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You are now under the effect of the Blue Moon Armaments.

This effect is not of the Void System and therefore any equipment of The Reaper’s System is now unequipped, and you are completely locked out of any System related activities including accessing your status until this effect ends.

While under this effect, all of your physical and magical capabilities are tripled, your voided eternal ice is transformed into eternal ice of the blue moon with its void related properties removed and its eternal ice properties enhanced, your weaknesses are temporarily removed, and your immunity to the void element is enhanced to 75%.


After my transformation is complete, I swing my sword to the side, shattering the small amount of ice that had built up on me during it. Then I rush forwards with my sword raised, striking directly against the bone dragon’s claws, and beginning to push it back almost immediately upon doing so. But then a wave of miasma begins coating the creature and it starts to fight back again, making my blade still struggle to push through, even if it is still gaining a little ground.

What the hell?! Just how strong is this thing?!

I put in even more strength into my attack, infusing some of my eternal ice of the blue moon into my body in a rush to give me more strength, a pure blue light beginning to shine from my body in the process. But even then I’m only barely able to shatter the claws with the sword, my sword swinging downwards and sending an arc of icy energy into the mound of bones below us. And to make matters worse, I’m soon greeted by the sight of more bones simply merging into the bone dragon’s body and replacing the claws I had just shattered.

Are you kidding me?

I jump back several meters, my sword held out to my side as I narrow my eyes at the bone dragon. And the creature in question decides to lift its head and let out a massive roar that echoes throughout the cavern.

Good thing I used blue moon armaments, otherwise that would probably have hurt my ears to hear.

It is nice to have my headphones off for a change.

I glance at Sapphire, who is trying to attack the bone dragon, but her attacks are so weak in compared to it that they aren’t even leaving much of a scratch. In fact, now that it’s enhancing itself with miasma, they literally aren’t leaving scratches.

“Come back,” I call to her, and she clearly doesn’t like it. But she does it anyways, rushing over to me and returning to my shadow.

If she can’t even hurt it, then she would just be a liability in this fight.

And I don’t want to lose her again, even if I can bring her back.

I focus on the dragon again, conscious of the fact that I can only use the sword for ten minutes a week.

This might be my toughest battle yet…

The dragon stops roaring and turns its gaze back to me, raising its bone wings in the process before flapping them once, sending a massive wave of miasma out to cover the cavern. But I don’t let it do as it pleases and release my own wave of eternal ice of the blue moon out to combat it.

Both the dragon and I then watch as our elements clash against each other, neither pushing the other back enough to matter, and both freezing and devouring portions of the cavern in the process. Slowly the cavern grows larger and larger, turning into a literal hellscape.

I ignore this though as I spread the claws on my left hand and move the sword in my right to the side before rushing forwards, breaking straight through the miasma and ice between us to swing my sword straight at the creature, who is already swinging one of its wings to clash with me. And the moment our attacks hit each other, a shockwave blows its way through the cavern, sending bones flying as the frost and ice coating everything dislodges and floats into the air.

We then repeatedly clash over and over again for entire minutes, neither of us really gaining the upper hand until I let out a roar of my own and fully shift my body into a blizzard of ice, letting my sword move around my new form with me, occasionally slashing at the dragon from random locations. This seems to do the trick and begins pushing the beast back until the miasma aura it has around its body grows thicker and thicker. Eventually becoming thick enough to block my strikes, even despite the many bones I’ve already knocked off of it.

I grit my teeth as I see the bones replacing themselves again, ignoring the pain of my own injuries that the dragon has dealt to me since they’re already healing anyways.

At this rate I won’t be able to kill it before my sword’s cooldown begins.

But how do I kill it? It’s a dragon made out of bones and miasma for crying out loud!

I jump back several meters again, building a distance between myself and the massive creature before looking around the room at the absolute carnage left in the wake of our attacks.

Then my gaze focuses on the bones on the ground that are merging with the bone dragon again, followed by the small portion of bones that were indirectly damaged by our fight, showing just how strong the bones are.

Alright. If I can’t deal with the bone dragon just yet, I’ll deal with its bone stockpile.

I spread both of my arms out before feeling my element begin running through my sword, which I raise up into the air as the air around it begins to freeze over. Then I swing the blade down, sending a massive wave of glowing blue ice, snow, sleet, and practically every other form of ice straight at the center of the bone pile beneath the dragon.

Let’s hope this works.


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Jalil Hayes

Been waiting for this chapter lol that's for the update