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I stare in silence, eventually noticing that Tar had left my lap and is staring at it as well.

Neither of us say anything for a while.

“I guess that answers your question about what her name is,” Tar eventually says, and I just nod my head in response.

The great White’s name is Amelia Asger. Which means my last name did come from my mother after all and not Allen.

I knew it might happen at some point, but I wasn’t expecting to get one so soon. An achievement locked etched skill from White.

Although this will be a pain to level up. I really wish you could just level up achievement locked skills like this one and blood regeneration through spending SP, but nope. The System has to be stingy and make the skills inherent ones as soon as we purchase them.

“It’s not really being stingy…” Tar trails off as he realizes I’m just saying it to keep my mind off of the absolute confirmation that White is indeed my mother.

Before now, I had no absolute confirmations since the only one who knew – Tar – couldn’t confirm it with one hundred percent certainty, only go around his rules to imply it. But now? Now I have ironclad proof that she is my biological mother.

In all honestly, it’s a lot to take in.

“Will you be okay?” Tar asks, but I quickly nod.

Yeah, I’ll be fine. At the end of the day, she’s just the one who gave birth to me. Nothing more.

If anything, Cynthia is my mother. She’s the one who sat by my bed and sang me lullabies when I was a kid having trouble to sleep. And she was also the one who I know protected me more than once from thugs – along with Allen – when we were just walking through the orphan district of Rothwell City. Even if they assure me it wasn’t them.

I let out a sigh, just staring up at the ceiling from my place on the bed.

It’s just surprising.

That’s all.

Tar hums in response, not saying anything else as we just lie in silence.


The remaining month of the semester passes by rather slowly, with me participating in every single Demonic Assault throughout the time frame and eventually – through achievements, of course – getting the Skill Points necessary to purchase the Pain Diffusion skill. Which shows itself as immensely useful in combat by helping keep me from becoming distracted.

“How do you think you did on that final?” Belle asks as we walk down the snow-covered street of the campus grounds not long after taking the final exam for System Basics. “I felt pretty bad about it.”

“You’re going to pass just fine,” I tell her, brushing her worries aside since she’s always been like this. Fretting over her grade for who knows how long and then ending up with an A in the end.

“Well, I’m not miss 100 like you,” she says with a harumph, making me a raise a brow. “Yes, I know you get perfect scores because of your obsessive studying, but just let me complain, okay?”

I snort at that.

Someone’s feeling prickly about how Arthur said he wouldn’t be able to see her live during the Interschool Tournaments. Of course, I don’t say this out loud.

I very much like her not trying to touch my ears in a screwed up form of revenge.

In all honesty, the exams were rather easy for the classes I’ve taken so far. Although I’ve only had the exams for Demonology, Guardian Law, and System Basics so far. So I haven’t had any of my elective classes’ exams yet.

Judging by how the midterms were for them though, the only one I’ll have to worry about is Blood Magic.

Because miss Hunter is extremely harsh in her grading. I was absolutely sure that I got a perfect score, just like I got in most of my other classes, but nope. I got a ninety-one out of a hundred points instead.


Although Leo Foster – the other guy who has blood magic in my year – did worse, despite having been a Guardian for a decent chunk of time longer than me. But from what I’ve learned of the guy, he doesn’t really like studying.

Actually, if he didn’t have to be here, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have gone to university at all and would’ve instead stayed as a shut-in somewhere.

The guy seems to be even more into video games than me. To an extreme extent bordering on obsession.

Not healthy.

Belle – who’d been quiet for a while as we walk through the lightly falling snow, letting me brew in my thoughts – suddenly noticeably shivers in her rather bundled up clothes consisting of a heavy coat and thick pants and boots before saying, “It’s a cold winter this year, isn’t it?”

I glance at her before looking down at my clothes which consist of my magi-tech armor. Then I look up again with a shrug as I answer, “Kind of. But I like the cold, and I’m reaching the point where my level is high enough that it doesn’t affect me much.”

