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Hello, first of all, I apologize to the stories that aren't Wolf of the Blood Moon or The Undying Magician for the slower updates. I have explained the reasons as to why this is happening to those in both my discord server and on Royal Road, but I don't think I ever made an announcement here.

So there are two reasons, the main one is because I am trying to get The Undying Magician book 2 ready for publishing on Amazon and need to finish it, and therefore am focusing more on that over the other stories, with the exception of Wolf of the Blood Moon of course which is my main focus. And the other reason is that both this week and the last week are my final exams weeks for the semester. That should explain enough in and of itself.

Now, onto the poll!

I was curious so I decided to just make a poll about this.

Where did you find my Patreon?

Did you find it through reading my stories on Amazon? Or did you find it through reading my stories on Royal Road?

I'm just curious as to whether Amazon is actually directing anyone here or not.



Thanks for the heads up, good luck on your exams just like I'll need it for my own. Tail Cult!

Jalil Hayes

Take your time and get your study in if you need it

Alex R

I think this poll doesn't 100% tell you what you might think it does. Because some of the people (myself included) would have found you through Amazon if I hadn't found you through RR first. Like my first time patting was before you were on Amazon so I didn't even have the ability to find you through Amazon. But also please study, they are important.

Tyler Machado

Yes good luck and I was figuring it was finals based on the time you slowed down. Blood Moon is one of the top on popular this week so making it the main story is very smart.


What I'm looking for is where they first found my Patreon. All I want to know is if people are actually finding my Patreon from Amazon.


It's actually the #1 story on Popular This Week, and has been so for a while now. Probably gonna stay that way too as long as I keep the chapters going.

Tyler Machado

Lets see if we can get it on the first few pages of best rated. One can hope.


Unfortunately not possible. Especially because the rating on Wolf of the Blood Moon is currently dropping slightly on average.


For me it's not technically accurate that I came directly from amazon, I saw it at the end of your book, but I had to search for it (just a basic google).

Corwin Amber

I'd have to say both. I found the patreon through amazon first, but then searched for Royal Road and read the chapters there before using the link on that site to get to patreon.

Steven Beal

for me i found you through royal road first, but that was also before you were on amazon


I found your book through Amazon (white wolf series) and I found your patreon in the back of that book. Does that count through Amazon?


Yes, that's what I meant. Either in the book themselves or on my author profile on Amazon. As long as it's from Amazon.


Well if I remember right I found you on Amazon with the void dungeon the found you on royalroad where I found your patreon