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                                                       The Void Stream

“And here it is, folks!!! The first dragon of the dungeon!!!!” Mikaela shouts, his voice echoing throughout the void stream as every single viewer goes crazy with cheers and applause at the sight of the magnificent, one hundred meter long dragon made out of bones. “An unprecedentedly early floor in the dungeon for a dragon to appear, which just goes to show the sheer difference in difficulty between the Beta Dungeon and the regular Administrator Dungeon!”

The dragon in question slowly climbs to its full height, standing on all four legs before roaring out loud, as if proving its existence to the world and all the viewers.

Mikaela opens his mouth to speak again, only to pause with a frown when a hologram of the very bone dragon in the dungeon appears in the air within the void stream. Then his eyes widen as various details about it appear alongside if, along with its level and name above the hologram.

A voice echoes in his head moments later, clarifying what’s going on to him, making a grin stretch across Mikaela’s face.

I can definitely work with this.

“What do we have here?! A hologram and description of the beast just for the viewers!” Mikaela immediately shouts as everyone’s attention is still claimed by the hologram. “Now unlike with the other viewing rooms, the Void Stream will have a holographic replica available to every viewer in the viewing room, along with a detailed description of each boss monster and their species! All on account of his excellency, The Reaper!”

The confusion in the viewing room slowly morphs into excitement as the majority of the viewers alternate their gazes between the hologram and the screen itself.

Mikaela sees a noticeable drop in the excitement of the viewers after they realize the bone dragon was once the tyrant many remember from history as the Second Primordial Dragon. And even Mikaela can’t help but wince after reading it.

Wait, does that mean all of the bosses of the Beta Dungeon are powerful System Players who broke the rules of the System badly enough that they warranted an eternity there? That’s… terrifying.

After a few seconds though, the professional host shakes his head and brings everyone’s attention back to the screen by shouting, “And the battle is commencing between the fallen Second Primordial Dragon and The Winter Wolf! Who will come out victorious?! Place your bets now!”

And as if on cue, various different bets immediately begin to fill the System for the battle, most of which are all skewed directly towards The Winter Wolf with a focus on how exactly he will win.

Mikaela smiles at the sight before focusing on the screen as The Winter Wolf and Sapphire slowly encircle the creature from opposite directions. Meanwhile the bone dragon turns its head to look at both of them for a second, only to focus on Wolf, ignoring Sapphire altogether.

Looks like he’s still intelligent enough to know which is the stronger foe.

The Winter Wolf’s eyes suddenly flare before he flaps his wings once and makes a sonic boom as he moves far faster than a vast majority of the audience can see with their naked eye towards the dragon. But the dragon in question just raises one clawed leg and slams it onto the ground, making a large wave of bones that weren’t used up in the creation of the dragon rise up and go directly against him.

“The first clash of the battle! One between claw and bone!” Mikaela shouts, making everyone completely focus their attention on the fight itself instead of the betting screens as The Winter Wolf’s clawed hand strikes directly against the wave of bones. But everyone – including Mikaela – is shocked when they see the bone wave beginning to push the reaper back. “Is The Winter Wolf going to be overpowered in this clash of brute strength?!”

Slowly but surely, the wave of bones pushes The Winter Wolf back further and further until the creature slams its foot down once more, redoubling the power behind the wave and sending The Winter Wolf flying backwards to make a crater in the cavern wall. But not to be forgotten, Sapphire rushes forward in her spider form and slams both her front legs into the side of the bone dragon with a powerful wave of ice along with it.

Mikaela’s eyes widen when he sees the claws on her legs not even leave a scratch on the bones before he shouts, “This bone dragon is much stronger than anyone expected! Normally bone dragons aren’t anywhere near as strong as this, even with them still being dragons. Purely because their strength is drastically reduced without their flesh and blood, and more importantly, without their scales. But this one… the Second Primordial may have just been too powerful. So powerful that even its reduced strength is still too much!”

It doesn’t help that it’s close to two hundred levels above Wolf.

“Will the Crown Prince of the Grand Werewolf Empire, the Reaper of the Blue Moon, Ice Harbinger and Primordial Lycanthrope finally lose?! Has he finally met his match?!” Mikaela continues, building the hype up in the crowd as everyone has their eyes glued to the battle. But once the dust settles, a smirk stretches across Mikaela’s face and he shouts, “No! He will not! Not with his armaments!”

The dust continues moving aside while revealing a bright blue glow shining from The Winter Wolf, who is now holding a majestic looking sword in his hand.


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Bone Dragon

Auforan de Vorta

A Bone Dragon is a dragon who has died   but been resurrected through some sort of necromancy.

They are far weaker than the average   dragon and lose a vast amount of their life force after dying the first time,   but once a dragon, always a dragon, so they are still one of the strongest   species in the universe.

Bone Dragons have the ability to create   and manipulate miasma, along with the ability to manipulate any nearby bones including   their own. However, they are vastly lacking in intelligence, the majority of   the intelligence they had prior to resurrection having been lost during the   process.

Auforan de Vorta was once a powerful chaos   dragon living on the planet known as Volten, ruling it with an iron thumb.

However, one day the tyrant decided to   directly attack the System. He attempted to open it up through his limited   use of the void element and change the programming, breaking the laws of the   System and bringing the attention of the Void Warden to himself.

The result led to Auforan being killed   and resurrected as a bone dragon to serve as the boss for the Beta Dungeon’s   210th floor.

Level – 2510


Jalil Hayes

Well damn I thought he was going to have to get serious for a second