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The Commentator’s Booth in the Hunter’s Peak Stadium

“And it looks like the Scarlet Wolf is finally going to take things seriously, folks!!!” Ethan Foster – often called by the people as the Aquatic Ace and a very popular commentator despite his day job as a Class IV Guardian – shouts, raising the hype for the girl in question as he watches the bracket he was assigned to commentate. All while the other three commentators, including the MC, focus on their own brackets with their voices inaudible to him unless he wishes to hear them.

On the screen, Ethan and the various spectators focusing on her screen – which Ethan notices are quite a bit larger in number than the other screens – watch as the girl steps ahead of her team, breaking their formation with one of her forearms transforming into her trademark werewolf’s arm after a layer of blood conceals it from sight. Then her equally trademark claws of blood coat both of her hands and she kneels slightly, lowering her center of gravity as a slight mist of blood leaves her pores.

“Aaaandd…” Ethan drags it out, only to shout the moment just jumps straight off the ground, “here she goes! The hunter has set her sights on her prey and is pouncing!”

Ethan can’t help the surge of excitement he gets as he watches the nineteen year old wolf eared girl jump straight through the air before jumping again off the wall, and then again until she lands on one of the balconies right in front of one of the four girls, startling her into falling onto her rear. And the Scarlet Wolf wastes no time in grinning at her and rushing forwards, quickly tearing out the throat of the girl who has absolutely no close combat skills before moving on to the rest of the floor, where she immediately darts straight towards the next girl.

“Even though I’ve been in so many battles of my own, I can’t help but feel a thrill watching the Scarlet Wolf fight,” Ethan comments before asking the audience, “anyone else feel that? Like you’re watching an apex predator hunting her prey?”

Shouts echo all the way across the stadium voicing the agreement of thousands of people all at once, and Ethan can’t help but chuckle at that.

“Thought so,” he says as Scarlet tears the throat out of another one, seemingly being careful not to do anything that would actually damage their armor or expose anything despite the censor being in place. “And it looks like our little hunter is being quite courteous as well, despite her rampage. Because if you didn’t notice, she’s avoiding attacking any areas that might expose her opponents despite the censor being in place.”

We all know that there are some sickos online that like to edit the footage and try to remove the censoring by replacing it with realistic looking images after all. Even if those are immediately removed by either the government as it’s crossing a line even they won’t allow, or the Guardians themselves. And the offender punished. Severely.

Ethan doesn’t say that part out loud though and simply continues watching Scarlet tear her way from Sunshine team member to Sunshine team member.

In the end, it doesn’t even take her a full minute to clear out team Sunshine's students, making the round end within a minute and a half of it starting. And a large majority of the crowd that weren’t already watching her bracket quickly begin focusing on it as soon as they hear of it, even if most of them are too late by then.

“And that’s all she wrote for team Sunshine! They have been hunted by the Apex Predator of the Guardian world!” he shouts, getting a little too into it as he explains, “For the Scarlet Wolf is the single Guardian in the world with the highest capabilities that far surpass any other Guardian, including the five Knights!! And she is very much the hunter and not afraid to use that power!”

The crowd goes crazy at Ethan’s remarks, and even the other commentators finally focus on him, sending him startled looks after having unmuted his audio upon the request of viewers.

Soon enough, chants begin resounding throughout the stadium, bringing more and more people’s awareness to her bracket.

“Scarlet Wolf!” “Scarlet Wolf!” “Scarlet Wolf!”

But eventually, the chants begin to shift to the title Ethan had carelessly given Scarlet. Another title on top of her original one.

“Apex Predator!” “Apex Predator!” Apex Predator!”

Ethan can’t help but grin as he nods, satisfied with his work before turning his attention to the screen right when it’s about to change to show the next round of the bracket, the screen currently focused on Scarlet standing above the corpse of the leader of team Sunshine.

‘What have you done?!’ Archangel sends him a telepathic message through the device in her hand, a furious look on her face. But Ethan just sends her a smug grin and responds with his own device, ‘Made her untouchable by your little Researcher fan club.’

His words send the woman into a rage, but he just mutes her and turns his attention back to the stadium with a smile.

