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                                         Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 15

“What do want?” I bluntly ask the skeleton, since I know that while he dislikes the space magician, he probably wouldn’t go so far as to trick his spell just to help me for no benefit.

Adalwolf stares at me for a few seconds before answering equally as bluntly, “I want the results of your experimentations on yourself.”

My eyebrows rise at that, and I open my mouth to speak, only to not know what to say.

That’s all he wants? I know that if he wanted to, he could easily just knock me out and capture me again. But instead he’s just going to ask for the results of my experiments?

I… don’t know what’s going on in this skeleton’s head.

“Is that all you want?” I ask, genuinely unsure.

He nods his head and says, “Yes. I’ve already conducted all the tests I can on you, so why would I bother doing more? The other magicians I worked with to create the mutagen are all either dead or gone by now, so there isn’t anything I can do to you at this point.”

I blink at that.


That actually makes sense.

“Alright, I’ll share with you the results of my experiments,” I tell him with a nod.

“Good,” he says, the flames in his eye sockets narrowing ever so slightly, “how about we begin with how you’ve physically aged by nearly an entire year since I last saw you?”


                        A Meeting Room located within the City of Frost Veil
                                          Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 17
                       Two days after Nathan’s meeting with King Adalwolf

“He has to have a weakness,” Frost Veil shouts as he slams his fist down on the table, not even making the seven other city leaders standing in the meeting room flinch. However, the contingents of two soldiers standing on guard for each of the leaders do, reaching for their weapons on instinct. “We’ve sent him on dozens of missions by now, and he hasn’t even had any trouble with a single one of them! No matter what the rogues do, he just keeps healing!”

Damnit, and I honestly thought that we’d struck gold by landing such a good find! Because if he’s from the Republic, it means he has to have some modern technology from outside the continent, right? But now…

The lord of the city of Frost Veil – aptly named for its leader – grits his teeth and refrains from slamming his fist on the table again.

“I vote we just feed Falkner to him,” the man calling himself ‘The Archon’ – leader of the city known as Archal – suggests, not sounding the least bit apologetic. And why would he? Falkner always gets in everyone’s way acting on his ridiculous whims of fancy.

Frost can’t help but grit his teeth at the thought of the idiot. But the idea of sacrificing him does sound nice.

It would get rid of another magician city as well…

“I agree with this plan,” Harold – the leader of the city Volten – says, following which the remaining leaders all voice their own agreements.

“Looks like we’ll need to prepare then,” Frost says looking up at the others with a frown. “I’ll begin poking at the man’s pride.”

“In that case, I’ll fortify my city and keep my hunters out when the time comes,” Archon says, the other leaders voicing their own responses soon after.

After everyone’s said their peace, and most of the leaders have left the room, leaving only Archon, Frost, and Harold behind in the meeting hall, Frost leans back in his chair and mutters, “Just what sort of magic is that thing using?”

It can’t be fire magic, so what is it? Some sort of undead magic?

“With the king being alive, do you think it’s possible this ‘Nathan Fox’ is actually a monster created by him?” Harold asks, tapping his chin with a finger. The man is wearing a long golden cloak with the hood draped across his back and several fanciful engravings on the cloak worthy of a king, with a set of barely visible golden metal armor beneath it.

Archal shakes his head, his long robe draping over a chair as he takes a seat and says, “While it’s possible, I doubt His Majesty would let a monster of his own creation with such power loose. I believe it is more prudent to simply believe the ‘Undying Magician’s’ explanation on the matter that he was experimented on by His Majesty instead.”

Frost grimaces at that.

I can absolutely see His Majesty experimenting on someone he finds interesting. But that leaves the question of what about the kid roused his interest?

“We’ve tried sending him into a forest fire, but he just ignored the flames,” Archal mutters. “Tried shooting at him, and he ignores the bullets.”

“We brought out swords as well and it didn’t work either,” Harold says, sounding unsure of how to take the vampire himself. And Harold is usually the fastest to arrive at a conclusion between the three rivals.

Frost sighs.

“At this point I don’t know what could work,” Frost mutters while staring up at the ceiling. “We’ve tried pretty much everything besides specialized spells, complete destruction of his body at a speed too fast for him to regenerate, and beheading.” He blinks before glancing down at the other two and asking, “We didn’t try beheading yet, did we?”

Harold just nods.

We did. Well, damnit.

“Then there are just two options left,” Frost says, gaining a slightly despondent tone to his voice.

“Actually,” Archon speaks up, bringing both Frost’s and Harold’s gazes to him, “we have one more option.”

Frost narrows his eyes, and out of the corner of them, he can see Harold doing the same.

“You don’t mean…” Frost mutters, but Archon just nods his head and says, “I do.”

He stands up from the chair again, stating in a clear tone of voice, “Should Falkner not find us any usable data on the Undying Magician, we will simply have to overwhelm him with magicians until whatever is fueling his regeneration can no longer keep up.”


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Danielle Warvel

Why in the world do they want to kill him so badly?


Part of the reason was stated in the chapter. Because they want his supplies and resources from the mainland. But the other part is just that they hate the Republic, and they don't like new threats. They try to kill every new magician that tries establishing themselves, not just him.