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Sorry about the lack of chapters in the past couple days. It was due to this week being midterms week for college. So I had several exams and quizzes and even a project I had to deal with, and couldn't write in this time.

That said, chapters return as normal starting tomorrow. Since Spring break starts now :)

One whole week off of anything class related!

Also, The Rise of the Winter Wolf book 4 releases on Amazon tonight!!! Just in a few hours! Woohoo!

Furthermore, Wolf of the Blood Moon is doing better than any of my other stories have done by a large margin on Royal Road! Which means it will be getting a regular upload schedule! Even after it runs out of backlog to post!

Lastly, I'll be posting the remaining chapters that I haven't posted on Patreon yet of Wolf of the Blood Moon, but these will be locked via the regular tiers for up to twenty chapters. Won't be for a couple of days that I do this though, but they will be there soon!

Have a lovely day, and if you are entering Spring break like me, have a great break!

PS: I am writing an Undying chapter right now, so that'll be posted later tonight.


Jalil Hayes

Hope you did well on your exams and can't wait for the updates just make sure not to burn yourself out


I feel like I did well on most of them. And the one I was worried about the most I should at least pass with a C at minimum. Which is fine considering that the class it's for is Compilers.

Jalil Hayes

Well that's good and I'm waiting for the book to be available I can't wait


If you're talking about Winter Wolf book 4, the time it goes live varies depending on the country you're in I believe. It's actually already available for purchase in Australia.

Jalil Hayes

I'm in Georgia so I have to wait until midnight so another hour and a half for me

John O'Connor

I’m glad you are putting more work into Bloodmoon as it’s all I resubbed for.

good guy

As someone who just recently completed a CS degree, it's really impressive that you're passing your classes and writing so much. Props to you!


Thanks! Although to be honest, I do skip my classes from time to time to make more time. But I still have a gpa of 3.28/4, so it's fine lol.

good guy

Lol. I really only went for exams. Never quite got the point of going to lecture when GeeksForGeeks and textbooks existed w/ practice questions. Now that ChatGPT can generate practice questions and explanations, I get the point even less. 😅😅

Sabastian Nelson

Will wolf of the blood moon continue to come here or only royal road?


Reread the announcement. I specified it in there. Or just read this, which is copy pasted from the announcement. Lastly, I'll be posting the remaining chapters that I haven't posted on Patreon yet of Wolf of the Blood Moon, but these will be locked via the regular tiers for up to twenty chapters. Won't be for a couple of days that I do this though, but they will be there soon!

Colin Clark

I can’t wait for more blood moon chapters!