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Just so you all know, I updated the story art chapter posted earlier on with higher quality images! Every last character has much better quality images for them now, so you might want to check those out! Although only a few of Scarlet's images were upgraded since there were too many, but there are a few new covers some of you might not have seen! And those do have good pictures of Scarlet in them!

If you wanna check it out, click here!



As it turns out, Michael’s duels weren’t all battle. They were put into a magical reality where they had to deal with different situations such as being shown and told to heal a certain number of people while still being aware that the other student could attack at any time. And if their patient or a certain number of patients died? They would lose.

Meanwhile Emily’s duels were more varied as both of the fighters in a duel were placed in a place filled with obstacles and terrain, and the fighters had to kill the other one using any means possible. Which is a better way of showing the skills of her category of Guardian, which was apparently labeled as Mixed Guardians.

And Belle’s was a matter of endurance. Since her duel was for defensive Guardians, they both had to defend against an onslaught of attacks made at them from various different directions but were allowed to attack the other student to throw them off in the process.

I was honestly thinking all of the duels would be done in the same manner, but in hindsight, it makes more sense this way. After all, why on Earth would they have two healers fight to show which was a better healer?

It just doesn’t make sense.

The others weren’t very surprised that our duels were straight up combat though, for obvious reasons. And while Michael and Emily were a tiny bit surprised by just how well I did, they weren’t surprised that I did well. Unlike Belle, who was shellshocked for a little while into Michael’s explanation of his duels.

Eventually the ten minutes runs out and I hear a robotic voice echoing from my earpiece.

[The second round of the tournament is now commencing. All students will be randomly teleported to their Class delegated rings of the forest in three. Two. One.]

The moment after the thing says one, I find myself instantly appearing inside of the magical reality in the middle of a forest. Then the earpiece finishes.

[The second round of the tournament has begun. Good luck students.]

I look around before the earpiece even finishes, simply listening with my wolf ears for the many demons I can hear roaming the woods, along with the few humans I can hear as well. The main difference between the two being that most of the demons are quite clearly not bipedal. Many of them being spiders, others being hounds or huntsmen, and even more being something else that I don’t recognize the movements of. Some sort of springy, liquidy sound. Not sure what.

After checking out the sounds for a few more seconds, I begin sprinting off in the direction of the closest demons to me that aren’t near any other students. Since it would be better to wait a little bit to start targeting other students for their points. Just to let them build up a bit.

I’m quite glad they allow stealing points in the first place, to be honest. Since it makes it so that we Class I students have a chance at the Advanced and Top classes as long as we rob the other students. What with the Class II students not being able to hunt Class I students, and Class III students not being able to hunt Class I or II students.

It also makes sense in an evaluation sense. Since the instructors ranking us should’ve been evaluating us throughout this tournament, and they’ve already seen what the higher Class students can do on account of almost all of them having been here in previous years. So letting them go through and slaughter lower Class Guardians is pointless and a waste of time. Instead they can let them show them how they deal with demons both at their Class, and in the case of the Taracht, above their Class, in the wild. Whereas the Class I students are showing how they will act in a Fracture. Whether they’ll work as a team or by themselves, what strategies they may use, and so on.

I frown as I continue running straight towards a demon that I hear the earpiece telling me is level 4.

Just too bad that they stuck us in random starting spots, far away from each other. And it looks like I’ll have to run through the weaker demons to get closer in to the stronger ones.

“Why would you do that?” Tar asks, making me frown as I run up and tear the spider demon’s head off. “Just slaughter the lower level demons here while you can and build up as many stacks as you can. It won’t change the number of points you’re getting, since it’ll take a lot longer to kill the demons strong enough to get two points for them anyways. So isn’t it just better to slaughter all the lower level demons?”

I blink in surprise at that suggestion.

“Then you can go hunt the students instead after clearing out the lower level demons around here,” Tar adds, making a very nice plan for me.

After a second, a grin finds its way across my face.

Yeah. That’ll work.

That’ll work very nicely.

Without any hesitation, I immediately rush off, just slaughtering every single demon I hear with ease thanks to their lower level. Which also makes me realize just how important my senses will be for this round, since I can basically tell where almost every single demon is around me.

Something the other students can’t do. Or most of them at least.

At some point though, I start making a line instead of killing absolutely everything around me. After all, I still want the students around here to get points. And if I kill everything around here, they won’t be doing that.

The grin on my face grows even wider as I continue my killing spree, briefly making me wonder if I’m enjoying this too much.

“For a human? Absolutely,” Tar answers before continuing, “For a blood lycan? No. They might even enjoy this hunt of yours even more than you are.”

Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.


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Thanks for the chapter! Happy chapter 💯




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Kinda want to see a few POV switches in this part. Maybe one from the view of a student who is just sneaking around the forest before Scarlet obliterates them? Anyway, thanks for the chapter!

Melting Sky

The different duel structures explain how Scarlet didn't come out at least tied for the top score in round 1 which should have been impossible with a clean sweep.


Stuck in a forest infested with demons and a terrifying chick dressed in black with claws made of blood and a worrying grin? *chuckles* "I'm in danger." Would certainly love to see Scarlet during this from another student's point of view.


You're forgetting that around half of the people in her dome declined her challenge. And being declined only gives one point instead of three. Meaning that the other domes may not have been declined, therefore giving them more points if they won more duels than her.

Danielius Loveikis

But wasnt there only around 4000students and 300students per dome whivh means in theory only 13people could pass her in points


3000 students. Not 4000. And no one ever said there were 300 students in every dome.

Danielius Loveikis

Yeah but there needs to be atleast 102students per dome to pass scarlet points , either that means each dome had undefeated person or bad maths


Or you're making too many assumptions based on a massive amount of information that hasn't been explained about the other domes since the instructors didn't say anything about how many students are in each, whether they can duel each other more than once in different domes, or any of that. Purely because none of that information is necessary for the story, nor does Scarlet care about it personally, so I won't be bothering to explain it.