Ethan had gotten word from Cipher and Frost that the Guardian Research Team was preparing to make a move on Scarlet in an attempt to force her through the government’s authority to agree to their examinations. Merely for ‘research that may very well benefit the human race,’ when in reality they just want to find out if there’s anything they can replicate to increase their own capabilities or the capabilities of their children.

Or possibly just find a cause for it and condemn her using it as justification out of pure spite and jealousy. Spite for disproving their unshakeable theory, and jealousy for not being able to have that power themselves.

But with her capabilities known to the public instead of just the few who bothered to look into her personally on the government’s public database, and her popularity with the people, the government would never give her away to the researchers. Not in a million years.

The man can’t help but feel proud of his work, and for having finally pulled one over on that irritating woman.

Then the next round of the tournament starts, and the chanting begins to die down, everyone focusing again on the tournament now that Scarlet is nowhere to be seen.

Ethan pops his neck and goes back to work as a commentator, his true objective complete.


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And this establishes the human “bad guys”


I find it hard to believe the government wasnt already placed as the bad guys given the context of the tiered cities and the way power is kept at the top


Well, at first that was done as a necessity since they didn't have enough manpower or resources, nor enough Guardians to protect areas more spread out. So the people congregated in the larger cities, and that's where the government focused as well. Then things became corrupt over the years as people started settling down with their new way of life.


I think there is a difference between background class oppression and forced “research” participation. One shows disregard for lower classes and the other is direct malicious intent.


Hmmm, I agree the human government is (together with morally corrupt freaks in a lab coat) the human bad guys. BUT, I don’t read about the humans raiding other planes (especially the demonic one) and killing indiscriminately civilians with the goal of genocide. So, the demons are the real gad guys and the government look like toddlers in comparison.


You also seem to be misunderstanding something. The Guardian Research Team aren't with the government. They just have a lot of influence over them.


Hey a story can have more then just one set of bad guys, just like I’m sure that “good” demons will be introduced at some point


Also Ethan is awesome for doing this.


Thats simple to answer you shouldn't think that equal society and democracy is always the best society and government form. Look at the greek they tried in their ancient time and they never could put up with such ideals for long. When Chaos depended on them and the times were more dire it always ended in a non democratic government form and in the end they just got swallowed by one nation after another. Persian, Macedonian, Romans etc. When the resources are limited an, not everyone can get for example educated - like in the medival time - then its not smart to give all the power, since either the uneducated masses will get herded by someone with a lulling lullaby of lies or they just can't make the correct choises in the correct time etc. Espacially in chaotic and desperate and splitting times like war, you need to make decisions fast and sometimes make act on the smaller pain. Fractures are nothing else then war and chaos time, magic a limitied product, like guardians are limited protection. Not favoring certain areas would be dumb. Even nowadays most democracies tend to be at least autocratic when they are in the war. Also the government is not the one who makes the calls thats only partial true its also the guardians. With them having Associations and guardians family clans when they gain an etched skill and therefore have their children being more probably a guardian since they fae favor the ones with bigger potential or them making big money early on and gain influence etc its obviously that few of those associations or guardian groups will be those who will play the human bad boys. Government is to weak to be an antagonist. It isn't necessarily wrong, it has not necessarily the power and a Tier 1 City needs obviously ro be favored as more fractures hapoen and they are the economic, political etc centers I mean you could also send more gusrdians too tier 1 towns so that less people die thereand therefore risk you capitol. Which includes many important institutions since they are and need to be centralised to be fast ro act on huge problems


@BrGustl: All true 😎 and this is the reason why I go with the time and time again proven truth: Power corrupts. Therefore it is only a matter of time until every power structure and therefore every government is corrupt. Ergo, the government are the bad guys 😁 They just can’t help it, it is in our human nature.


@CHoobler: There are three absolute truths in the universe: 1. The earth is a disc 2. Men are more smart then women 3. There are good demons which aren’t already dead /sarcasm off 🤣😝😎

Kristeen Livesay

I almost want to see them try only to find out that White is very protective of her daughter.

Dan K

Let’s be honest. Ethan just did them a favor. Imagine what White would do to them if they went after Scarlet if she even threatened her fellow Knight/Brother for messing with our favorite half-demon.


That's what I thought. Plus, they might receive personal visits from powerful changelings if anything happened.