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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.


                                                          Void Stream

Mikaela was quite baffled when the screen suddenly went black, and the stadium began shifting. And even more baffled after he was magically tossed straight into the air, away from the patch black ground of the arena.

But after seeing the black ground morph into some sort of obstacle course, following which The Winter Wolf and his daughter both appear from a door and are – quite literally – spat out of it to appear on the arena ground, Mikaela can’t help the massive grin that spreads across his face. One that only grows wider as a voice – one that he recognizes as being from the void creature in the air – resonates in his head.

‘Introduce the mini boss. It is called a Ripper.’

Mikaela doesn’t even glance at the void creature as he focuses on the new arrival that is now appearing on the arena near The Winter Wolf and shouts, “The first live boss battle is upon us! Grab your refreshments! Grab your snacks! And make sure you scream as loudly as you can as we welcooooommmee…” he pauses for dramatic effect, “A ripper!!!!”

Whatever that is.

The creature lets out an incredibly loud roar that has all of the people in the audience going silent for a split second, only to explode into applause and loud cheers the next. But once again, they are forced into silence when a massive wave of void element is let out of the creature, following which an equally massive wave of voided eternal ice element is released from The Winter Wolf to combat it.

They really can fight in here! Will everyone be safe?!

Mikaela can’t help but look around at the edges of the arena, only for his nerves to be calmed at the sight of both elements being stopped by a massive barrier that flashes the moment the elements hit it around the arena. One also made from void energy.

He looks up at the void creature in the sky before focusing on the arena again.

The void creature, or rather, the ripper is massive, standing at nearly five meters tall, and it has two large black, curved blades making up its arms, with smaller blades – also black – sticking out of its legs and back. And the back of its head.

Oh. Wow. That’s a lot of blades.

Mikaela stares at the blades as the massive creature lets our an equally massive roar, expelling large amounts of void element from those very blades in the process. It only takes a few more seconds of this though before large swaths of that void element begin to coalesce around the blades, coating them as if they were a chainsaw like Mikaela had seen from videos on a planet called ‘Earth’. The very one The Winter Wolf is from.

“I’ll be honest, folks,” Mikaela shouts, making both The Winter Wolf and the void creature flinch slightly as if reacting to his words, “I have no idea what this creature can do. But I can at least say this for sure.” He pauses here as he flies in as close as the barrier will let him before spreading his arms out and shouting in an even louder voice, “It will be one of the greatest fights you have seen in your lives!!!”

Mikaela immediately flinches when he sees The Winter Wolf directing a frown in his direction, clearly annoyed by his commentary.

Okay, maybe I should tone it down while he’s actually here to listen…

‘If you do that, we will get a replacement. One way, or another.’ The void creature’s voice echoes in his head, clearly having somehow read his thoughts.

A cold swear runs down Mikaela’s back as he realizes that it can read his thoughts, not to mention the boldfaced threat it just gave him. So he continues commenting like his life depends on it.

Because it very likely does.



I can’t help but notice Mikaela freezing in place for a few seconds before he just resumes his rather annoying commentating. Which honestly kind of irritates me. Considering how he’s, well, commentating on my fight to the death with whatever this thing is.

The sound of movement from the ripper creature brings my attention back to it again to find it taking a single step towards me. And I once again can’t help but frown when identifying it gives me a notification.

<-||-| You are not within the bounds of the System. Please enter the System and try again. |-||->

The hell I’m not in the System? We’re literally standing in a viewing room!!!

And once again, how are you even giving me this note if I’m not in the bounds of the System?!

Uncaring of my inner dilemma, the ripper takes one more step towards me, then another, and another, then bursts off into a sprint straight at me. I immediately shift to my hunter form while raising both of my gauntleted claws to block, only to feel a massive force strike me, pushing me back dozens of meters in the process while tearing up the pitch black ground into a mist of black dust.

I grit my teeth as I finally stop, only to see the creature rushing out from the dust again before I dodge to the side, letting its clawed hand strike directly at the ground instead of me.

For some reason, despite all of the blades on its body, it felt like the creature had fur coating its otherwise bland looking claws. Like its body itself wasn’t as it appeared.

I narrow my eyes as the mist of dust finally clears to get a closer look at the monster, only to find it charging at me again.

Oh, come on! Can you let me have a moment to study you?!

As if on cue, Sapphire suddenly jumps from where she was standing and transforms into her spider form at max size before swinging two of her sharp limbs at the creature. But all she manages to do is force it a little bit into the ground and nothing more.

“Shit,” I grunt before calling out, “get back!”

And Sapphire does just that. Right before a wave of void element shoots out of it, just barely missing her in the process.


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Jalil Hayes

Mikaela just can't catch a break can he lol