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                                   The Primogenitor Battlegrounds

Diane lets out a sigh of relief as she watches the livestream floating in front of her while sending out a wave of darkness that envelops and eradicates thousands of fae soldiers. Throughout the entire battle between Wolf and the bone dragon, she couldn’t focus even an ounce of attention on her own battle, simply eradicating the forces under the Radiance Progenitor without a care.

I actually got worried for a moment there…

She shakes her head at that thought, simply smiling a little at the sight of her adopted son hugging his daughter – something he almost never does unless she hugs him first. Then she turns her focus finally to the swarms of fae soldiers around her. The soldiers are wearing bluish gold armor that’s glowing with a radiant light and feels almost as if the armor is both real and illusion at the same time, and the soldiers are all human sized despite technically being fae.

I’m still surprised Titania had so many artificial soldiers at the ready. But then again, she’s probably been preparing for her war with The Reaper for a long time now.

Out of the corner of Diane’s eye, she finds dozens of players of varying different species rushing out to attack the fae soldiers, so she specifically avoids killing them while still wiping out more and more of the fae soldiers. This continues for nearly three hours until she senses a certain undead approaching from the South and stops fighting.

When she turns around, she finds Leo charging through hundreds of fae soldiers without a care, making them all disintegrate into dust as he passes thanks to the miasma coating his body.

Once he reaches Diane, the two share a nod before working together to clear out the remainder of the fae soldiers around them with increased efficiency, taking away a large portion of the potential rewards from the other players nearby. To the point that, before they’re even done, a large majority of the players begin leaving the area entirely to search for a different one.

“I hear your pup defeated the bone dragon?” Leo prods, sounding vaguely interested. And Diane can’t help the proud smile that stretches across her face as she answers, “Yep! He just beat it not too long before you got here!”

“Do you know what he got as a reward for killing it?” Leo asks, making Diane pause for a second before she goes back to check the livestream, just to find Wolf lying on the ground next to Sapphire, not having touched the boss’s chest yet. “Looks like he hasn’t opened the chest yet.”

Leo pauses as well at the news, only to continue fighting again a second later as he says, “I see. That’s rather unlike him.”

“Well, the fight was probably the hardest one he’s ever had, so I think it makes sense that he’d be resting now,” Diane says, defending her adopted child.

The draugr just chuckles at that as he continues wiping out the fae soldiers with his soon-to-be wife until they’re all eliminated.

“Was he really that close to dying?” Leo asks after approaching Diane amidst the broken corpses and ash remaining of the fae soldiers. And Diane nods her head right away while using her darkness element to erase the blood and gore on her claws. “It was a bone dragon after all. One a couple hundred levels above him at that.”

Leo winces at the level difference before muttering, “That Reaper isn’t trying to kill him, is he?”

“I…” Diane mutters only to shake her head. “I don’t think so. But it is a possibility.”

“Why don’t you think he’s trying to kill him?” Leo asks while crossing his arms. “We both know The Reaper can’t control Wolf due to their blood ties, and because Wolf is blessed by the Primogenitor of Ice, so why wouldn’t he try to kill him?”

“It would be going against his nature,” Diane answers before looking up as a fae suddenly enters the area through a rift. A countess ranked fae.

“Right, I almost forgot about that,” Leo mutters, briefly glancing at his fiancé as she transforms into her werewolf form, making her stand nearly and entire meter taller than him before she sees him focus on the fae, spreading his arms out slightly with his pitch black eyes flaring with a purple light in the process.

Meanwhile the fae – standing at only a foot in height – floats upwards with their glowing purple wings and equally purple eyes as she opens her mouth and says, “A war thou came for, and a war thou shalt get.”

Then the two sides rush towards each other, clashing in a manner that sends shockwaves for miles around.



“I am really not looking forward to the next boss after this…” I mutter before finally getting off the ground and stretching, Sapphire following me soon after as she says, “Yeah, well me even less so. At least you didn’t die.”

I don’t say anything in response to that.

Because she is right. Even if she only meant it in jest.

I can’t help but stare at the bone dragon’s remains. Not that there are many remains to speak of. Mostly just some bones left behind, which largely consist of the remining bones that were in the pile.

The creature was absolutely the strongest thing I’ve ever fought. And it was the hardest battle I’ve ever fought as well, with the second hardest being either the void creature I fought before on the two hundred and first or so floor, and the third hardest being the kraken.

My eyes suddenly widen as a frightening thought enters my head.

If the bosses are this strong… how strong are the event bosses in the Beta Dungeon?

Just the mere thought of it sends a shiver down my spine.

“Looks like we really can’t treat the beta as we did the old dungeon after all…” I mutter and quickly find Sapphire nodding her head in response.

The beta is far harder than the other Administrator Dungeon. And if we underestimate it, then we’re dead.


My gaze finally turns to the chest at the center of the cavern.

…maybe it also gives better rewards?


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Jalil Hayes

He gonna have fight for his right to progress