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                                      Year 2849 | Month 1 | Day 24

I focus on my bones with my mana senses as I’m tossed about in the tornado, being slashed apart by both blades of wind, different gusts of wind going in different directions with incredible force, and various bits of cliff, trees, rocks and whatever else is flying by digging into me. But none of it is as painful as messing with my time and space mana, so I simply keep my senses on said mana, not moving them even for a second. And during this time, I don’t see a single change to it.

Despite that, I continue watching. And watching. And watching while wondering just how long this tornado is going to last.

Eventually I do notice something change in my time and space mana. For just a second, a tiny wave of turbulence starts moving through it. And that turbulence seems to slow down my healing just a tad, surprising me quite a bit in the process.

So I continue watching it, only for a long period in the tornado to suddenly stop having blades of wind, decreasing the damage done to me and making the turbulence go away gain. This immediately leads to my healing catching up in an instant just like before, only for the blades to come back again.

Did the guy stop to catch his breath or something? Or maybe his spell only allowed for a maximum number of blades, and he had to restart it?

Either way, it works for my experiment.

After another onslaught of attacks, the turbulence slowly begins to come back, and my healing starts to stall ever so slightly again. But the stalling only reaches a certain point, not moving any further than that.


All of a sudden, the tornado just vanishes, leaving me thrown to the side straight through a bunch of trees until I eventually slam into another cliff hundreds of meters away.

Okay, that kind of hurt.

The wounds immediately heal.

I get up while stretching despite not needing to. Then I begin making my way back to the cliff where I see the man kneeling quite a ways away.

Yeah, looks like he used up all of his mana to carry out all those attacks. Not that they amounted to much.

They did teach me a little bit more about my immortality though. Something the doctor couldn’t do till I got better at manipulating my own mana and sensing it.

It looks like people can stall my reversion just a little bit by constantly attacking me with mana infused attacks. So things like the trees and rocks hitting me didn’t seem to affect it at all, but the wind blades and tornado itself did. And considering how much mana he put into those attacks, it would likely take a Class A or even a Class S magician to stall my reversion long enough for it to matter.

Even then though, it doesn’t look like it’s doing anything other than stalling it. Because even when parts were completely severed or crushed, they still reformed not too long later, after the reversion caught up.

So it looks like I’m still completely immortal, as we expected.

Actually, I wonder what would’ve happened if the doctor ever tried personally going all out against me with his magic to see if he could kill me? I know he never did that because if it did work then his test subject would be dead. And even if I am not actually immortal, which it seems I still am, I would still be an answer to his aging problem. Which is his main issue at hand.

He did toss me into some other planes for a while though, where I proceeded to suffocate or get tortured by the mana in there for a while until he pulled me back out.

I stop walking at that thought as I realize that I don’t really feel any fear towards the memory anymore.


Guess the pain I’ve been going through since coming to the Kingdom of the Fallen has numbed me of that?

A rather morbid thought, but meh. At least I’ve gotten rid of that particular trauma.

Actually, I’ve gotten rid of a lot of stuff during this time. More than just trauma.

After a minute or so of jogging back to the cliff, I find Falkner heaving in exhaustion while lying flat on his back in front of my cave entrance, surrounded by no fewer than three dozen soldiers. And the moment his soldiers see me, they all start muttering in fear and backing up a little, seemingly beginning to abandon their leader but not sure if they should yet or not.

Falkner himself turns his head and appears absolutely shocked by my appearance as I simply walk further into the clearing with my sword drawn.

“How *cough* are you *cough* still alive?!” the man shouts with a scratchy voice while coughing out no little amount of blood.

Looks like he overused his mana arcs. Which means he won’t be using his mana for months.

Well, if I wasn’t about to kill him that is.

I glance at the soldiers as I walk over towards them with even steps, only for them all to immediately begin running away without even bothering to defend their leader.

Guess that was expected with a garbage leader like him.

I turn back to the man again to see him reaching his hand out to me while still on the ground soaked in his own sweat and coughing up blood. But he doesn’t manage to say anything else. Not before I reach him and stab my sword straight into his heart. Then I wordlessly burn his corpse and head back into the cave.

The battle was by no means a waste of time like I was expecting it to be, so that’s certainly a plus.

And I finally got rid of that asshole Falkner who’s basically just been sending me refugees with how he treats his people. Although I’m pretty sure some of the refugees aren’t from him. But most of them were.

Kind of says something about a man when his soldiers all up and abandon him without a second thought though. In fact, I think I saw one of them with twitchy fingers on his gun as if he were about to gun down Falkner himself, which is a factor I don’t think the man considered.

After taking several steps into the cave, hearing the soldiers all scurrying away from my place in the process, I glance back at the barrier.

The inside of my cave looks perfectly find and intact, but the outside might need some managing. So I should mention that to Carol.

That aside, I wonder if the other cities got their fill of watching yet?


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