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I never would’ve expected that the amulet has actually been protecting me all this time… but is it just conceptual elements that it defends against? Does it do more? And how much does it defend against?

Then again, the very idea of having a defense against conceptual elements is a little broken in the first place. Since those are always the most annoying elements known to the players of the System from what I’ve read. And in the case of that one mental element using boss I fought before, from past experience too.

I glance at Sapphire for a second to find her having returned her attention completely to whatever book she’s reading from the System Forums before focusing on Techral again. And when I do, he just nods his head and mutters, “So that’s how it is…” Then after a few seconds, he raises his head and says, “Well, that was all I wanted to do here. See ya later, Wolf! Was great seein ya again, even if you don’t remember me!”

Before I can even frown at that, he vanishes from my store, leaving us all in silence.

The silence doesn’t last long though as both Ariana and Norbert begin talking again about the carbonated drinks they’re having, both of them having become rather addicted to the stuff from spending their time during conjunctions in my store. To the point that I think they mentioned getting it outside of conjunctions at some point as well.

Come to think of it, those two have been hanging out a lot lately in my store, just chatting between the two. And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them on livestreams together.

Wonder if something’s developing between the two? Because I bet the viewers would love that.

Although it also makes me wonder if some species might have something against it purely because they’re different species.

I glance at Crystal to find her seemingly deep in thought, leaning over her legs with her elbows resting on both knees. Then I turn to Ruth who is watching some sort of video on the System Forums.

Wait a moment.

When did my system store become a social gathering place? Didn’t they come here to say something? Or are they really just using my place as a hangout?

The answer comes in the form of none of them asking me anything or even paying me any attention now, instead just focusing on their own things.

Huh. Guess my place really was turned into a hangout somehow.

I frown at the thought, only to shake my head a second later and open up the System Forums to put in some more research on concept element users.

The one that comes to the front of my mind first is obviously Tiamat. A Chaos Dragon who obviously has the ability to directly create and manipulate the Chaos Element. Which is a bit of a jack of all trades element.

Chaos is everything in a way. It lets her use every element in existence, but only in very limited quantities since they still need to be chaotic in nature. So she can’t simply just use a fire element attack or something. Although she can use water, since she was originally a water dragon, and was born with the ability to directly create and manipulate water element.

Overall, I believe she has to use at least three elements at the same time, splitting the power between the three in the process. But even that is difficult for her from what the forums state, and generally she only uses four at once. And she can’t do anything complex with the elements either, with the exception of water.

Very much a jack of all trades.

Then of course there are the devourers, who have two elements. The void, and the conceptual element of devouring. A completely broken element that lets them simply and directly devour the life force of another being. Without the help of the System, and without the help of the void element or even killing them.

I’ve heard that the void element is the closest elemental element to the concept of devouring, but even it isn’t at the level of doing that. Unless you’re Grim that is, considering how his System does just that. Although only after the one whose life force is being devoured dies.

Makes me kind of wish I had a conceptual element. But it’s fine since I have a variant element instead. Or I guess it’s more accurate to say I have a unique variant element, since my variant element merged with the void element.

So I guess my element is even rarer than a conceptual element?

Anyways, I look up the various concept elements known before finding several of the people in the universe who have them.

There’s the Ancient Witch, one of the few Curse Witches left in the universe, Rift, some creature of an unknown species with an unknown name who uses the space element, the Archon, a Watcher with the mental element, and a special dryad in the home world of the elves that has the nature element.

And each of these beings are all at least around level seventeen thousand, having lived for who knows how long.

Of course, there are other concept elements too, but those are the more well known people. Mostly because of what they do.

The Ancient Witch is basically a witch for hire who creates the strongest potions and curses in existence. Rift seems to like working on delivering people from one end of the galaxy to the other and is often known as a bit of an explorer when it’s not doing that. The Archon is a gatherer and hoarder of knowledge. And the dryad simply protects her home world from harm.

Also, not a single one of them cares even the slightest bit about the dungeon or the Administrators. The only concept element user in the universe who does care is Tiamat, and even she doesn’t actively participate much. Mostly just going to the new worlds personally to set up base there.

I purse my lips for a second as I ponder this information, only to shake my head and close out of the forums.

One thing I can’t help but question is if chaos element would work on me, since it’s just an amalgamation of the other elements. But regardless, the amulet is helping a lot more than I expected.

So that’s a plus.


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Jalil Hayes

They just hanging out I feel for him lol

Hayden Leech

Okay genuine question. How the unholy hell do you do this? I mean there is winter wolf, demon wolf, undying dude and I think one more. How the hell do you keep it all straight? It’s so weird! I would be placing characters in the wrong stories. Screwing up personalities and all sorts of shit. Keeping this all straight? Dude. Mad props.


There are six stories. The Rise of the Winter Wolf, Dungeon from the Void, The Undying Magician, Wolf of the Blood Moon, The Calling of Wrath, and The Eternal Winter. Anyways, to answer your question, I guess you could say my entire mentality shifts whenever I change whatever story I'm currently writing at the time.


Would love to have a scene of his livestream reacting to him figuring out their just using his store to hang out in. Im sure he had plenty of awkward confused expressions at that moment.