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                                      Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 5

My question seems to snap the guy out of his stupor as he shakes his head and answers, “No, I was just… understanding something.” He relaxes slightly before the dome vanishes from existence, surprising me quite a bit. “Thank you for your assistance.”

I glance at the soldiers – both enemy and otherwise – who are all staring at us after the dome vanishes as I say, “It was part of our agreement. Nothing more.”

That doesn’t appear to surprise him, and when I turn back to look at him again, he’s already directed his attention to the soldiers as he pulls out a pistol and points it into the air before shooting it and declaring in a loud voice, using neutral mana to enhance his volume, “Victor Farren has been defeated!” And at the same time, I hear a grinding sound come from below the wall before a platform suddenly rises above it with a certain dark magician’s corpse on it. The platform then slowly starts building up as a pyramid, with the outer edges stopping in their climb until his corpse is displayed high for all to see. “We have won! Everyone from Darkin city, lower your arms and surrender if you wish to be spared!”

No one moves for several seconds. Then the collective sound of guns hitting the ground echoes around the city. But at the same time, there is also some gunfire as a small minority of the enemy soldiers just fire at New Hope’s soldiers before making a run for it and getting gunned down themselves.

Which seems to be the last straw for the other Darkin soldiers who all immediately drop their guns if they hadn’t already.

Xavier lets out a sigh of relief before raising his voice again, “The city of Darkin will be governed by an official of my choosing from now on.” He then continues blabbing on and on about how he’s going to govern the two cities, how he’s going to defend them, and so on. But I ignore it as I simply walk up to the edge of the wall and jump off after saying, “I’ll be back for another lesson when I bring the food,” firing a fireball at the ground when I’m close to lower the impact to something manageable without that much issue and landing on the ground. Which still means fracturing my legs upon landing even with my enhanced physique, but they recover right away so I ignore them.

I really don’t care how he’s planning on governing the cities.

The soldiers who are outside of the wall avoid me like the plague as I walk, likely having seen me fight during the battle. But it doesn’t bother me.

If I stay here long enough, they’ll probably begin to trust me. And if I don’t? Then I’ll probably never see them again.

So their present fear doesn’t matter.

I slowly make my way out of the city as the man continues talking to his people.


When I return to the city again the next day with a large amount of meat in my storage spell, I find that the walls have already been repaired of any damage that they had taken during the battle. Likely from Xavier’s strange magic.

Also, after I reach the gate, I find that the soldiers stationed there aren’t actually as wary of me as they were before. Of course, they’re still gripping their guns slightly, but they don’t have them pointed at me, and one of them even strikes up a conversation with me.

Makes me wonder I their captain or Xavier spoke to them.

And speaking of Xavier, the guy was acting publicly after the battle. But I thought he was hiding his status as a magician?

I frown at the thought as I follow the soldiers into the city in the direction of the city hall.

There must be something I’m missing here. Maybe his identity is like an open secret? Something the soldiers and citizens keep secret from outsiders, but is commonly known amongst themselves?

Although if that’s the case, then it’s public knowledge now.

And my involvement and existence probably is too, which could be annoying if people try to bother me. But I doubt there’ll be too many of those, since the kingdom’s cities are rather sparsely scattered. Not to mention that some might just be too scared to.

We continue walking through the city, not using a vehicle this time as I find some things inside of the city being repaired still, making me realize that Xavier didn’t use his magic to repair the buildings on the inside. Just the walls and infrastructure important to the city itself.

Probably a problem related to a lack of mana.

I do still wonder just what his magic is though, but it can’t be used in combat much beyond neutral mana considering the fight yesterday.

What surprises me as I walk through the city though is that there actually are a few people who give me nods of respect. A few. Most of them are still afraid just to look into my eyes, but there are a few that appear appreciative of my help.

That’s nice. Was kind of thinking everyone would just assume I’m a monster or something now.

In all honesty, my monstrous appearance doesn’t bother me anymore. But I would still like to find a spell that would hide it, since it’s annoying to go out in public like this.

Or maybe I can just find a mask or something? That could work.

At least until it gets ravaged when I enter battle.

“Could probably get several spares and toss them in my storage?” I mutter out loud while frowning, seemingly confusing my escort. But they don’t say anything, leaving me to my thoughts.

Yeah, that could work.

Just need to figure out where to get a mask. Which shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Can just ask Xavier after all.

We continue walking through the city until we enter the city hall, where the escort brings me directly to Xavier’s office.

And time to get more lessons.


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