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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.



I quickly open my inventory to grab a stamina potion, only for a wave of void element to rush out from the ripper, covering the inventory menu itself and somehow devouring the screen, making my eyes go wide in shock. And it’s not just me either. The entire audience goes silent after seeing this.

Hoping that it’s just a one time thing, I reopen my inventory once again to grab a stamina potion, but the same even happens. The void creature just devours the menu. Or rather, it devours the void element making up the user interface itself.

Now I truly understand why I was given a storage ring.

Thankful that I thought to put one in it, I quickly activate it, grabbing a potion from the ring before downing it and rushing forward with my clawed right arm raised to strike in my hunter form. The creature seems surprised but doesn’t really show much reaction beyond a second of hesitation before it rushes forward to meet me, and my claws and its blades clash, sending a shockwave for miles around us covering the entire arena battlefield.

At this point, the audience begins to cheer again, having gotten over their own shock. But I can still hear quite the number of conversations focused on the void creature’s act of eating the screen.

The monster and I repeatedly clash over and over again at a speed that’s apparently faster than many of the viewers watching can even keep up with, making reruns of the battle begin showing on the screen far above us. And I can’t help but get even more irritated at this, pumping even more strength into my body with my voided eternal ice, hardening some parts of me into ice itself to become more durable.

Our battle continues on for who knows how long, just us clashing repeatedly until I begin to notice its void element start fading ever so slightly. And that would’ve encouraged me to fight harder, if it weren’t for the sight of my voided eternal ice doing the very same thing.

I grab another stamina potion from my storage ring, only to find a strange stream of black void energy linking it to the void creature. But after identifying it, I immediately down the thing, my eyes widened slightly in shock.

Shit. That thing can steal the stamina out of a potion without even drinking it?!

What the hell is with the void element anyways?!

The potion doesn’t end up restoring as much stamina as I’d hoped, and the void creature is now doing better as well, leading to our fight continuing just as it was. But eventually we both begin to run out of our elements, with no more potions left to restore me since I’d only kept two in my storage ring in the first place.

I stare at the creature from several meters away, just panting in exhaustion with sweat soaking my fur and armor. Meanwhile the creature is physically shaking from its own exhaustion, no more void element left around its body, revealing its full appearance with many of the blades on its body having been chipped or even ripped away entirely by me.

The crowd watching us continues to cheer their little hearts out, but at some point during the fight I learned to ignore them, their cheering no longer bothering me as much.

I better be rewarded handsomely for this fight, because it’s a fucking pain the ass.

Out of nowhere, Sapphire jumps out of my shadow, and right when I’m about to call her back, I realize something.

I haven’t been having her fight alongside me despite our powers being relatively equal, albeit hers being limited. And she’d make a great assistant now, considering the enemies’ exhaustion and her perfect health.

‘Flank him,’ I tell Sapphire, deciding against having her go back into my shadow again.

Sapphire nods in her spider form before rushing around the creature whose eyes follow her, weariness clear in its gaze. But I stomp my foot on the ground, bringing its attention back to me for a moment while Sapphire comes to a stop behind it.

“It’s time to finish this game,” I mutter out loud, sprinting forward the moment I see Sapphire nod her head in response.

Sapphire sprints forward as well, making the void creature’s gaze switch between the two of us with concern shown in its body in the form of it tensing up. But the thing seems unsure of which opponent to attack. Eventually though, right when I’m only a couple meters from it, it decides to focus on me. Which is a terrible idea for it.

Right after it transforms its right arm into a blade again and swings it at me, ready to meet my claws, Sapphire appears behind it with voided eternal ice element that she had stored up coating her claws that pierce straight into the creatures back before it can turn around. The voided eternal ice then begins to spread across its torso, freezing it gradually from the inside and weakening it so that my claws can cut past its blade and into its chest to grab what I’m assuming is its heart. I then rip the organ out, finding some sort of black orb in my hand instead of what you’d usually associate a heart with. But uncaring of the difference, I simply crush the thing, making it turn into a black dust that then blows away in the wind. Which is odd considering that there wasn’t any wind before.

I raise my head to find the ‘wind’ blowing the dust to a large void creature with draconic wings floating high above the arena. And all it does is nod its head towards me and mouth, ‘Approved.’

A frown forms on my face at that, but before I can so much as think about it, I feel a surge of something enter my body. Similar to how it feels to level up or get EXP, but on a much grander level.

The hell is going on? Is it EXP? Was that monster just such a high level that it gave me this much?

But I’ve fought some tougher monsters before, just in different manners of strength. So that shouldn’t be it… is it because it’s a void creature?

My questions only grow when I see a notification appear in the center of my vision.

The fuck?


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For those of you who can't view the image:

System Message – Void Branch

Void creature has been killed   by the user.

System usage has now been   unlocked within the Void.

Void creature’s life force has   been extracted and directly implanted into the user.

User’s ‘level’ indicating   their life force has raised from 2190 to 2201.


Ivo Wißen

I find this whole beta thing lame