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                                                             Alexander North

We make our way through the building with me and Cynthia dealing with the still surviving frozen ones before I eventually remember the captains who were lying down in the room. But when I turn back, I find that only half of the soldiers in the room, not part of our team actually joined us, the rest likely remaining behind with the captains.

Whatever. Not my problem.

My only responsibility is my own team and Cynthia.

The tremors from the fight outside continue to shake the building as we walk through the floors, repeatedly passing by windows every time we reach the stairs, showing the previously vast buildings of the city having been crushed and destroyed in the two being’s fight. And each time we pass, I can’t help but equate the beings to what I would’ve assumed a god was like before. But if these two are referring to other beings like they have been throughout their fight as gods, then what are those things really like?

One of them is being referred to as the Winter God and the other the Sun God. And if I had to guess, then I’d say the Winter God was probably woken up or something by the Arctic Empire on the planet known as Cocytus. Since that’s really the only thing that makes sense given what dad’s told me, along with that emergency announcement.

Once we reach the first floor of the building, we all make a beeline straight towards the closest secret entrance, not a single one of us saying a word the entire way there. But after we arrive at a large training hall that’s holding the secret entrance on one side of the room, we find something unpleasant inside.

“More warm ones?” a large creature with glowing pale blue says while standing amidst a pile of bisected human corpses. The creature has a sort of crown on its head, with some sort of metal sticking up in four corners, each with a silvery, grayish blue sheen to them, some rather coarse looking hair, and completely blue skin. It has various glowing shards floating around it, each of them much sharper than any shards I’ve seen before, and it’s very obvious that those were what cut the humans in half. And the moment its eyes land on me, they narrow, and it tilts its head, muttering, “The irregular?”

I frown as I take in the humanoid creature. It’s wearing some sort of blackish grey metal armor that reminds me a little bit of the metal worn by the infected symbiont host.

The creature raises one of its armor covered hands, making the shards begin spinning rather slowly in place as it calls out, “Irregular. Come with me without a fuss and I will consider letting the other warm ones have a head start.”

Almost immediately, the soldiers not with my team book it for the edge of the room, attempting to skirt around the monster. But it just waves its hand in their direction, sending several shards – one for each person – their way that then cut straight through them before returning to the creature again.

I can’t help but grimace at the sight and sound of parts of their bodies falling to the ground in a splatter as the frozen one continues staring at me unblinking. The soldiers then can’t even get out more than a simple cry before ice spreads from the impact of their wound, freezing them solid.

“You have ten seconds to decide,” the creature says, the shards slowly spinning around it as it does so.

Terminal, what is that creature’s energy level?

|Intelligent frozen one is determined to have an energy level of 6.1. Combat with it is not recommended unless absolutely necessary|

My grimace takes a turn for the worse at that answer.

After a few seconds of silent, I glance at Cynthia, only to sigh. Then I whisper, “Run,” and immediately turn around and sprint towards the frozen one, startling everyone in the room who’s still alive.

It only takes my team and Cynthia a single second before they all begin running, spreading out to cover both sides of the training hall as I get close enough to the frozen one to raise my hand, my claws extending in the process. Meanwhile the frozen one in question still seems surprised by our actions and doesn’t move fast enough to avoid my claws, which tear a streak straight across its armored chest, digging in maybe an inch or so into the thing’s armor. But the armor then repairs itself right after as the creature stumbles backwards and looks down at where the wound was.

“You…” it mutters, the voice sounding masculine, but the creature not having a human body makes it difficult to tell. “You attacked me?”

I don’t bother giving it time to recover from its surprise, simply striking at it again as the others all run around the edges of the training hall towards the secret exit which is currently standing wide open on the far wall, letting in a small amount of snow mixed with sunlight.

|Alexander’s actions do not make logical sense. User Alexander is recommended to abandon this fight and escape|

Too bad. I’m not just gonna leave my cousin or my team alone. Not to mention that I doubt I’d be able to anyways.

The creature in question raises its head to look at me, its eyes narrowing as it asks, “I’m to take this as you refusing my offer?”

I don’t say anything in response, just throwing a kick at its side before clawing at it again with my hand, the creature still too stunned to offer a response.

“Very well,” it states, the shards beginning to spin around again at much faster speeds now. “If that is your decision, I will humble you for a time. It may just give an idea of what you’re capable of that I can bring to my master.”

I frown at that, but continue attacking the creature anyways.

Its master is likely the frozen one outside fighting that other entity. And it’s obvious that that thing wants me for some reason.

Doesn’t mean I’ll just sit down and turn myself in though.


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