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                                                          Dark Magician
                                        Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 5

Everything was going perfectly. The forces manning the city created by the traitor were being eliminated with ease, all of the deserters were slaughtered before even reaching the tree line, and finally, he had the traitor himself – that damned useless creation affinity magician – cornered like a stuck pig.

Then the bullet went straight through his shoulder, and everything began quickly turning around for the worse. His battle with the creation magician, growing much more difficult with a disabled limb. His commanders on the wall and off of it being picked off one by one by the same sniper who shot him. And to make matters worse?

The damned vampire showing up in front of him swinging around fire magic spells and Arcadian metal wearing the uniform of the Republic’s military. The current uniform, if word from the border cities of the Kingdom of the Fallen are to be believed.

“Why the fucking hell is a magician from the Republic – a vampire” Victor practically spits out the word “no less – helping this construction worker of a failed magician?!” Victor says as he steps back further away from the monstrous creature while preparing spells to throw at him.

If it weren’t for the trash talent level the traitor had, he could’ve been one of the greatest magicians in the world with an affinity like creation! But instead, he turned out to be a dud. Absolutely no talent in magic, no ability to cast more than one spell at the same time, and has been stuck at Class C for as long as he’s met him with no indications of moving any further along.

All the bastard can do is create buildings and objects without doing anything with them through magic! Just a glorified construction worker! How the ever loving hell did he get a vampire of all things to help him!?

Victor throws dark ball after dark spear after dark arrow after the vampire, but he just coats his sword in flames through the gem at the hilt and his own fire mana and slices through each attack while slowly stepping towards him. All with a passive look on his face. One seeming slightly bored and just a tad annoyed.

Is this really all we are to him?! Damnit! It won’t let things end like this!

The dark magician jumps back before moving his hands down to the ground, making a massive magic circle spread out to envelop both him and the vampire. He then goes through the painful process of offloading the entire Tier IV spell into it before activating it, causing a massive black orb to suddenly burst out and cover everything around him, including the vampire.

Victor screams in pain as his own spell slowly tears him apart, but he remains alive purely due to the defensive measures he put into his own armor for this very situation, along with the spell being built to get stronger the further out in the orb it is.

After ten straight seconds of this, the orb finally vanishes from sight, revealing two people, both of whom are lying on the ground. The first – Victor – can be seen with the majority of his skin completely removed except for around his torso and face as he struggles to raise his head to find the other person. But immediately upon catching sight of him, his eyes bulge in shock at the sight of the removed portions of the man’s body simply reverting back to normal. As if nothing had ever happened.

What the hell is this bastard?! He can’t be a damned vampire! Vampires don’t-

His thoughts are cut off as he coughs out a mouthful of blood and loses his balance again, falling face first to the ground. And this time he can’t get back up. Not even when he hears the slow, even footsteps of the monster – because that’s the only thing Victor can think of him as now – moving towards him.

Then, when the monster’s footsteps stop right next to him, he feels something tugging on his head before he’s lifted into the air by the monster’s hand to stare directly into its eyes.

“Now, why would you do something like that?” the monster asks, a strange look on its face as it stares at Victor through blood red eyes with veins of black running across its face. “All it did was turn you into a mess.”

Victor tries to open his mouth to speak, but fails to do so out of a lack of strength – all of his mana having been sapped by that last spell after having used a large majority already for the other attacks he spammed at it. So the monster just shakes his head and tosses Victor off the roof, not even bothering to drain his blood.

Then the last thing Victor sees is the cement making up the small portion of walkway outside of the city coming up and meeting his face.



So I was not expecting that dark magician to go and do such a suicidal spell. Not at all.

Makes me wonder if I really look that scary, or if maybe the guy was unhinged? Although in hindsight, he probably just did it as a last ditch move to kill me, expecting to survive himself even if grievously wounded. Not that that’d help any with Xavier still being here.

Unless the guy just considers Xavier useless in a fight and not someone to be worried about?

I glance at the guy, who had just watched me toss his enemy off the wall without much care before deciding that the dark magician isn’t that wrong in that assumption.

The magician only uses neutral magic, beyond creating the dome around us that was partially destroyed by the dark magician’s last ditch spell.

Also, the mana he used when making the dome didn’t seem to be any sort of nature mana, or even a metal or other type of mana that’d be able to make a dome of concrete. Which really makes me wonder what his magic is.

But all in all, I don’t think I care. Not as long as he fulfills his end of the bargain.

Besides. I’ve gotten my sword training finally.

That said…

“Are you just going to keep staring at me, or what?” I ask while walking up to him and sheathing my sword.


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think you mighta miss tagged this: should be TUM instead of WBM?