She scoffs at that.

“Right, I almost forgot you will probably be breaking into Class II not long after the tournaments finish,” she mutters, sounding a little despondent. Which makes me unsure of what to do or say.

Belle hasn’t really taken my leveling speed all that well. She for some reason wants to keep up with me at all costs, but that isn’t going to happen for obvious reasons. And I kind of wish she would just understand that and move on.

But emotions are a confusing thing that doesn’t follow logic as I so very wish it did.

The exams aside though, this will be a very interesting weekend.

Because it’s the weekend that marks the start of the Interschool Tournaments for the year. Or at least the opening ceremony, which is on Sunday.

A very interesting weekend indeed.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Skill   Name:

Achievement   requirements:



SP   price:

Pain Diffusion

Unlocked by very nearly dying several   times within a three month time period, by having pushed through your pain   numerous times, by killing a demon over a hundred levels above you, by   absorbing your first catalyst, and by being the daughter of the Knight of   Humanity, Amelia Asger, otherwise known as White.

This skill allows the user to temporarily   nullify up to 25% of the pain felt by the user.

However, any pain nullified must be   felt at some point within the next three days, and the user may diffuse that   pain over a set length of time or feel it all at once at a later time.




Blood Poisoning

Unlocked through killing a demon at   least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class   above you, through killing various demons whose levels far surpass your own   with indirect means, and by having blood magic.

The user may corrupt a very small   portion of their blood before separating it from their body and using it to   infect other living beings.




Blood Frenzy

Unlocked through killing a demon at   least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class   above you, through killing a demon captain of the Sin of Wrath, by killing a   demon at a higher level than you while almost burning all of your blood in   the process, by having absorbed your first catalyst, and by having blood   magic.

Allows the user to drive their   opponents into a frenzy, making them go berserk with anger on a level   determined by the difference in power between the user and the target.

Warning: While this skill makes the   target incredibly reckless and lose their situational awareness, it also   makes the target stronger.




Blood Summoning

Unlocked through killing a demon at a   higher level than you by at least ten levels, by killing at least 500 demons,   by having manipulated the blood of over fifty creatures including your own,   by summoning more than one creature of blood, and by having blood magic.

The user may summon blood of any type   on a conversion rate of 10 points of mana per Liter of blood.






Well, that's one way to perform a maternity test. Not one that I've seen before...


Thanks for the chapter!


So now I wonder.. Is Amelia the one who will inflict the mental trauma that is a dress on Scarlet?


I can’t wait for White to try to have a Dark Vader moment and Scarlet pulls a “…. I Know”

Jonas Schauer

Which shows itself as immensely useful in combat by helping keep me from becoming distracted. sound really clunky maybe cut the keep


Tail cult assemble! Thanks for the chapter


But who else holds enough power to make it happen? Maddening cliffhanger!


I will give you one hint. She wears it because she has to wear it for the ball she attends.


Nope. Hint: Look at the background of the image. I said the image was a spoiler for a reason.


White: “Scarlet, I am your mother.” Scarlet: “Yeah, I’ve know that for months now. Kinda curious who my father is though, and how you ended up hooking up with a demon.”


I imagine it more like: White- I expect you are wondering why I called you… Scarlet (interrupts) - I know your my birth mother Amelia. White- 😦


I wonder if an upgrade will give her a choice on how she feels that pain. Get stabbed through a heart? Pain of the world's worst stubbed toe.


I am imagining it more like: *Scarlet enters office with the other 3 present* *Turns to each in turn* "Alan. Cynthia. Amelia. To what do I owe the pleasure?"


Hopefully more like … Scarlett: “Fuck off, find a nice bush and die, but do it quietly or I have to help you along … later … much much later”. Child abandonment should be a capital crime in this world filled with orphans and destroyed families. Destroyed by demons, the same one White bumped the ugly with it.