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                                 Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 3

The man’s lecture lasts for nearly forty minutes before he finishes, all the while writing a basic program for a Tier III spell into his terminal that he promptly sends me. Although I hesitate to call it basic like he does. Since this is a lot more complicated than any of the spells I’ve made before.

After that he just sends me to the front gate inside of some sort of military jeep with a force of armed guards around me, showing just how little he really trusts me not to lose control of my bloodlust. Not that I can really blame him considering what I did to one of his men a while back.

I don’t bother paying much attention beyond what’s necessary for situational awareness to the citizens we’re driving by, just focusing on my terminal as I look through the program the man sent me while also reading through the notes I took. The process itself isn’t as complicated as I’d thought it would be, but he didn’t have too much advice about using fire mana to be specific. Not much that I can really go on to design a new fire mana spell. Plenty that I can use for neutral spells, such as invigorate which is a spell that uses neutral mana or just mana of any element to poke and prod at the cells of a body to give them a little jump start in healing. But nothing particular for fire.

That said, I do have some ideas. Like a spell to kill off poisoned or corrupted cells through a controlled slow burn of the specific cells. But that will have to wait till I’m skilled enough in Tier III spells design to actually accomplish making something like that.

I don’t look up from my terminal until I hear the vehicle stopping at the outskirts of the city, and when I do, I find the driver staring at me through the window separating the back of the vehicle from the driver’s portion with a rather frightened look on his face. One that grows worse when he finds me returning his gaze.

“W-we’re here, sir,” he says, stuttering ever so slightly. So I close out of my terminal and get up right as the door to the vehicle opens to reveal another frightened looking soldier.

Wonder if it’s because they saw the body of the other guy or if it’s just because of my red eyes? Or maybe my status as a magician?

Come to think of it, there are a lot of reasons for people here to be afraid of me.

And surprisingly that doesn’t bother me.

I step out of the vehicle before leaving through the gate, briefly glancing at the moon in the sky marking it as having reached nighttime already. Then I glance back at the soldiers to fortunately find them not pointing any guns at me this time before I continue walking towards and into the tree-line in the direction of my home, ignoring the soldiers entirely from that point on.

That really was a pain. And I’m supposed to visit at least once a week to bring in food. But at the same time, I’m allowed to visit whenever I want and conduct trade with the citizens as long as I have an armed guard following me around. And I can visit once every two weeks for a tutored lesson directly with Xavier in spell crafting for both Tier III and IV spells, since he couldn’t get me a sword sparring partner.

Which really is a pity, but oh well. Just have to take what I can get. And it makes sense that they wouldn’t have Arcadian Metal here, meaning there really isn’t much point in having swords since guns are just better in most combat scenarios without it.

I continue walking through the forest for a while before running into a deer, which I quickly barbecue with a simple fireball spell before stashing it in my storage and continuing on my way with my dinner in tow. But at some point, I stop walking as my eyes narrow on a group of people I can smell from further ahead.


I jump into the trees before going towards them, stopping once their voices are audible.

“So the rumors are true then. New Hope’s magician really is only a Class C support magician.”

My eyes widen slightly, only to return to narrow again a second later.

Honestly, it was kind of expected. After all, how’d he manage to build such a large city so quickly? And why is he hiding that he’s a magician to the newcomers in the city?

It really doesn’t make much sense, and there’s just so many things that feel off about that city and its leader. So him being a support magician – a Special affinity magician whose affinity has very little combat application – would answer a lot of questions.

“Guess that means we will be attacking soon after all.”

I raise a brow at that before jumping to a closer tree to get a better look at the two people speaking, only to find two people – a man and a woman judging by their voices – cloaked in long black cloaks that make their faces hard to decipher in the dark.

Okay. This might lead to some annoying problems down the road, but in all honesty, I couldn’t care less about the people in that city. On the other hand, letting these two go would cause a battle that I’d be pulled into thanks to that agreement. Which wouldn’t be the worst thing, since it’d give me an offhanded bit of information about how well these magicians fight. About their technology, their cities combat strength, and other little bits of information.

But it’d also be a pain.

“Sir,” one of them – the woman – says into the terminal on her arm, “it would appear the rumors were correct.”

Oh. Well, guess I can’t do anything now regardless.

Hmm. If I let them go now, there really isn’t any consequences for me anymore. And I’d rather not just go around murdering people, sooo… yeah.

I turn around and begin making my way back to the cave.

All in all, if the fighting starts and Xavier doesn’t contact me – which he probably should’ve thought to give me a way to contact him to be honest – then I’ll never even know a fight was going on in the first place. Meaning I won’t have to help.

In the end though, I’ll see what happens when it happens.

For now, it’s time to get to work on my Tier III spells.


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