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I posted a sneak peek image of Scarlet's next magi-tech armor, a stronger one than her current one, in the sneak peek channel of my discord server. A channel that's patron only.

Not posting it here though because it's a spoiler.


Dark Web Rogue Chat Room

[E1 – Update. The bounty on the Guardian known as both the Scarlet Wolf and now the Apex Predator has increased from five million credits to twenty million credits.]

[R1 – Really? Maybe I should give it a go then.]

[R2 – Not before me you won’t. I’m already heading over there now.]

[R5 – Guess that leaves me out of it. Not going to travel halfway across the world just to find the target already dead.]

[R8 – Didn’t R4 already go after this target?]

[R9 – I think so. Has anyone heard from him?]

[R10 – Well, the bounty is still up, and the target is very clearly still participating in the tournament. So I’m willing to wager that he decided against doing the job.]

[R11 – What happened to all that bravado of his, talking about how the target was only a teenage girl? It’s rather sickening.]

[R12 – No. What was sickening was his magic.]

[R2 – Regardless of R4’s actions, it doesn’t matter. I should have the job done soon.]

[R1 – Damnit, you’re too fast.]

[R8 – Guess that means no job for us then.]

[R9 – Yeah…]

[E1 – Update. Should the Scarlet Wolf be exterminated before the Class I Primaries commence, the bounty will be doubled.]

[R2 – Fuck yeah!]

[R1 – Seriously? Now that’s just rubbing salt in the wound…]

[R8 – Damn it, I’m out. I’m not gonna deal with this shit until there’s another bounty that I can go for.]

[R8 has left the chat.]

[R9 – Yeah, me too.]

[R9 has left the chat.]

[R1 – R2, at least make sure to tell us the details afterwards, aight?]

[R5 – Agreed. Details would be helpful. Especially if you have anything that the Guardians Research Team can benefit from. Particularly her corpse.]

[R11 – Yeah, that’s just sick. I’m out.]

[R11 has left the chat.]

[R5 has left the chat.]

[R12 – There’s always the chance R2 might fail, ya know.]

[R1 – I doubt it. He’s one of the strongest ones we have here, myself excluded, of course.]

[R12 – Just as prideful as always, huh?]

[R2 has left the chat.]

[R1 – Oh, looks like the job will be starting soon. Guess we’ll be seeing the results soon enough.]

[R10 – Looks like it. I still find it rather despicable to attack a target while they’re in their pod for the Interschool Tournaments though.]

[R10 has left the chat.]

[R1 has left the chat.]

[R12 has left the chat.]


Outside of the Pod Dock Hall at Lion’s Heart

The Ripper can’t help but lick his lips as he kneels on the roof of a nearby building, simply looking down at the Pod Dock Hall of the Lion’s Heart Guardians University. He can already sense his target close by, his blood hunt skill active through the drop of blood given to him by the client for the job. And the Class III Guardians down there won’t be able to do shit to stop him – a Class IV – from doing whatever the fuck he wants.

And if that means he gets to have a little fun with the target before killing her? All the better.

Jack licks his lips again at the thought of draining the girl of all her blood before killing her right in front of the guards in the building as he forces them to watch.

This is going to be fun!

He watches the guards move for a few seconds before tensing up to prepare to jump off of the building, but the moment he tries to do so, he finds his entire body frozen, unable to move.

The Ripper blinks in surprise, barely managing to move his eyes when he spots a flash of white light near him. And what he finds sends his mind into overdrive.

White?! What the fuck is she doing here!?! She was supposed to be off in Uras to deal with the swarm of Class IV harpies that flew around the frontline to attack!! So why the fucking hell is this bitch here?!

White just stares at him before raising her hand and gesturing towards herself, making the white energy covering The Ripper flash slightly as it forces him to stand up straight and face her. She then steps forward, her eyes flaring white in the process, making several orbs of white appear around his body, erasing the devices on him from existence including the one that was recording his mission for the sake of the bounty.

The Ripper tries to speak, but he still can’t move his body in the slightest. So the silence between the two stretches for a few seconds before White glances at the Pod Dock Hall and then back at him. She then reaches out with her finger and touches his forehead, making his eyes widen in fright as he understands exactly what she is doing.

Pain immediately flares throughout his body.

No, get out of my fucking head! No!! Get. Out!!!

White light begins to shine from The Ripper’s eyes, making the pain throughout his body grow even worse before it all vanishes in an instant, giving him relief. But that relief doesn’t last long as when he regains his sight, he finds White – who everyone knows to always remain calm and neutral, never growing angry, never losing her cool – scowling at him. A look filled with absolute hatred.

Jack can’t help but feel fear at that look

What… what did I do to deserve a look like that?

“You planned on murdering my daughter,” she says, answering his thoughts with a voice sharp enough that it could slice straight through ice. Cold enough that it could freeze him alive.

Jack the Ripper’s eyes widen in shock as he realizes just who the Scarlet Wolf is. Which only solidifies as he compares the image he has of her in his head with the woman in front of him.

