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                                                      The City of Netherfall
                                              Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 7

“How? Just tell me how this could happen?!” Rodrick shouts as he shouts at his spy. “How could Victor have been defeated with such few casualties on New Hope’s side?!”

The spy flinches as he gets yelled at, but he remains stiff despite that.

Rodrick wasn’t sure how to deal with New Hope and was seriously considering attacking it just to assimilate its population into Netherfall, which has been dwindling a little in that area. But if the city is able to easily fend off Victor and Darkin? What possible hope could he have?

“The rumors were correct in that New Hope does have a magician of its own,” the spy starts, making Rodrick narrow his eyes as thoughts of how powerful the magician must be, only to be shocked when the spy continues, “but their magician is a non-combat one from everything we’ve been able to gather.”

“Non-combat magician?” Rodrick mutters before slowly asking, “Are you trying to tell me that Darkin and Victor were completely wiped out by a non-combat magician?”

A shiver runs down the spy’s spine at the dangerous note entering the city lord’s tone. But he pushes past the fear to explain, “No. We have confirmed the real reason for Darkin’s downfall to be a third party who was assisting New Hope during this assault.”

That surprises Rodrick enough to snap him out of the dark mood he had entered as he asks, “A third party? Who is it?”

Could it be someone from the Arena? Or maybe Starfall? Because I know none of our assassins took on a job over there…

“It was an unknown fire magician who completely annihilated the Darkin forces,” the spy answers, further shocking the lord of Netherfall.

“An unknown?” Rodrick asks, not expecting that at all. “Just when was the last time an unknown magician appeared, much less one strong enough to do what this one did?” After a few seconds of silence, Rodrick narrows his eyes on the spy who is nervously shifting now ever so slightly and asks, “There’s something you haven’t said yet. Speak.”

“It’s about the unknown…” the spy begins before trailing off, only to continue after seeing the dangerous look return to Rodrick’s face again, “The unknown was not human.”

Rodrick shoots up out of his seat and shouts, “What?!”

The spy flinches before clarifying, “The unknown fire magician was a vampire. One who simply took any hit sent his way and shrugged them off, immediately healing afterwards like nothing had happened.”

Shit, shit, SHIT! That’s not good. That’s not good at all! Did the creation magician create a monster of some sort? But no, then it wouldn’t be a vampire… just what is this thing?!

“Furthermore, the vampire was perfectly fine even after taking a Tier IV spell from a mere two meters away from the source of the spell,” the spy continues blowing Rodrick’s mind, making the man slump back down into his office chair.

Several seconds pass in silence as possible reasons the vampire might’ve helped New Hope flood his mind, only for more possible issues that could come up from it push those out. But eventually he focuses on the spy again and asks, “Do we know why the vampire is helping New Hope?”

The spy shakes his head and answers, “No. All we were able to gather was that the vampire was initially treated rather poorly, and there were multiple times when they actually attacked him with no success.” Rodrick leans back, a look of interest on his face. “As a matter of fact, the vampire had even slaughtered one of New Hope’s soldiers after one of these incidents.”

So they aren’t on close terms? That’s something at least.

“Find out why the vampire is helping the city,” Rodrick orders, making the spy immediately nod his head in understanding. “Do we have any names for the vampire?”

The spy answers this rather quickly, “Yes. We were able to learn that his name is Nathan Fox.”

Rodrick frowns at that. “I don’t know anyone by that name.”

“Neither do any of us,” the spy says, shaking his head. But then he adds, “Some of the soldiers of New Hope have also started calling him by a couple of different titles.”

“Oh?” Rodrick quickly says, focusing on the spy as he does so. “Speak.”

A new titled magician in the fallen kingdom… not a common occurrence, that’s for sure.

“The first title people have called him is The Phoenix, on account of his ability to take a Tier IV spell directly and simply regenerate, along with his ability to shrug off bullets combined with his use of fire mana,” the spy says, making Rodrick lightly nod his head in response, understanding the link between the mythical creature and the magician. “And then there’s his other title.”

Rodrick frowns as the man pauses here, sounding conflicted for some reason.

“What is it?” he asks while reaching over his desk to grab a pen and paper.

The spy opens his mouth, only to say nothing for a few seconds and then finally speak, “It’s just, this title is telling a statement that I find rather bold.”

“Remember that the vampire wasn’t the one who chose the title,” Rodrick says before motioning with his hand for the spy to continue speaking.

How could it be any more bold than a title like The Phoenix? Getting named after a mythical creature born and reborn from the ashes remaining from flames. It’s like saying that no matter how many times he’s defeated, he will always come back stronger.

After a few seconds, the spy finally answers the question.

“The vampire’s second title was given to him directly by the magician ruling New Hope and was quickly spread amongst both the citizens and the soldiers” he starts, a frown quickly growing on his face, “and it’s even worse than his other title.”

Before Rodrick can order him to get on with it and tell him, the spy says, “His title is The Undying Magician.”

Rodrick’s mouth drops open with a start.

The Undying Magician? A magician who can’t die.

Silence passes for several seconds, the atmosphere gaining a strange feel to it that has the spy shifting nervously.

“Get me more information on this ‘Undying Magician’ before we do anything,” Rodrick orders the spy. “And keep an eye on the other cities, as I’m sure we’re not the only ones with spies in New Hope.”

The spy gives his lord a salute before immediately leaving the office.

Rodrick lets out a sigh after he’s gone.

This is not what I needed to hear today…


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