms into that of a beast, and it’ll likely cost less mana to do so. A very nice upgrade.

I smile at that while flopping back on my bed.

With the exception of the putrid black guck, the major pain that I went through, and the wardrobe malfunction, this has been a very nice evening. And the day was quite good as well, considering the large amount of credits that should be transferred to me by the morning.

And then there’s the points. Actually, I should start putting more research into what I can get with those points now that I think about it.

But that can be left for tomorrow.

For now, I should just focus on my status. Because I haven’t actually looked at it beyond checking the skill descriptions yet.

And it should be a bit different now.

Wow. My mana really did shoot up just from ascending.

That increase in the multiplier is already working its magic. Now it looks like my mana is about 0.85 times my mental and magical stats.

I smile at the thought.

And it shouldn’t just be my mana affected by it. Everything should be.

It’s so nice to be Class II.

Now then. Onto using up my Skill Points.

Before I level up my skills though, I should check if there are any new legendary skills that I might want that unlocked from reaching Class II.

“There probably is knowing you…” Tar grumbles, sounding like he’s moping or something.

I snort at that before opening my Skills Store. And low and behold, there really is a new achievement-locked legendary skill there.

Wow. That’s… wow.

“Get that legendary skill,” Tar immediately says, and I can’t help but numbly nod my head as I buy the skill. “Null magic is one of the most powerful magics in existence, and you just got a powerful etched null magic skill. I guess it was bound to happen with your mother being White, but I wasn’t expecting it this soon…”


This is a very nice skill.

“You have too many legendary skills…” Tar mutters, sounding like his worldview is being shattered. Or universeview? Guess that term fits better. “Just how… how does a Guardian not even half a year past contracting manage to get five legendary skills?”

I resist the temptation to stand up straight and stick my chest out in pride. Because I am not a child.

And I’m lying down, so that’d be hard.

Anyways, putting my pride aside for the moment, I activate the null magic field before simply understanding how to use it. So I make the field appear a couple meters in front of me where I soon find a pure white tint fill the air for a diameter of about five or so meters.

Not a bad size. Should be enough to cover a room.

The main problem was that setting up the field itself cost an entire five percent of my mana. Which was a lot.

But it doesn’t look like it has a cooldown or even a limit on how many fields I can have up at once.

I wait for a little bit before realizing that the field doesn’t seem to vanish on its own either. Then I walk out of my room and to the other side of my suite, only to walk back again to find that the field is no longer there.

Interesting. So I can make as many fields as I want, and they will not expire unless I get too far away from them? I also don’t have to upkeep them. It’s just a straight up five percent cost of my mana to use the skill.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

In fact, this is great! Especially for those berserk skills and finishing move skills people have which cost a huge amount of mana. With this I could end up making them not have the mana needed to use the skill at all!

It still kind of sucks thought that I don’t have a finishing move skill of my own still… unless I count the beast form? Maybe?

It definitely makes me a lot stronger, that’s for sure.

I sit back down on my bed before pursing my lips.

What to do with the remaining Skill Points... buying Blood Sword wouldn't really help much when I already have my metallicized blood claws, and Null Magic Field is an achievement-locked skill, so I can’t level it up with Skill Points. I also don’t have enough SP to get Blood Thirst to level ten still. Because legendary skills are a massive pain to level up.

Hmm. I guess that’ll work.

I raise Blood Manifestation to level ten before checking the changes to the skill’s description to find that I can now summon up to twenty-five blades at once. It also looks like my control over them has improved, which I’m surprised the description is mentioning.

Must’ve been some improvement for it to point it out.

Now then.

I turn my attention to the tanuki lying on the bed next to me before I ask out loud, “You mentioned that you could tell me the Demon King’s Titles after I reached Class II?”


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Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the images:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 101

SP: 108


Physical: 245

Mental: 243

Magical: 243

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 3

Mana: 50191.65/50191.65

Free Points/Level: 3

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 4


Beast Form

Skill Level Static


Metallicized Blood Claws

Skill Level: 12


Blood Pull

Skill Level: 11


Life Drain

Skill Level: 12


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 10


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 6


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 7


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 6


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 7


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 9


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 7


Predator V

Skill Level: Static


Skill   Name:

Achievement   requirements:



SP   price:

Null Magic Field

Unlocked by persevering through over a   hundred different unique magic attacks within a three month time period, by having   pushed through your mana capacity numerous times over within a week’s time,   by killing a demon over a hundred levels above you, by reaching Class II   within half a year of being initialized into the System, and by being the   child of the White Knight of Humanity, White.

This skill allows the user to set up a   temporary null magic field that will require any magical skill requiring mana   to use twice as much mana as the skill originally intended to be successfully   used.

The user is only partially affected by   their own null magic fields, requiring them to spend 1.3 times as much mana   for any magical skills

Active   Achievement-Locked



Blood Sword

Unlocked by killing over one thousand beings   within half a year, by having the knowledge of how to wield a sword, by   killing a demon over fifty levels above you, by reaching Class II, and by   being a Blood Lycan.

The user may create a blade made out of   metallicized blood that they can use in combat.




Blood Poisoning

Unlocked through killing a demon at   least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class   above you, through killing various demons whose levels far surpass your own   with indirect means, and by having blood magic.

The user may corrupt a very small   portion of their blood before separating it from their body and using it to   infect other living beings.




Blood Frenzy

Unlocked through killing a demon at   least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class   above you, through killing a demon captain of the Sin of Wrath, by killing a   demon at a higher level than you while almost burning all of your blood in   the process, by having absorbed your first catalyst, and by having blood   magic.

Allows the user to drive their   opponents into a frenzy, making them go berserk with anger on a level   determined by the difference in power between the user and the target.

Warning: While this skill makes the   target incredibly reckless and lose their situational awareness, it also   makes the target stronger.






I can't wait to see Tar have an aneurysm when she gets mythic skill.


Thank you for the chapter! Edit suggestion: it should be lo and behold instead of low and behold


Thanks for the chapter. Her mana is showing as 50191.65/50191.65. But she used mana to transform into a big scary werewolf, then she used mana to turn back.