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I quickly open up my status and allocate 4 points to mental, 1 to magical, and 1 to physical before going to the skills store and purchasing both Predator V and Recharge. Then I focus on my status again to take in the changes with a grin.

Now with Predator V, my boost in stats against higher leveled others at a higher level than myself is ten percent higher than before! At a whole 30%!

“It’s just ridiculous to see so many legendary skills at level 38,” Tar mutters, sounding like he really isn’t sure how to take it. “And they’re all passive skills too…”

That part catches my attention.

Are passive skills harder to get than active ones or something?

“Passive skills in general are rarer to unlock since they’re always active and don’t require any cost to use them,” Tar explains, still sounding winded from seeing my status even if he already knew about my skills beforehand.

Interesting. And I have three legendary passive skills. Quite a nice feat there, if I do say so myself.

“And you’re pride is showing again,” Tar mutters.

Hey! Can’t help what I am, now can I?

He just snorts.

Well, anyways, I close out of my status before focusing on the others. But just seconds later, my terminal – along with the terminals of everyone here – immediately begin to buzz, following which Sage’s face appears on them, her clearly having hacked into the devices just like she did with Allen’s before.

Makes me wonder if she also has some sort of technology related purchased skill, since I don’t think a seer should be able to hack magi-tech so quickly.

“Scarlet, Michael, Emily, and Denise, you are all to immediately head to the outer station nearest you where you will delay the Class I Fracture and save as many people there before reinforcements arrive,” Sage says immediately upon connecting. “Cipher and Frost are both locked up fighting in a Class IV Fracture that has appeared close to the Government Office Building, and the rest of our Class II and Class III Guardians are all locked up right now with the influx of Class II and III Fractures during this particularly nasty Demonic Assault.”

I can’t help the frown that emerges on my face as I feel a something nagging at the back of my mind. Like something bad is going to happen, or is happening, and it involves this.

Why is that…

My eyes widen as I blurt out, “Belle and Arthur are supposed to be at one of the stations right now!”

Sage turns to me with a vaguely surprised look on her face before asking, “Are you sure?” And when I nod she actually swears while turning her head and typing away at something. But she continues to speak nonetheless, “This changes nothing. Allen and Frost aren’t able to leave the Fracture as them leaving would bring about a catastrophe for the inner city as the Class IV demons break past the shield. They’re only barely managing to hold them back for their own reinforcements.” She types one last thing on the keyboard, pausing in speaking while doing so before turning back to the screen and finishing, “And even if they wanted to abandon the Fracture, they are in the heart of the Fracture right now and wouldn’t be able to fight their way through the demons quickly enough to arrive within the next five hours.”

Shit. Damnit, damnit, damnit!

I feel heat building in my face as I think of Belle or Arthur getting hurt and I immediately respond, “I’ll head there as soon as possible.” Then the others, having seen my reaction, do the exact same thing before the call cuts off.

Without wasting any time, I turn to Denise and ask, “Is your driver still here?” And she quickly nods her head, clearly sensing my urgency. “Then can he take us to the outer station closest to our position?”

She nods again before typing away at her own terminal as we all begin walking in the direction of the garage.

“You know they may not be there, right?” Tar asks, prompting me to move my arm in front of me and begin navigating to my contacts where I then call Belle’s phone. But the thing just rings. And rings. And rings. And no one ever picks up.

If Belle were actually safe and outside of a Fracture, she would’ve picked up. She’s the type of person who is strict about keeping all manners of contact open during an emergency. So the only reason why she wouldn’t be able to pick up is if she were in a Fracture.

“Oh,” Tar mutters.

I continue walking with Denise and the others towards the vehicle, but right when we’re about to get in, I say, “You all don’t have to help me if you don’t-” Emily puts her finger on my lips to shut me up.

I blink in surprised at her actions, only for her to say, “Not only is this our job as well, but I honestly want to help you help your friends. So shut up and get in the vehicle.” She then pushes me inside, leaving me sitting in the limo staring blankly at the wall in shock. And it’s not just me either, because when the others get in, I find both Denise and Michael looking at Emily as if she’d grown a third head. Yes. Third. Because we’re skipping the second altogether.

“Well, at least her actions managed to snap you out of that dark attitude you were in at least a little bit,” Tar says, making my eyes narrow slightly, only for me to turn around to look at Denise as she says, “Driver, step on it!”

Actually, come to think of it, I wonder where her driver was during the Fracture?

Don’t tell me he was in the limo the entire time?

The vehicle immediately begins driving, passing through the garage door and into the air-street that currently has very little if any traffic, not caring of my internal question.


Discord Invite

Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 38

SP: 15


Physical: 94

Mental: 93

Magical: 93

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 2173/4324.5

Free Points/Level: 2

Active Skills:

Blood Claws

Skill Level: 5


Blood Siphon

Skill Level: 5


Life Drain

Skill Level: 6


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 5


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 6


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 1


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 5


Predator V

Skill Level: Static




First: Is it pride, if it is true? ;-) Second: I hope she is able to save her friends and maybe Belle get a contract Third: Thx for the chapter :-)


I mean, plot rules say that Belle is either going to get a contract too, or she’s going to die and I don’t think her dying is likely at the moment.


Don’t provoke the author, don’t provoke the author *praying hands* ;-)


No no, if anything it’s Belle’s boyfriend that’s gonna die. I mean, he fits the criteria for a good character to kill off. 1, he’s also good friends with Scarlet (or as close as she gets). 2, they’re going to save him right now, and he’s confirmed to currently be in danger. 3, a secondary character, who is very important to the main character, plot, and several other secondary characters would be both highly effected, and highly motivated by his death. I mean, it’d make sense. Also just because it’d make sense, doesn’t mean the author need to do it, right? Right?


Dead boyfriends are perfectly fine in my eyes … so pls go ahead :-)


Damn, brutal. Guess that means that I’d better make sure to never get involved with a Main Character unless I 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 fancy my chances with the plot of their life lmao


Yep :-) lol, rofl - being the love interest of a protagonist is … daaaaaangerooouuus :-)


Now with Predator V, my boost in stats against higher leveled others at a higher level than myself is ten percent higher than before! -> Now with Predator V, my boost in stats against others at a higher level than myself is ten percent higher than before!


They’re only barely managing to hold them back for their own reinforcements. -> They’re only barely managing to hold them back while waiting for their own reinforcements.


Your pride


By saying the only reason Belle wouldn't answer her phone being her getting caught in a fracture, are you referring to her not having time to call? Because I could've sworn that it was previously stated that calls worked through fractures.


Calls from one terminal to another terminal work. Belle doesn't have a terminal as they require mana to use. Calls from a phone to another phone, or a terminal to a phone don't work as has been stated before.