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And here we have it folks! The last chapter of The Eternal Winter book 1 before the epilogue!!!


                                                     Alexander North

Before either of us can attack though, a loud crash shakes the building – likely caused by the two beings slamming into it. Dust quickly begins falling from the ceiling, following which cracks appear on it and the walls.

“Leave!” I shout at the others while rushing forward again with my right clawed hand raised into the air, and they immediately leave through the emergency exit without much hesitation, making me let out a breath of relief. But then another loud crash echoes and the ceiling cracks right at the same time that I feel a sharp pain in my gut from where the frozen one’s shard slices through me.

I cough out a mouthful of blood but don’t stop my attack as rubble falls down from the ceiling, covering both entrances of the room in the process, along with a good half of the room, just barely missing the two of us. The frozen one’s eyes then widen with a small amount of rage when my claws once again cleave through its chest, but unlike the other time, I jab my other hand straight through before it can heal, dealing even more damage and getting my hand inside of its body.

A shocked expression appears on my face when I feel the core at its chest though, because the thing won’t budge no matter how hard I tug. And eventually my hand is just forced out of the wound as it heals itself, the armor healing along with it before the frozen one staggers slightly and almost falls to its knees while sucking in a gasp of breath.

“What the fuck are you anyways?!” I shout while looking between my clawed hand which is coated in blue blood with a color similar to the ice around us and the creature who is glaring at me from its place on one knee.

“Me?” it asks as rubble continues falling down from the ceiling, getting close enough to us that I have to dodge out of the way of a massive chunk of it. The creature begins standing up, its eyes flashing with a cold blue light even brighter than before. “I am a member of the Vanguard. The first forces of His Excellency to arrive at planets controlled by the Sun God meant to bring his domain and spread the eternal frost to all.” It pauses when it reaches its full height, spreading its arms out and making the shards around it begin speeding up as more and more rubble continues to fall around us. “I am Hailion, third in command of the one thousand five hundredth and sixty first Vanguard, and direct subordinate of the Vanguard himself, Cryonix!”

I blink once, then twice in silence after his introduction before saying, “I’m Alexander North,” and rushing at him again without another word, startling him in the process.

Guess he thought I was gonna be impressed or give some sort of fancy introduction of my own.

We clash over and over, my energy healing the wounds his shard gives me and his own healing the wounds my claws deal to him, all while the building crumbles around us. Eventually though the space grows so cramped that we can’t fight very well anymore, everywhere we look being covered in rubble from the above floors, and nowhere around us showing a way out of the training hall.

Huh. Looks like I’ll be dying here.

But at least I could save Cynthia and the others.

I suddenly grin while panting in exhaustion and staring at the frozen one called Hailion.

“What is that look for irregular Alexander?” Hailion asks while also breathing heavily with parts of his armor finally slowing down in healing itself.

“Nothing much,” I respond, my grin growing wider as everything around us collapses, intelligible and unintelligible screams echoing outside the building from both humans and frozen ones, and even more loud noises coming from the two beings’ fight filling the rest of the area. “Just thought that if I’m gonna go down here anyways, I might as well do everything I can to take you with me.”

The frozen one’s eyes narrow, but I just rush forwards, my claws out and a grin still on my face.

Only for a loud cracking sound to echo through the remainder of the training hall before the remainder of the ceiling and what looks to be several ceilings above it shatter and begin raining downwards. I ignore this still to take advantage of the frozen one’s distraction, my death no longer being something I care about as I rip my way straight into its chest and wrap my hand around the core that is at where its heart should be. And this time, I manage to tear the thing out – likely due to the lack of energy in its body.

The creature looks down in shock, clearly not having expected me to be able to pull it out. But I just smirk at it and then kick it, sending it flying into a rock that is then squashed by a part of the ceiling with the remainder of his body along with it, and sending me backwards as well to just barely avoid a piece of rubble that lands where we were standing.

After landing, I begin to climb to my feet, only to feel a sudden wetness begin dripping down my front. So I look down to find half a dozen large shards embedded in my torso in various locations.

I cough out a mouthful of bluish-red blood before collapsing to the ground on my front.

The rubble continues falling down all around me, and soon enough I can see the massive pieces getting close, just seconds away from crushing me and the rest of the training hall. But I drag myself only a meter or so over using the slight surge in strength I feel coming from the core of that frozen one gripped in my hand before rolling over onto my back once I’m underneath another pile of rubble.

“Looks like everything was for naught…” I mutter with another cough as my analysis updates to show the effects of absorbing the intelligent frozen one’s core. “At least the others got out of here.”

I don’t get the chance to read the updated analysis page as everything goes dark the moment the rubble hits the ground and my canopy of rubble, burying me alive with the shards still in my torso.


Now then, at the moment I am planning on writing the Epilogue on Friday. Then I'll continue as normal when starting book 2 of The Eternal Winter!

And there will be a long time skip between the end of book 1 and the start of book 2, just so you're aware. Like about half a year long time skip.


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