If I get out of this alive, I’m going to fucking skin that client alive and drain their blood-

Before Jack can even finish that thought, he sees White’s eyes flare once more, and then a wave of white light envelops him.


Amelia coldly stares at the empty space in front of her that used to be where the Class IV Rogue was standing. And all she can feel as she does so is hatred towards the man. Hatred that quickly dies down as she turns to look at the building where her daughter currently resides.

There’s less than half a year before the time slated by the witches arrives. Before her guided training begins.

Amelia can’t help but feel a pit form in her chest as she thinks of who her daughter will end up with.

Will she be taken to Tartarus and guided by him? Or will she remain here on Earth, trained by my hands?

She stares at the building for a few seconds before a thought comes to mind. One she doesn’t want to even consider.

Will she even want to be helped by parents who abandoned her?

Amelia stares at the building for nearly two entire minutes before shaking her head.

Now is not the time to worry about that. Now is the time to clean up a certain bunch of rogues and an organization that doesn’t know its place.

A flash of white light shines from around her body, following which the woman vanishes.


For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

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Table of Contents



Thanks for the chapter


They're gonna need to research how to put themselves back together I think.


Tail cult assemble!


Not sure which channel? Is it the melded on? Or is there a hidden channel for the new pic?


I’m starting to pity those rogues.


It makes me wonder what exactly the prophecy is that not only is the strongest human on earth but also one of the strongest blood lycans do not want to go against it to stay with their daughter.


I specified the channel at the top of the chapter. It's called Sneak Peeks. Although it may be possible that Patreon didn't give you the role for being a patron, in which case message me and I'll give you the role. Since it should've given you the role when you became a patron.


Guess I don’t have the permission. Does not show a sneak peek channel for me


Patreon probably acted up again and didn't give you the role. Message me on discord and I'll give it to you.

Dan K

Assuming she can fully read his mind and saw who hired him, my guess is a few important people are gonna suddenly ‘disappear.’

Peter Smith

So, hot take here... Both of her parents are going to train her... In a side realm in the inbetween, why? Because the event that happens will shunt her through a crack in a tier V fracture that forms around her. Amelia and leonidas will be picked up by oberon, or given a modified teleportation skill by him, that will allow them to train her without them being ripped from their worlds. Half of the teaining session will be nonstop family drama that comes from having overly emotional bit stalwart parents, and a slightly sociopathic daughter who, only wants to be with her adoptive parents.


If you are a patron but don't have the role on my discord, then message me and I'll give it to you. Judging by you two, it looks like it might not give the role to annual patrons or something for some reason. Since you're both annual patrons.


weeell.. i don't think the assassin knows the identity of his client... that would be highly unprofessional, and that organisation wouldn't have any kind of lifespan to begin with... soo... while she knows there is a bounty, and maybe even where on the darknet it is posted, getting to the client is a whole different story.


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter … but really in my eyes there is no redemption for her womb and sperm donor … but I give you 100 💯 kudos for trying. I strongly hope Scarlett give the same treatment they gave her for the same timeframe. A cold shoulder combined with clandestine watching visit spiced by up by some saving action and this for 20 long years. Hopefully they will dead by then … if not, well they did their penance, maybe she can invite them for coffee.

Kristeen Livesay

The research team specified her body or was that just saying to leave it intact to sell it to them after killing her for someone else.

Kristeen Livesay

I’m getting a feeling that the prophecy forbid either parent from interacting with her until it was “time” so that she would equally not care about then preventing her choice of who to go train with and potentially side with from being influenced by outside factors. Also they are both protecting her to the best of their abilities without ever actually interacting with her. White set her up with Allan with the intention of him being a father figure for her. Her father sent changelings to guard her. They are doing their best within the limits given. I think that neither expect her to suddenly be close to them when she found out and white planned that, likely her being raised by Allen was to influence her to stay on earth when the “time” came and the reason she wasn’t allowed to be adopted was so that it wouldn’t cause problems when she was either, kidnapped and taken to be raised by her demon father, or when White announces that she is Scarlets mother.


You have good arguments … but every story need villains and White + her Demon lover make a nice pair in abandoning their child. Maybe the prophecy force them or maybe they are just shitty parents and use the prophecy as an easy excuse. Even White’s bout’s of feeling slightly guilty could serve only to show herself that she isn’t so bad bc she feel guilty. At the moment the jury is still open … but I go with Allen who practically said “Fuck the prophecy - I defend my child and don;t give her up”. This is what I expect of a parent - fighting Fate even if all odds are stacked against you - not this surrendering to Fate and take the easy way out + an built in excuse with feel good factor for the sacrifices the womb donor did.

Dan K

Think they were just commenting that if they could extract her corpse they could sell it to the researchers not that they were the client. Though they are the most likely suspects as the bounty went up right after the government denied them the ability to study her. (Not that white would have ever allowed that to begin with)

Jonathan Willis

I mean scarlet may have been prophesied to die if her parents stayed with her. And as i don't think we have any context on the witch, her prophecies may be set in stone rather than just being a possible outcome like most fiction


Feel bad for White. I hope scarlet accepts her training offer