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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.



Two of them I don’t recognize in the slightest bit beyond the fact that one is very obviously not a human, what with their large wings sticking out of their back. The third on the other hand is Dewey Hobbs, that Shadow Panterra guy with the title Dark Shadow.

Dewey just gives me a polite nod before turning to face the center of the white cube of a room as a large rectangle falls from the ceiling and lands there with words on each face of it. Words saying to watch your landing.

I blink in surprise, only to let out a short shout of surprise when I feel the flood vanishing beneath my feet, following which I fall straight down into a dark abyss. But just seconds later, I find myself appearing inside of a strange corridor with no ceiling, and nearly twenty meter high walls on either side of me.

Out of the corner of my eye I find Sapphire standing next to me looking around with a confused expression on her face, no longer trying to get me to admit to something I definitely didn’t do.

Right. Maze.

A brief idea comes to mind before I find myself grinning. I glance down as I see Sapphire sending me a curious look, likely wondering what I’m grinning about, but I just tell her, “Get in my shadow. We’re gonna have some fun.”

Her curious look only grows stronger as she jumps into my shadow.

I lower the sound proofing on my headphones and focus on my hearing. Just truly focus on it to hear the sound of wind and basically anything bouncing through the maze. Then I jump up, flapping my wings once and immediately make a beeline towards the sound of something making some sort of music.


                                                      Void Stream

“And there goes The Winter Wolf, making a beeline straight through the maze without even bothering to check which direction he’s going!” Mikaela shouts with excitement in his voice radiating out to the entire viewing room, sending the viewers ablaze with cheers. He then watches the man just make dedicated turns in the maze, each of which seems to be leading them – as shown on the massive screen with the maze’s layout shown about the main screen – towards the mythic loot box. “Holy shit, he’s seriously just going for it! Before the others have even gotten their bearings, he’s already getting close to the extra reward in the maze! But how is he doing it?!”

Everyone continues watching with bated breaths until he finally arrives at the mythic loot box, where the crowd immediately hears and recognizes the music playing that represents a mythic loot box in the dungeon. The music has a loud beat to it, with an intense, celebratory theme. And the moment Mikaela hears the music, the answer clicks in his head.

“He was listening for the music!!! The Winter Wolf was using his incredible hearing to listen for the music from the mythic loot box to track it!” Mikaela shouts, his voice very nearly cracking as it echoes throughout the stadium, riling up all of the viewers even more. Even the much smaller number of fans from the three Competitors can’t help but clap at his smart idea.

However, the moment the loot box opens, everyone goes silent at the sight of the knowledge crystal inside.

Knowledge Crystal | Health Conversion Knowledge Crystal | Tier 9
Use of this knowledge crystal will endow the user with the knowledge on how to convert their physical life energy into stamina.

No one says a word. Not even after Wolf reaches out and both takes and uses the knowledge crystal in an instant with a wide grin on his face.

It isn’t until a large explosion of fireworks echoes out above the maze, with the words ‘The Winter Wolf has claimed the Mythic Loot Box! Kill him now before the end of the Game and you can claim his loot!’ that everyone in the viewing room goes ballistic, shouting all at once. Even Mikaela can’t help but stare at the screen as the knowledge in that crystal flashes in his mind.

“That’s possible…?” Mikaela eventually mutters amidst the shouts resonating around the stadium. “That’s… wow. I need that.”

Almost every last person in the stadium shouts their agreement with the words that the unwitting host mumbled without even realizing it. Meanwhile Wolf can still be seen just grinning from ear to ear as he goes through the rest of the maze, even if he can’t find the exact route anymore. After all, there’s nothing that he knows that sets apart the center of the maze from the rest through sound.

Even when he hits dead ends in the maze, he just keeps flying through while seemingly focusing on something.

‘The sneaky bastard is just learning it while everyone from multiple viewing rooms are just watching him…’ Mikaela thinks to himself, unsure of if he should be amused or irritated. But his experience as a commentator breaks him through it as he notices Dewey getting close to Wolf’s position and shouts, “And it looks like we’ll be seeing a clash of two of our-” Mikaela shuts up as he sees Wolf flying straight past the shadow panterra without a word, sending a shockwave of air past the man in the process that stuns him for a moment before he continues moving. “Or not.”

Many of the people in the audience break out into laughter, shattering the tense atmosphere that was previously there and making Mikaela breath out a breath of relief. Then he says, “I wonder if Dewey even really noticed The Winter Wolf? Or if he thought that shockwave was just a trap or something.”

Words of agreement mixed in with jokes echo throughout the stadium, but despite all that is going on in the Void Stream, Wolf continues flying through the air with a grin on his face.

‘To think he has a healing power and the reverse now…’ Mikaela thinks to himself, shaking his head in a mixture of bewilderment and jealousy. ‘At this point it’s probably a good thing he was moved to the Beta Dungeon instead. The other Competitors aren’t even his competition anymore.’


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