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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.


                                   Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 26

The moment I reach the vein opening and begin drinking the ichor, my World Tree Attunement shoots up.


Pure World Tree Ichor consumed.

Increasing attunement…

o O o

Attunement has increased by 0.1%


My grin immediately grows larger, and I continue to drink the ichor as it slowly drips out of the vein. Meanwhile all of the monsters simply leave me alone, likely worried that they might be made from Wrath energy and therefore vulnerable to me. And I leave them alone for now as well.

I can deal with the weaker ones after finishing with this vein. In a rampage in beast form.

Time passes as I continue drinking the ichor drop by drop until I realize that I’ve gone long past what should’ve been the limit for consumption at once.

Is the ichor that different from the sap? Does it not have any limit for consumption at once? Or maybe it’s because I’m an Embodiment of Wrath and already have the purest Wrath energy in my body?

Either way, I continue drinking it until I finally get my Attunement to 100%, giving me a few points overall in all of my stats in the process. Then I stretch my arms while looking around at the ice wraiths that had started building up around me.

Right before I decide to use The Calling of Wrath, though, a thought comes to mind.

“Hey, mister Lich?” I ask, briefly noting the lich glancing at me, clearly hearing my voice. “Is it fine if I go kill a bunch of ice wraiths and yetis here?”

I hear him chuckling in my head again before he nods and focuses on the ichor again for a few more seconds, only to seemingly reach full attunement himself and focus on me. And I can’t help but think that he’s waiting for me to attack the monsters, simply curious as to how I’ll do it or something.

Makes me wonder if he knows about my skill.

I turn my attention to the monsters near me, ignoring the wyverns in the process as I activate the beast transformation of The Calling of Wrath. Then – just like always – the pain of it flows through my body. But unlike the past transformations, this one ends up with me still being in a humanoid form afterwards, startling me a bit as the pain ends up being less than normal even if it’s still there.

This usage of the skill ends up with me growing about a meter in height, somehow with my System items and gear growing with me as pitch black fur grows out of my skin. The fur then gains a very faint crimson hue with full on streaks of crimson in some places, and by the time the transformation is finished, I find myself raising my head and howling at the moon that’s currently high in the sky, only to realize what I’d just done. Then I quickly jump over to a frozen pond near the vein before looking at the frozen water to find my eyes widening.

A werewolf? One of the most powerful monsters from the Dark Forest?

I really turned into one of those?

That’s new.


Due to your use of the skill The Calling of Wrath’s first effect, the following changes have been made to your status:

All stats while transformed will be doubled.

All attacks will disturb the Wrath energy within whatever is hit, causing it to run rampant in their body, sending very minimal amounts of true damage to various parts of them.

The Temporary Skill ‘Call of Wrath’ has been given to you to use once. This skill will release all of the Wrath built up within your body at once in a single breath attack. However, the longer you have been in beast form, the weaker the breath attack will be.

These changes will last either till one hour has passed, or you use the Call of Wrath skill.

Note: Whether you use the skill or not, it will vanish once you revert back.


That’s not.

Then another System note appears in my vision.


Wrathful Transformation has reached 1%.


That is.

What does that mean?

I stare at it for a couple seconds before the note vanishes, leaving me staring at the reflection of a werewolf with pitch black fur streaked with red standing in a tundra wearing armor and a cloak. Then I remember my time limit on the skill.

No time to wonder now. Now I need to go on a killing spree.

I nod my canine head at the thought before stretching my claws slightly, both the ones on my feet and my hands, and then jumping straight into the air, clearing over a dozen meters in the one jump as I make my way towards another vein. And as soon as the ice wraiths there notice me coming, they stop fighting amongst themselves and begin focusing solely on me.

A faint red and black glow shines from my claws as I draw them back before striking directly at the first ice wraith, tearing bloody streaks through the usually ethereal monster. But this one doesn’t turn into red ash like the others, and that fact seems to raise the confidence of the others as they begin to rush at me all at once.

I glance at the five other ice wraiths approaching before rushing to meet one of them, moving much faster than it in the process as I tear my claws through its throat while passing by, making it turn into a pile of red ash. Then I move through the others, slowly shredding them apart. But in the end, the first one that turns to ash is the only one that does so. Which makes sense, since there are seven Sin energies, and only one of them will be affected by my attacks like that.

Out of the corner of my eye, I find the wyverns glancing at me only to ignore me. And even the leader of the ice wraiths ignores me, likely not wanting to risk being turned to red ash itself.

So I continue killing the ice wraiths for a few more seconds until a mission appears in my vision. One that has my grin growing even wider.


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